Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

The planet has way way too much water, ice and forests. About 4% of total planetary surface is developed. We don’t have the power nor technology to create nor manipulate storms
Well technically there's only one sentence in the second paragraph, but you couldn't figure that out. here's what that says

Katie Nickolaou, a Michigan-based meteorologist, said that she and her colleagues have borne the brunt of much of these conspiracies, having received messages claiming there are category 6 hurricanes (there aren’t), that meteorologists or the government are creating and directing hurricanes (they aren’t) and even that scientists should be killed and radar equipment be demolished.

What is it you think is threatening here?
The threat always is having their feelings and wishes called into question. They want that labled as misinformation and outlawed
If I misunderstood you that fine but you did talk about someone sticking a knife in your face. :dunno:

See. How am I to know you meant show you a knife rather assault you with one? :dunno:

I threaten my grandson with tickles and snuggles all the time. :dunno:
He’s 21 next month
rules state nothing about families, especially children. You should read them, hey MODs explain to this punk
I don't care about rules. I say whatever I feel like and policing it someone else's job. :lol: But it's good to know you can be silenced. :lol:
20 years ago, virtually the entire country would have cringed and recoiled at this steaming pile of insanity.

You would not have been invited to any more bowling leagues or cookouts.

Now a third of the country hee haws and falls to their knees and praises this ethically and intellectually deviant behavior.

Not good.

A portion of the country has been radicalized to believe crazy is the new normal. A smaller minority of that larger portion are as brain dead as MTG, but they also complain the loudest. Just look around this forum to find them. This is because the mentally ill finally have a voice in the government that thinks and speaks just like them. They finally have a representative that will take their deranged fears and concerns seriously, unlike anytime in their lives. Trump routinely retweets and spreads looney stories cooked up on the internet by these same deranged people. Is it any wonder that suicidal nutters out there are being drawn to Trump in order to commit violence, whether it be on him or someone else? It's not a coincidence!

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