Now you know why all liberal, television news sites all say the exact same thing

Lost of things that were fine decades ago are not anymore.

And anyone who disagrees must be fired from their job, ostracized and banished from civilization, correct?
Liberals are against freedom of thought. Deviate from their group think and they’ll hit you a pejorative label

Unless you're with your family in a public restaurant. In which case they'll hit you ALL with food and insults.


Because Nancy and Hillary told them to.
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.
Perhaps there is only one truth?

Perhaps "alternative facts" aren't real?

Remember, the truth is the truth. "Alternative facts" can be anything.
If it were up to me, people could don whatever the heck they want. But most black people disagree with me and I recognize that most anyone donning black face today is ignorant and probably looking to instigate

If it's fine with you then why do you give a damn about it?

It's in the news and I like watching FOX News sluts get their due?
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.
Now can you explain why tRumpkins on political boards all over the internet push the day's chosen talking points simultaneously?

This is an internet DISCUSSION FORUM wherein people discuss various topics, especially breaking news on political and social issues. Maybe that's why I began a post on this topic. And my point stands. If any host at any liberal media site deviated from liberal group-think, they'd be fired by the next day.
If any host at any liberal media site did what Kelly did/said, they'd be in just as much trouble
If any host at any liberal media site did what Kelly did/said, they'd be in just as much trouble

Of course. The tolerant left doesn't tolerate people with different opinions.
Lost of things that were fine decades ago are not anymore.

And anyone who disagrees must be fired from their job, ostracized and banished from civilization, correct?
ostracized and banished from civilization?

Oh the drama! Oh the snowflakey drama

She signed a contract. I am sure there exist clauses that can be used to fire her. Big deal. She's wealthy and will do well
Liberals are against freedom of thought. Deviate from their group think and they’ll hit you a pejorative label

Unless you're with your family in a public restaurant. In which case they'll hit you ALL with food and insults.


Because Nancy and Hillary told them to.
better than being real Americans and tarring and feathering their disgusting arses, eh?

please, America has a history and it ain't pretty
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.
Perhaps there is only one truth?

Perhaps "alternative facts" aren't real?

Remember, the truth is the truth. "Alternative facts" can be anything.

Once the liberal oligarchy has determined the narrative, any deviation is grounds for immediate termination and banishment to a gulag.
ostracized and banished from civilization?

Yea. Kelly is a racist, right? Therefore, she must be shunned, correct? I'll give you a week. Then show me all the liberals that will re-embrace Kelly and tell her that it's ok.
ostracized and banished from civilization?

Yea. Kelly is a racist, right? Therefore, she must be shunned, correct? I'll give you a week. Then show me all the liberals that will re-embrace Kelly and tell her that it's ok.
Shunned? I've known lost of racists. Some family, some friends. Never shunned a one for that reason

you need to get a new set of stereotypes.

did liberals ever really embrace her?
ostracized and banished from civilization?

Yea. Kelly is a racist, right? Therefore, she must be shunned, correct? I'll give you a week. Then show me all the liberals that will re-embrace Kelly and tell her that it's ok.
Shunned? I've known lost of racists. Some family, some friends. Never shunned a one for that reason

you need to get a new set of stereotypes.

did liberals ever really embrace her?

Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,

I personally dislike Kelly, fwiw. I just think her firing over her personal opinion is absurd. And, yes, liberals will hate Kelly into infinity. Of course, liberals hate many, many people for eternity.
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,

I personally dislike Kelly, fwiw. I just think her firing over her personal opinion is absurd. And, yes, liberals will hate Kelly into infinity. Of course, liberals hate many, many people for eternity.
Her personal opinion is one thing. Making a personal opinion public has consequences for people in her position. Poor Jimmy the Greek found that one out the hard way. And that was decades ago. too bad for Kelly one Can't fix stupid
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,

I personally dislike Kelly, fwiw. I just think her firing over her personal opinion is absurd. And, yes, liberals will hate Kelly into infinity. Of course, liberals hate many, many people for eternity.
Conservatives don't hate? ever listen to Hannity or that beatch Laura? Or Rush? please
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,

I personally dislike Kelly, fwiw. I just think her firing over her personal opinion is absurd. And, yes, liberals will hate Kelly into infinity. Of course, liberals hate many, many people for eternity.
Her personal opinion is one thing. Making a personal opinion public has consequences for people in her position. Poor Jimmy the Greek found that one out the hard way. And that was decades ago. too bad for Kelly one Can't fix stupid

Well, Jimmy the Greek was definitely over the line. All Megyn said was that she didn't think it was racist for someone to wear black face if they were using it to for a Halloween costume. I agree with her.
Yea, "re-embrace" was the wrong word. In any event, liberals are pretty intolerant people. Megyn will be shunned for life by the liberal media and limousine liberals, after all, one can't be seen with a racist.
Her victimhood is a joke. She will do okay. I wasn't aware your "liberal media and limousine liberals" were falling all over themselves to be seen with her. What planet do you live on? ,

I personally dislike Kelly, fwiw. I just think her firing over her personal opinion is absurd. And, yes, liberals will hate Kelly into infinity. Of course, liberals hate many, many people for eternity.
Conservatives don't hate? ever listen to Hannity or that beatch Laura? Or Rush? please

Hannity is a big teddy bear full of love and hugs.
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.

I think there's a lot of things going on here. I speak as a conservative, as my posts will show. In no specific order:

1. I don't know what she's talking about, kids growing up in the 70s wore blackface as part of Halloween. I never saw it, would have been shocked to see it. We all wore those stifling plastic face masks that came with purchased costumes. I'm sure someone can find the obscure photo of someone doing this but as a matter of course? No

2. The opposite of PC is not "nothing is offensive". If we want to take that tactic than we will very rightly be called out by the Left when we are offended by profane things. Think about Pi$$ Christ. the "artwork" of the Cross in urine, just as it says. If we are unwilling to be reasonable about what might be offensive as PC dies, the Left can look at anything WE find offensive and say, "Well? There is no offense anymore." They'd be right, by the way.

3. Therefore. In regards to Halloween. Costumes as "Cultural Appropriation" is BEYOND STUPID and the Left has lost and they should be told to stuff it. If I want to wear Native-American, Ninja, Cinderella, Cowboy, Dirndl, Inuit (Eskimo), sombrero or whatever.....too bad. Humans have been borrowing from each other since the Garden and if they want to cry they can go cry in the corner while the rest of us have a fun time.


I think we can draw the line at actually painting our faces to look like the race we're so-called "appropriating". Whether this is racist is almost immaterial; it's a social norm. So what, the Left will make racist hey out of it, that's what they do---Megyn Kelly is SUPPOSED to be smart and should not have even made the argument.

4. Which leads me to my last point. She's become really stupid and vapid since Trump blew up her brain. NBC was looking for a reason to get rid of her. So now they have.
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.

Uhh.. I already knew why. They get their news from the globalist AP and parrot it with whichever flavor of spin they put on it.

FOX news, too.

CBS and C-Span are the ones that do it the least.

Idk, I did a study on this about 3 years ago. :dunno:

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