NOW Kevin McCarthy ways he never supported the Fat Man's efforts to overturn the 2020 election

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Jimmy showing more closet love for the Orangeman

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Over turn what? Trump won legally

Only in the dreams of the deluded.
Half of America is delusional?

7 million less than half - But YES. Actually, half the people who voted Rump did so for his bigly tax cuts. But around 35 million Americans are indeed delusional!

7 million less than half of those registered to vote actually voted for Trump. But not everyone who voted for him believe he won.
Yes, there are those who are faithful Republicans who, although they voted for the Fat Man, know that he lost. They are the "True Patriots." They hold honor and self respect above those who grovel for the idiot in Florida. The problem with the Fat Man is he has been gaslighting people for long, he took for granted that everyone would believe the Big Lie.

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Over turn what? Trump won legally

Only in the dreams of the deluded.
Half of America is delusional?

7 million less than half - But YES. Actually, half the people who voted Rump did so for his bigly tax cuts. But around 35 million Americans are indeed delusional!

7 million less than half of those registered to vote actually voted for Trump. But not everyone who voted for him believe he won.
Yes, there are those who are faithful Republicans who, although they voted for the Fat Man, know that he lost. They are the "True Patriots." They hold honor and self respect above those who grovel for the idiot in Florida. The problem with the Fat Man is he has been gaslighting people for long, he took for granted that everyone would believe the Big Lie.
Ok blue anon

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Over turn what? Trump won legally

Only in the dreams of the deluded.
Half of America is delusional?

7 million less than half - But YES. Actually, half the people who voted Rump did so for his bigly tax cuts. But around 35 million Americans are indeed delusional!

7 million less than half of those registered to vote actually voted for Trump. But not everyone who voted for him believe he won.
Yes, there are those who are faithful Republicans who, although they voted for the Fat Man, know that he lost. They are the "True Patriots." They hold honor and self respect above those who grovel for the idiot in Florida. The problem with the Fat Man is he has been gaslighting people for long, he took for granted that everyone would believe the Big Lie.
Ok blue anon

Says the guy who called an asshole who beat up on an old Asian lady a "patriot".
Ya lost your cred around 50 posts ago loon.
Go surf porn or something ...
I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
The others accepted the courts' decisions and everyone moved on, but not Trump.
He attacked the courts and anybody else who would listen and made a mockery of our Democracy which morphed into the insurrection of Jan 6. His uninformed and uneducated snappers believed his horseshit and still do.
No, they were objecting in Congress....sorry...just like folks did this year. No different.

Dems attacked the Courts as well....they still to this day say Bush v Gore was the Court stealing the stop already

The Dems also couldn't accept the Trump win, even after they lost in Court and in Congress...they continued to call his illegitimate and repeatedly attempted to overthrow him, with hoaxes about a Russian Conspiracy, two impeaches, one literally based on admitted parody....this encouraged ijnsurrections around the nation for attempt to stop his swearing in in DC, breaking into the Dept of Tres, attempt to break in the White House....

So, please stop already....we see through this attempt by the left to justify their power grab, and police state tactics....
No, not to the extent that Trump reacted to his loss and his behavior leading to his loss. He tried to cajole officials of his own party into cheating, kept insisting that Pence do what he could not legally do, etc. If you remember correctly, Gore insisted the Vice President do what he was legally supposed to do and that was to ratify the election. Hillary conceded her loss to Trump and Trump, the sore loser that he is. has still not conceded his loss in public although rumor has it that, in private, he did agree that he lost. In fact, during the debate, Trump told the Qanons to "stand back and be ready". Why do you think he said that? Just for giggles? Trump's behavior has resulted in our democracy descending into turmoil, unlike those predecessors. He is one baad dood.
Actually the Washington Post had to correct their lie....he never cajole anyone.

You can attempt to justify your lies and hypocrisy all you want.....but the point is....the left did this, EVERYTIME they lost this century...they continue to say 2000 wasn't legit, and attack the Court for protecting the rights of the citizens of FL, they continue to say 2016 was illegimate because of a Russian conspiracy that was fully investigated, and they still dont' ignore the results...
You are totally be expected of a MAGA GOPQ cult member.
insults....the last refuge of the insecure.....well actually I prefer...the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.
The Fat Man lost. Just accept it and move on. I have never seen an instance when a man that lost so decisively, continues to say he won and even has his mindless cult members trying to spread the lie.

Sometimes, insults are the only way to handle those that will not listen to facts and logic. You are one of those cases where there is no reasoning with you. I hope that you don't hold a similar unmovable stance when it comes to other issues that you just cannot accept the truth. If you do, then you and everyone around you must be very miserable.
I have....I wasn't the one that started a thread about him...nor have I ever.

Your post here confirms my post....
You are annoying...but thanks for playing!
The truth is often annoying to the truth deniers
hahah don't hold your breath for that indictment either.....

You're gonna be a sad little man (woman?) when the indictments start flying.
Patience my pretty - PATIENCE

I've been hearing that for years long are you gonna let the propagandist lead you on?

Only been 2 months since your Dotard mercifully left the building.
He'll be hit with heapin' helpins of Cy Vance, Letitia James, Fani Willis and SDNY by the end of this year. ;)
i've heard that all before...actually i heard they were going to be waiting on him....guess you all had to move the goal post
I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
The others accepted the courts' decisions and everyone moved on, but not Trump.
He attacked the courts and anybody else who would listen and made a mockery of our Democracy which morphed into the insurrection of Jan 6. His uninformed and uneducated snappers believed his horseshit and still do.
No, they were objecting in Congress....sorry...just like folks did this year. No different.

