Now let's watch as the so called peaceniks on the left cry that our troops are coming home


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Keep in mind they are same fucking losers that cheered when al gore attacked the first Bush punching bag for not getting saddam hussein, their hero. Al gore speech about Iraq, terrorism and wmds.

Then, they cheered their stupid fucking hyocritical asses off when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Then, they of course all know they yelled and cried and called for impeachment of the second Bush punching bag for enforcing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds stating that it was Bush that lied.

Then, they claimed Trump is a war monger despite not creating any wars.

Now they are claiming he is weak and of course a racist for bringing the troops home.

Folks, you cannot debate losers who take on every side of every issue and only goes where the crowd and their media overlords tell to go.

We all saw them change in an instant when Colbert told them they are supposed to be fans of comey after 5 months of calling for his resignation.

They deserve to be spit on or have fresh wet hot shit smeared in their faces. Giving them respect is an utter waste of fucking time.
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Huge hypocrites and double standard on the Left. They'd find fault if Trump came up with the cure for cancer.

What happened to "no blood for oil!", "America is a Colonial power!", and "no more Nation Building!"???
Sending our young men and women to risk their lives because our leaders want to protect their energy investment? These damn Democrats claim they want want green energy but really they are worried about big oil.
Keep in mind they are same fucking losers that cheered when al gore attacked the first Bush punching bag for not getting saddam hussein, their hero. Al gore speech about Iraq, terrorism and wmds.

Then, they cheered their stupid fucking hyocritical asses off when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Then, they of course all know they yelled and cried and called for impeachment of the second Bush punching bag for enforcing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds stating that it was Bush that lied.

Then, they claimed Trump is a war monger despite not creating any wars.

Now they are claiming he is weak and of course a racist for bringing the troops home.

Folks, you cannot debate losers who take on every side of every issue and only goes where the crowd and their media overlords tell to go.

We all saw them change in an instant when Colbert told them they are supposed to be fans of comey after 5 months of calling for his resignation.

They deserve to be spit on or have fresh wet hot shit smeared in their faces. Giving them respect is an utter waste of fucking time.

It's always amusing to watch the musings of a wag with his head so far up his ass that he thinks the strawman voices in his own head constitute some kind of "They". :lmao:
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Turkey would not attack as long as our troops were there

Trump stepped aside so that Turkey could fill the void
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Turkey would not attack as long as our troops were there

Trump stepped aside so that Turkey could fill the void
Like it or not.
Turkey is a NATO ally where we still have an active military base.

How is it in our interest to get involved? Our option at this point is diplomatic channels such as revoking NATO membership and sanctions.
Diplomacy before war, at least that's what liberals USED to preach.

Kurds fought ISIS in their own interests and used us as we used them for a common objective. They sure as hell didn't out of some moral obligation to us.
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Turkey would not attack as long as our troops were there

Trump stepped aside so that Turkey could fill the void

From what I've read, the Turks were going in no matter what.

Trump was advised he should get his troops out of the way, or possibly lose them.
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50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Turkey would not attack as long as our troops were there

Trump stepped aside so that Turkey could fill the void

We shouldn’t be there, if we weren’t, our NATO partner would have already attacked.
Keep in mind they are same fucking losers that cheered when al gore attacked the first Bush punching bag for not getting saddam hussein, their hero. Al gore speech about Iraq, terrorism and wmds.

Then, they cheered their stupid fucking hyocritical asses off when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Then, they of course all know they yelled and cried and called for impeachment of the second Bush punching bag for enforcing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds stating that it was Bush that lied.

Then, they claimed Trump is a war monger despite not creating any wars.

Now they are claiming he is weak and of course a racist for bringing the troops home.

Folks, you cannot debate losers who take on every side of every issue and only goes where the crowd and their media overlords tell to go.

We all saw them change in an instant when Colbert told them they are supposed to be fans of comey after 5 months of calling for his resignation.

They deserve to be spit on or have fresh wet hot shit smeared in their faces. Giving them respect is an utter waste of fucking time.

They'll spit on the returning troops like always
50 Troops



That's what the left thought we should possibly sacrifice to keep an entire Turkish military at bay.

This is just more proof that these Muslim shitholes are not worth our blood and treasure.
Turkey would not attack as long as our troops were there

Trump stepped aside so that Turkey could fill the void
....with our troops there, the problem would fester on and on and on--nothing would change--same problems
Where is fuck is the fucking UN? Hmmmm? Fucking leftists! Where the fuck is the fucking UN and what the fuck is their job SUPPOSED TO BE, other than devising ways to bring down the free market west and enslaving the world's middle class?
Where is fuck is the fucking UN? Hmmmm? Fucking leftists! Where the fuck is the fucking UN and what the fuck is their job SUPPOSED TO BE, other than devising ways to bring down the free market west and enslaving the world's middle class?
....that's what I have been saying--so we pay the UN and then we pay/waste our $$$ sending our troops there = double fked
The United States is the largest provider of financial contributions to the United Nations, providing 22 percent of the entire UN budget in 2017 (in comparison the next biggest contributor is China with 12.5 percent, while EU countries pay a total of above 30 percent).
and China has 3 times the population of the US--WTF????!!
who thought of this crap???!! = an idiot
stop this stupid shit NOW
United States and the United Nations - Wikipedia

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