Now you know why all liberal, television news sites all say the exact same thing

Look, if a cosmetic artist could transform a black person and make them look just like George Washington, I wouldn't be offended, I would be amazed.
Only someone who is either not watching or is not paying attention would think that the individual media sites are saying the same thing. Sinclair broadcasting had their puppets say the same thing one day but if you were to listen to the different news casts, the difference in details that are aired is really quite remarkable. I stick with the Associated Press and NPR primarily. Details that are mentioned on the news bulletins I see on Twitter and Facebook often have a lot more details than AP/NPR because they are more interested in getting something out to their followers; whether it is newsworthy or not.
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.

Megan Kelly said something racially offensive and was fired for doing so. Now, if her show had been a larger success, perhaps NBC would have let it pass. Frankly, I didn’t know she still had her show.

Personally, I think she made the insanely stupid comment to generate some sort of buzz and mis-calculated the outrage that would follow.
Megan Kelly said something racially offensive and was fired for doing so.

You probably don't even know what she said. What she said was extraordinarily mild and was only her personal opinion.
Sinclair broadcasting had their puppets say the same thing one day but if you were to listen to the different news casts, the difference in details that are aired is really quite remarkable.

Sort of like how Barry, Hillary and Susan all parroted the same lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by a YouTube video. I'm sure you didn't mind.

Sinclair Media simply asked their various station hosts to give a little opening spill to promote their brand. What's the problem with that?
Sinclair broadcasting had their puppets say the same thing one day but if you were to listen to the different news casts, the difference in details that are aired is really quite remarkable.

Sort of like how Barry, Hillary and Susan all parroted the same lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by a YouTube video. I'm sure you didn't mind.

Sinclair Media simply asked their various station hosts to give a little opening spill to promote their brand. What's the problem with that?

The NYT came out several months later and confirmed that the attack was at least, in part due to a YouTube Video.

Brazen Figure May Hold Key to Mysteries

Dr. Rice made that comment the weekend of the attack. I don’t think she should have done that myself but it turns out she was correct (at least in part).
The NYT came out several months later and confirmed that the attack was at least, in part due to a YouTube Video.

LOL. Yea, go with that.

Sorry you find facts inconvenient.

YouTube had nothing to do with the planned terrorist assault on U.S. facilities in Benghazi. Your liberal masters love suckers like you, aka, useful idiots.

So what part of the NYT story do you disagree with? (this should be good).
For conservatives, you know, people that believe in the constitution, the first amendment, freedom of expression, all the things liberals hate, the firing of Megyn Kelly for daring to express her personal OPINION that it's NOT racist for a kid to use black face as part of a costume, is disturbing news for us. For liberals, banning speech of others is normal, routine and par for the course. Hence, for liberals, this isn't a topic worthy of discussion.
The battles continues between the right and left in America.
The right wants to preserve the concept of freedom of expression while the left seeks to annihilate it.
What a bunch of caca. The right is "conservative". In essence, they want to conserve the old ways, old traditions. Roll back rights, for women, minorities, non-whites, low income, unhealthy, etc. They are the "might makes right" crowd. They seek to annihilate the gains humans have made here by a leader who is in part controlled cultish religion group that still think MEN only should control. The hell with that shit.
For conservatives, you know, people that believe in the constitution, the first amendment, freedom of expression, all the things liberals hate, the firing of Megyn Kelly for daring to express her personal OPINION that it's NOT racist for a kid to use black face as part of a costume, is disturbing news for us. For liberals, banning speech of others is normal, routine and par for the course. Hence, for liberals, this isn't a topic worthy of discussion.
The battles continues between the right and left in America.
The right wants to preserve the concept of freedom of expression while the left seeks to annihilate it.
What a bunch of caca. The right is "conservative". In essence, they want to conserve the old ways, old traditions. Roll back rights, for women, minorities, non-whites, low income, unhealthy, etc. They are the "might makes right" crowd. They seek to annihilate the gains humans have made here by a leader who is in part controlled cultish religion group that still think MEN only should control. The hell with that shit.

Nah, we want to conserve the values of the constitution, limited government, low-taxation, etc. We absolutely support equal rights for women and minorities.
Whether it's NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., all of the liberal hosts parrot the same liberal narratives. Megyn Kelly became the poster woman for daring to express a well-intended opinion that deviated from liberal group-think. One cannot speak truth, let alone express a subjective opinion, IF it contradicts liberal group-think. Therefore, one is not going to see a host on any of the liberal media outlets expressing a dissenting opinion as they will assuredly lose their job, as did Megyn.
Now can you explain why tRumpkins on political boards all over the internet push the day's chosen talking points simultaneously?

This is an internet DISCUSSION FORUM wherein people discuss various topics, especially breaking news on political and social issues. Maybe that's why I began a post on this topic. And my point stands. If any host at any liberal media site deviated from liberal group-think, they'd be fired by the next day.
That doesn't answer my question.

For conservatives, you know, people that believe in the constitution, the first amendment, freedom of expression, all the things liberals hate, the firing of Megyn Kelly for daring to express her personal OPINION that it's NOT racist for a kid to use black face as part of a costume, is disturbing news for us. For liberals, banning speech of others is normal, routine and par for the course. Hence, for liberals, this isn't a topic worthy of discussion.

The battles continues between the right and left in America. The right wants to preserve the concept of freedom of expression while the left seeks to annihilate it.
Did you even read my question?
Nah, we want to conserve the values of the constitution, limited government, low-taxation, etc. We absolutely support equal rights for women and minorities.
Good to know you represent the entire GOP party. I am in awe.
oh wait! Facts matter:

Kelly, who never really seemed like a good fit for the NBC morning show, overplayed her popularity earlier this week when she passionately defended people who don blackface costumes for Halloween -- a thing that most Americans understand is definitely not okay, unless their intention is to offend.

"But what is racist?" Kelly asked on her show. "Because you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface on Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid that was OK, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character."
She is right, moron.

The same assholes who want to pretend "White Chicks" was not a racist movie are same people who want to claim black makeup is not ok for a fucking Halloween costume.
There is a movie called "White Chicks" that is racist? 2004 movie? Who gives a rat's arse?

great quote: "As for all the comments about the film being racist, cant anybody watch a film any more as a film , as a comedy film, and not as a statement of America right now."

Only difference is white people are not looking for shit to be offended like blacks
How did this become a story? Because of some dumb bitch on Twitter?

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