Dems attacked the Courts as well....they still to this day say Bush v Gore was the Court stealing the stop already

The Dems also couldn't accept the Trump win, even after they lost in Court and in Congress...they continued to call his illegitimate and repeatedly attempted to overthrow him, with hoaxes about a Russian Conspiracy, two impeaches, one literally based on admitted parody....this encouraged ijnsurrections around the nation for attempt to stop his swearing in in DC, breaking into the Dept of Tres, attempt to break in the White House....

So, please stop already....we see through this attempt by the left to justify their power grab, and police state tactics....
No, not to the extent that Trump reacted to his loss and his behavior leading to his loss. He tried to cajole officials of his own party into cheating, kept insisting that Pence do what he could not legally do, etc. If you remember correctly, Gore insisted the Vice President do what he was legally supposed to do and that was to ratify the election. Hillary conceded her loss to Trump and Trump, the sore loser that he is. has still not conceded his loss in public although rumor has it that, in private, he did agree that he lost. In fact, during the debate, Trump told the Qanons to "stand back and be ready". Why do you think he said that? Just for giggles? Trump's behavior has resulted in our democracy descending into turmoil, unlike those predecessors. He is one baad dood.
Actually the Washington Post had to correct their lie....he never cajole anyone.

You can attempt to justify your lies and hypocrisy all you want.....but the point is....the left did this, EVERYTIME they lost this century...they continue to say 2000 wasn't legit, and attack the Court for protecting the rights of the citizens of FL, they continue to say 2016 was illegimate because of a Russian conspiracy that was fully investigated, and they still dont' ignore the results...
You are totally be expected of a MAGA GOPQ cult member.
insults....the last refuge of the insecure.....well actually I prefer...the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.
The Fat Man lost. Just accept it and move on. I have never seen an instance when a man that lost so decisively, continues to say he won and even has his mindless cult members trying to spread the lie.

Sometimes, insults are the only way to handle those that will not listen to facts and logic. You are one of those cases where there is no reasoning with you. I hope that you don't hold a similar unmovable stance when it comes to other issues that you just cannot accept the truth. If you do, then you and everyone around you must be very miserable.
I have....I wasn't the one that started a thread about him...nor have I ever.

Your post here confirms my post....
You are annoying...but thanks for playing!
The truth is often annoying to the truth deniers
The truth is....The Fat Man lost Bigly. It is over. It is Finished. It is Done. Find another vocation besides lying for the Fat Man.
I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
The others accepted the courts' decisions and everyone moved on, but not Trump.
He attacked the courts and anybody else who would listen and made a mockery of our Democracy which morphed into the insurrection of Jan 6. His uninformed and uneducated snappers believed his horseshit and still do.
No, they were objecting in Congress....sorry...just like folks did this year. No different.

Dems attacked the Courts as well....they still to this day say Bush v Gore was the Court stealing the stop already

The Dems also couldn't accept the Trump win, even after they lost in Court and in Congress...they continued to call his illegitimate and repeatedly attempted to overthrow him, with hoaxes about a Russian Conspiracy, two impeaches, one literally based on admitted parody....this encouraged ijnsurrections around the nation for attempt to stop his swearing in in DC, breaking into the Dept of Tres, attempt to break in the White House....

So, please stop already....we see through this attempt by the left to justify their power grab, and police state tactics....
No, not to the extent that Trump reacted to his loss and his behavior leading to his loss. He tried to cajole officials of his own party into cheating, kept insisting that Pence do what he could not legally do, etc. If you remember correctly, Gore insisted the Vice President do what he was legally supposed to do and that was to ratify the election. Hillary conceded her loss to Trump and Trump, the sore loser that he is. has still not conceded his loss in public although rumor has it that, in private, he did agree that he lost. In fact, during the debate, Trump told the Qanons to "stand back and be ready". Why do you think he said that? Just for giggles? Trump's behavior has resulted in our democracy descending into turmoil, unlike those predecessors. He is one baad dood.
Actually the Washington Post had to correct their lie....he never cajole anyone.

You can attempt to justify your lies and hypocrisy all you want.....but the point is....the left did this, EVERYTIME they lost this century...they continue to say 2000 wasn't legit, and attack the Court for protecting the rights of the citizens of FL, they continue to say 2016 was illegimate because of a Russian conspiracy that was fully investigated, and they still dont' ignore the results...
You are totally be expected of a MAGA GOPQ cult member.
insults....the last refuge of the insecure.....well actually I prefer...the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.
The Fat Man lost. Just accept it and move on. I have never seen an instance when a man that lost so decisively, continues to say he won and even has his mindless cult members trying to spread the lie.

Sometimes, insults are the only way to handle those that will not listen to facts and logic. You are one of those cases where there is no reasoning with you. I hope that you don't hold a similar unmovable stance when it comes to other issues that you just cannot accept the truth. If you do, then you and everyone around you must be very miserable.
I have....I wasn't the one that started a thread about him...nor have I ever.

Your post here confirms my post....
You are annoying...but thanks for playing!
The truth is often annoying to the truth deniers
The truth is....The Fat Man lost Bigly. It is over. It is Finished. It is Done. Find another vocation besides lying for the Fat Man.
I am sorry, when did I say it wasn't over? and when did I lie?
It seems that Kevin has a history of attempts at rewriting History...

Kevin is a Cold Stone Liar...
From my link...the two faces of Kevin McCarthy:

McCarthy also attempted to change the record on his views of the attack on the Capitol itself, stating that he believed Trump wasn’t responsible for what had happened.

“I don’t believe [Trump] provoked, if you listened to what he said at the rally,” McCarthy said during the press conference.

Last week, however, prior to Trump’s impeachment in the House for his role in the attacks, McCarthy had expressed the exact opposite view.

“The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters,” McCarthy had said at that time.

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