Now it's a basic law: The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people

You have proven nothing about Israel being a religious State.
Their government being interwined with the Jewish religious institution shows they are not a secular state. No other proof is required, that is conclusive.
You are saying nothing. Nothing. Intertwined in what way. What does that mean?

Or are you mainly saying that because Israel is a Jewish State, as defined by law, that it is a religious State?

Italy, Brazil, all of Europe and the Americas are Christian States?
Are they all religious, then?

Your issue is with Israel defining itself, and rightfully so, with being Jewish. Is it not?
Israel is, now officially by law, a Jewish supremacy state. On the ground, this means special status for Jews, promotion of new, Jewish only communities, and material sponsorship of Jewish places of worship. The secular forces in the Israeli government are stymied by the right wing and the haredi, and by a corrupt, authoritarian prime minister with an affinity for totalitarian states and their postures. His totalitarianism is for Jews and Judaism.

You do know Judaism is a religion....right?
Ahhhhhh, we have finally arrived at your problem.

Understanding what you are talking about.

Which you do not.

You surely took the longest and most whidding road to come to what you actually wanted to say.

Israel is an "Apartheid State".

This is the wrong thread for this discussion, as I stated before.

But, No........Israel is not an Apartheid State, never has been and never will be.

But thank you for all the ignorance you managed to finally get out of yourself. It was quite refreshing.

Finally !!!!

Want to start your own thread on Israel being an Apartheid State, although there is one or more of them around this community and possible the Middle East community, feel free.

Once one gets away from discussing how Israel was created and the Mandate for Palestine, the mods have this habit of getting quite upset, and letting posters know it.

So long Indiana, see you in any other thread but this one where Israeli Apartheid is actually the topic of the thread.
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Israel is, now officially by law, a Jewish supremacy state.

Ah. I had suspected that was buried under there somewhere. Didn't take too long to pluck that out, after all.

Tell me, what MAKES Israel a "supremacy" state? Be specific.

Also, how many "supremacy" states exist in the world, using your criteria?
Tell me, what MAKES Israel a "supremacy" state? Be specific.
They have codified into law that institutionalizes and enshrines the right of national self-determination as “unique to the Jewish people”, not to all its citizens. That was an error. And there are plenty of secular Israelites who agree with me 100%. They don't want you two thin skinned reactionaries defending their country from your imagined demons.

And you are both throwing little hissies for no reason. I am on israel's side. They are the country trying hardest, in that region, to live peacefully with its cultish, belligerent neighbors. The last thing Israel should do is move to being cultish, itself. I fear it has,and will.
Israel is an "Apartheid State"
Hmm, no , I don't really think that, to that extent. But it most surely is a Jewish supremacy state. And it should stop that immediately.

You do know Judaism is a religion, right?
Yes.......I do know that Judaism is a religion.

Now, when in its history it has been about being superior to all others? Because basically you are saying that Israel is an Apartheid country. Keeping groups religiously separate from each other by force or by State law.

And since you have never been to Israel, you have no idea of what you are really saying.

Reading something like that somewhere, especially in sources bent on destroying Israel, does not make it true, does it?
Tell me, what MAKES Israel a "supremacy" state? Be specific.
They have codified into law that institutionalizes and enshrines the right of national self-determination as “unique to the Jewish people”, not to all its citizens. That was an error. And there are plenty of secular Israelites who agree with me 100%. They don't want you two thin skinned reactionaries defending their country from your imagined demons.

And you are both throwing little hissies for no reason. I am on israel's side. They are the country trying hardest, in that region, to live peacefully with its cultish, belligerent neighbors. The last thing Israel should do is move to being cultish, itself. I fear it has,and will.
You do not know one secular Jew, especially one living in Israel.
And sadly, you have never been to Israel and do not know anything about it.

And belittling us both is not going to make your arguments correct.

We have been to Israel, you have not.

When you do take your trip to Israel and have really experienced it and learned about it, then let us know.
Now, when in its history it has been about being superior to all others?
Since they passed the law i mentioned. That's rhe wording. Americans would not stand for such a law with any regard to religion. Because the United States is a secular state. And Israel is not. They should change that.

Sorry fellas, interrogation time is over. You got your answers. You tried -- and failed -- to undermine them with personal attacks and complete fantasy. So your time is up.
Also, how many "supremacy" states exist in the world, using your criteria?
I am not sure.

Really? So you haven't RESEARCHED this topic and applied it to any number of the 190-something OTHER States in the world and have ONLY tested and applied this "criteria" of yours to ONE state -- the Jewish State.

You know there is a word for that, right?
My research of that, or lack of it, or your fantasies about either is irrelevant. This thread is about Israel. You will find my commentary on other countries in other threads.
Let's try this one on for size:

Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. The Jewish people have the right to determine their destiny after achieving the liberation of their country in accordance with their wishes and entirely of their own accord and will.

Supremacy state or no?
Now, when in its history it has been about being superior to all others?
Since they passed the law i mentioned. That's rhe wording. Americans would not stand for such a law with any regard to religion. Because the United States is a secular state. And Israel is not. They should change that.

Sorry fellas, interrogation time is over. You got your answers. You tried -- and failed -- to undermine them with personal attacks and complete fantasy. So your time is up.
We are on the wrong thread to discuss your topic.

This is the right place for it. Go there, read the posts, the articles. Any questions, post there:

Now it's a basic law: The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people
Here's another:

It asserts the national sovereignty of the Jewish people.

Supremacy or no?
Also, how many "supremacy" states exist in the world, using your criteria?
I am not sure.

Really? So you haven't RESEARCHED this topic and applied it to any number of the 190-something OTHER States in the world and have ONLY tested and applied this "criteria" of yours to ONE state -- the Jewish State.

You know there is a word for that, right?
My research of that, or lack of it, or your fantasies about either is irrelevant. This thread is about Israel. You will find my commentary on other countries in other threads.
Each thread is about a different topic.

The community is about Israel and Palestine.

THIS thread, again, is not about anything Israel, it is about the Creation of Israel and the Mandate for Palestine.
Also, how many "supremacy" states exist in the world, using your criteria?
I am not sure.

Really? So you haven't RESEARCHED this topic and applied it to any number of the 190-something OTHER States in the world and have ONLY tested and applied this "criteria" of yours to ONE state -- the Jewish State.

You know there is a word for that, right?
My research of that, or lack of it, or your fantasies about either is irrelevant. This thread is about Israel. You will find my commentary on other countries in other threads.

Really? Point me. Name me threads where you have condemned another State as being "supremacy".

Your lack of research points to a double standard applied only to Israel.
Let's try this one on for size:

Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. The Jewish people have the right to determine their destiny after achieving the liberation of their country in accordance with their wishes and entirely of their own accord and will.

Supremacy state or no?
No, I think we will ignore your lame attempt to chamge lanes, and, instead, address the wording of the law i mentioned. Well, you won' will throw a fit and try to change the subject.
Name me threads where you have condemned another State as being "supremacy
Hmm,no, what I had for breakfast has no bearing on the analysis presented. But you are free to sign up for my fanclub, which will provide you with regular updates and dick pics.

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