RESISTANCE: "The shape of things to come"!

Fake News, or the shape of things to come?

  • It's all fake, Trump won the popular vote and Utah's a Blue State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Time will tell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support the Affordable Care Act, and I want Obamacare to be repealed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Keep losing like you are. We enjoy the daily stupid. You ought to offer a newspaper called "The Daily Stupid."

None are so blind as they who won't see. Keep your head in the sand, and this will be on your tombstone:

First they came for the undocumented, and I did not speak out—
Because I had the necessary documents;

Then they came for the Journalists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Journalist;

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a liberal;

Then they came for the gays and lesbians, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not gay or lesbian;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

If there was nobody left, who came for you cuz, there's nobody left?

Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
None are so blind as they who won't see. Keep your head in the sand, and this will be on your tombstone:

First they came for the undocumented, and I did not speak out—
Because I had the necessary documents;

Then they came for the Journalists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Journalist;

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a liberal;

Then they came for the gays and lesbians, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not gay or lesbian;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

If there was nobody left, who came for you cuz, there's nobody left?

Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
Note: This thread was not intended to troll for fools, sadly it has. The resistance to Fascism in America is growing, and the members of the Ostrich Party are keeping their already myopic vision blind to reality.


A day without women: ‘General strike’ against Trump gains traction

Claiming you are resisting fascism by acting like fascists?

You can't make this chit up folks.

And what evidence can you make up, in calling me a fascist? Come on up and make your case, or admit by your silence, have nothing to post of substance.

Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Not one of the responses (above) have touched on the issue raised in the OP. Denial seems to be the guiding and common response to the OP, and to the reality of the anger at the current administration, a short 3-weeks into a four year term.

Where are the adults who still remain in the Republican Party? It seems they too have been tossed under the bus and any power they may have once had, has been crushed under the jack boots of trump&co.
If there was nobody left, who came for you cuz, there's nobody left?

Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
Note: This thread was not intended to troll for fools, sadly it has. The resistance to Fascism in America is growing, and the members of the Ostrich Party are keeping their already myopic vision blind to reality.


A day without women: ‘General strike’ against Trump gains traction

Claiming you are resisting fascism by acting like fascists?

You can't make this chit up folks.

And what evidence can you make up, in calling me a fascist? Come on up and make your case, or admit by your silence, have nothing to post of substance.

Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.
Keep at it. Look how well it's worked out for you fucking assholes. You've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, seats across every state and local.



"fucking assholes"? [your (lack) of education is showing]
Keep losing like you are. We enjoy the daily stupid. You ought to offer a newspaper called "The Daily Stupid."

None are so blind as they who won't see. Keep your head in the sand, and this will be on your tombstone:

First they came for the undocumented, and I did not speak out—
Because I had the necessary documents;

Then they came for the Journalists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Journalist;

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a liberal;

Then they came for the gays and lesbians, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not gay or lesbian;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

It must be SO hard for you living in such a state of continual fear.
None are so blind as they who won't see. Keep your head in the sand, and this will be on your tombstone:

First they came for the undocumented, and I did not speak out—
Because I had the necessary documents;

Then they came for the Journalists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Journalist;

Then they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a liberal;

Then they came for the gays and lesbians, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not gay or lesbian;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

If there was nobody left, who came for you cuz, there's nobody left?

Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
How do you know everything? You must be really smart. That must be why you voted for Clinton and more fascism.
Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
Claiming you are resisting fascism by acting like fascists?

You can't make this chit up folks.

And what evidence can you make up, in calling me a fascist? Come on up and make your case, or admit by your silence, have nothing to post of substance.

Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
And what evidence can you make up, in calling me a fascist? Come on up and make your case, or admit by your silence, have nothing to post of substance.

Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.

They are resisting logic and reality.
Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.

They are resisting logic and reality.

He sure is taking a long time to respond. I hope it's not with a wall of meaningless text.

One concise paragraph would do.
Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.

They are resisting logic and reality.

He sure is taking a long time to respond. I hope it's not with a wall of meaningless text.

One concise paragraph would do.

He either runs away or starts calling names when he gets cornered.
No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.

They are resisting logic and reality.

He sure is taking a long time to respond. I hope it's not with a wall of meaningless text.

One concise paragraph would do.

He either runs away or starts calling names when he gets cornered.

That's due to the "conditioning" from the education system. It's like their brains short-circuit. It can be seen in some Youtube video where a slightly pudgy girl is interviewing the "women's protest" marchers. Skip to the last interviewee (It's a guy).
If there was nobody left, who came for you cuz, there's nobody left?

Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
How do you know everything? You must be really smart. That must be why you voted for Clinton and more fascism.

I don't know everything, and don't pretend I do. I make mistakes, in judgment and in fact, but I correct them when I reconsider them in light of new evidence, and/or a sound argument which rings true;

I am smart, I've been told that since elementary school and throughout my life. Even smart people make mistakes, something miketx wouldn't know or comprehend;

I vote for Clinton, I felt Sander's was more on the mark - more acceptable to the voters - but that he would suffer the same fate as did Obama, a stiff resistence by the Republican Party which would not allow Sanders to get passed a McConnell/Tea Party blitzkrieg, i.e. SOCIALISM!!!

Sander's long held ideas would be lambasted by the conservatives, and yet his ideas were very little different than trumps stump speech; however, trump is a demagouge and a charlatan, even now we have no idea what his agenda is, beyond, "I am the Decider".

We do know that Sander's is a humanist, and trump is a narcissist who has become with power a megalomaniac. Yes, I voted for HRC, as more likely to move our nation forward, not into the past with trump, and not be caught in the tea party made doldrums of the past 8 years.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
And what evidence can you make up, in calling me a fascist? Come on up and make your case, or admit by your silence, have nothing to post of substance.

Anyone can search your post. That is evidence enough for freedom loving, patriotic Americans. Got that Fritz?

Apparently my question left you dumb, as well as dear. For there is nothing of substance in your response, and no proof you're a "freedom loving, patriotic American(s)". I've ready many of your posts, lacking substance is the one memorable take away.

No guy, you don't get to quote and leave out the important pictures.

Your poster:


Communist poster, same raised fist:


Ergo your "resist" movement is Communist. In about 6 months they'll be huddled on a street corner waving signs and begging for honks.

Your use of "Ergo" lacks valid premises and is, frankly, rather silly coming from you.

Do elaborate on what it is you are so adamantly resisting.

I have. Either you have not read my criticism of trump&co or you failed to comprehend my words; bias tends to blind many on the right, and why I coined the phrase willfully ignorant.
"Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz jeered and booed at town hall"


"The town hall meeting held by House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz in a Salt Lake City suburb Thursday night was raucous, packed — and a sign of things to come.

"The meeting had to be moved to accommodate the crowd, and still hundreds of people couldn’t get in, waiting outside it and chanting, “Your last term!” after it was over. The Salt Lake County GOP knew it was going to be packed and urged its members Tuesday to turn out to counter an expected wave of angry resistance movement attendees. It didn’t make any difference.

"The room in Cottonwood Heights held more than 1,000 and was quickly filled."
with people who were from out of state mostly. funny shite.
Another dumb response, what is it, something you fools consume? Ah, of course, the bullshit and those who echo it.
^ Headline on the Daily Stupid.

Header of the Communo-Anarchists Daily bulletin.

Ah, the RED SCARE, another example of a fool defaulting to a hackneyed pejorative echo.
How do you know everything? You must be really smart. That must be why you voted for Clinton and more fascism.

I don't know everything, and don't pretend I do. I make mistakes, in judgment and in fact, but I correct them when I reconsider them in light of new evidence, and/or a sound argument which rings true;

I am smart, I've been told that since elementary school and throughout my life. Even smart people make mistakes, something miketx wouldn't know or comprehend;

I vote for Clinton, I felt Sander's was more on the mark - more acceptable to the voters - but that he would suffer the same fate as did Obama, a stiff resistence by the Republican Party which would not allow Sanders to get passed a McConnell/Tea Party blitzkrieg, i.e. SOCIALISM!!!

Sander's long held ideas would be lambasted by the conservatives, and yet his ideas were very little different than trumps stump speech; however, trump is a demagouge and a charlatan, even now we have no idea what his agenda is, beyond, "I am the Decider".

We do know that Sander's is a humanist, and trump is a narcissist who has become with power a megalomaniac. Yes, I voted for HRC, as more likely to move our nation forward, not into the past with trump, and not be caught in the tea party made doldrums of the past 8 years.

Now that you're all done self-aggrandizing, how about explaining this "resistance" aye?
Keep at it. Look how well it's worked out for you fucking assholes. You've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, seats across every state and local.


We need to put it in terms the Democrat mind can comprehend:

Soros paid protesters disrupted a Republican town hall.

exactly. So it's just the same shit different place. However, on this one I do feel bad that the folks he represents again had their first amendment violated. Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt..........I got a feeling........

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