Nows your chance.

Colin norris

Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2021
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.

What evidence do you have to prove your case for the SC to to agree?

What evidence would you accept to believe it was all legitimate (which is the current position adopted by the SC )?

No tricks. Just the facts.
Arizona has a forensic voter audit going on and legislators from the battleground states have gone there to observe. Apparently, they have already found various problems, including criminal violations.
So, this will go on for some time.
So, if despite the errors and criminal violations, it is determined that Biden did indeed still win. That will be satisfactory for "Arizona."
However, let's just put a hypothetical in here and say, they found massive fraud and were able to prove Trump did win Arizona and subsequent forensic audits reversed a couple of battleground states to the effect that Trump was shown to have been the true winner, would your side shut up or be in denial?
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The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.
According to who? You do grasp that this statement is just your opinion, right? Tens of millions of Americans happen to disagree with your opinion on this issue.
Over 900 Americans filed affidavits about irregularities they witnessed and not one was evaluated in a court. There have never been that many Americans willing to face a perjury charge over such issues in all our history.

The only people trying to shut down debate, or investigation into the irregularities in that election are the Democrats. They will not succeed. Maricopa County, AZ is only the first audit that's planned. As of today, there are efforts to audit nine other states. When these audits are completed, we will have a detailed look at HOW the suspected fraud was achieved. If there was no fraud then there will be no evidence of such.

If there WAS fraud, it won't be necessary to change the minds of folks like yourself. Nothing is going to do that. What the evidence WILL allow is for the means that were used to be identified and circumvented in the next elections. Arguing back and forth on this issue is pointless but it needs to be understood that if Americans lose their faith in our electoral process then this country is going to fall into violence and or simply dissolve. There will NEVER be a situation where one group of Americans compels the others to their will. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.

What evidence do you have to prove your case for the SC to to agree?

What evidence would you accept to believe it was all legitimate (which is the current position adopted by the SC )?

No tricks. Just the facts.
It was the most honest election in human history !
trust the science !
Arizona has a forensic voter audit going on and legislators from the battleground states have gone there to observe. Apparently, they have already found various problems, including criminal violations.
So, this will go on for some time.
So, if despite the errors and criminal violations, it is determined that Biden did indeed still win. That will be satisfactory for "Arizona."
However, let's just put a hypothetical in here and say, they found massive fraud and were able to prove Trump did win Arizona and subsequent forensic audits reversed a couple of battleground states to the effect that Trump was shown to have been the true winner, would your side shut up or be in denial?
I've been hearing about various problems and criminal violations for months. Nothing specific though. Just vague accusations. Either you got something or you don't. Which is it?
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.
According to who? You do grasp that this statement is just your opinion, right? Tens of millions of Americans happen to disagree with your opinion on this issue.
Over 900 Americans filed affidavits about irregularities they witnessed and not one was evaluated in a court. There have never been that many Americans willing to face a perjury charge over such issues in all our history.

The only people trying to shut down debate, or investigation into the irregularities in that election are the Democrats. They will not succeed. Maricopa County, AZ is only the first audit that's planned. As of today, there are efforts to audit nine other states. When these audits are completed, we will have a detailed look at HOW the suspected fraud was achieved. If there was no fraud then there will be no evidence of such.

If there WAS fraud, it won't be necessary to change the minds of folks like yourself. Nothing is going to do that. What the evidence WILL allow is for the means that were used to be identified and circumvented in the next elections. Arguing back and forth on this issue is pointless but it needs to be understood that if Americans lose their faith in our electoral process then this country is going to fall into violence and or simply dissolve. There will NEVER be a situation where one group of Americans compels the others to their will. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
So if nothing is found, will you accept that?
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.
According to who? You do grasp that this statement is just your opinion, right? Tens of millions of Americans happen to disagree with your opinion on this issue.
Over 900 Americans filed affidavits about irregularities they witnessed and not one was evaluated in a court. There have never been that many Americans willing to face a perjury charge over such issues in all our history.

The only people trying to shut down debate, or investigation into the irregularities in that election are the Democrats. They will not succeed. Maricopa County, AZ is only the first audit that's planned. As of today, there are efforts to audit nine other states. When these audits are completed, we will have a detailed look at HOW the suspected fraud was achieved. If there was no fraud then there will be no evidence of such.

If there WAS fraud, it won't be necessary to change the minds of folks like yourself. Nothing is going to do that. What the evidence WILL allow is for the means that were used to be identified and circumvented in the next elections. Arguing back and forth on this issue is pointless but it needs to be understood that if Americans lose their faith in our electoral process then this country is going to fall into violence and or simply dissolve. There will NEVER be a situation where one group of Americans compels the others to their will. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

This is exactly what I'm on about.
Where are these affidavits that prove the fraud? Doesn't it ring a bell they weren't evaluated in court because they were not supported with evidence? Affidavits mean nothing? Who took them to the courts? Did the electoral commissions pass them on to the authorities? I'm suspicious they were basically disgruntled republicans who didn't like the result. Like you.

Trump took an oath of office and violated it several times so let's not get hung up on affidavits.
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.

What evidence do you have to prove your case for the SC to to agree?

What evidence would you accept to believe it was all legitimate (which is the current position adopted by the SC )?

No tricks. Just the facts.

Decus. So the best you've got is post a silly pic. As a Republican you should be enraged but no. As if that is to humiliate me. Duuuuuuh
How about this as an example:

Or, the PASC illegally extended the vote deadline:

There were more than a few voter fraud issues. These are big deals since Xiden only won by 43,000 votes in WI, GA, and AZ.
The debate about the supposedly stolen election has gone far enough.

What evidence do you have to prove your case for the SC to to agree?

What evidence would you accept to believe it was all legitimate (which is the current position adopted by the SC )?

No tricks. Just the facts.
No evidence for anything is in my possession. I don't have time to sit around digging into things. If audits and or courts find evidence fine. If not we'll have to work harder to win in 2022 & 2024.
One thing my life has taught me is not to dwell on the past. Learn from it and move on.



The evidence is out there, you would reject it if Jesus Crist Himself rode a rocket propelled Unicorn down from heaven and told you to your fuckin face.

There is NO FUCKING WAY a pair of assclowns as unpopular as Biden and the whore got 80 million votes across a country they didn't even campaign in. For someone to believe that there was over 100% voter turn out in just a handful of districts where it was video documented that poll workers locked opponents out of places where ballots were counted, and in the middle of the night found suitcases of ballots and counted them without supervision requires the same sort of vacuous stupidity that is required of sheep who believe in MMGW, and that a fuckin rag on your face prevents the spread of a virus.

Between the dominion voting machines, that even democrook politicals whores questioned the credibility of prior to the election, as well as the millions of mail in ballots that were accepted because of the bullshit dempanic there is no way anyone with and cognitive capacity can claim the election of Joe and the Hoe is legit.

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The evidence is out there, you would reject it if Jesus Crist Himself rode a rocket propelled Unicorn down from heaven and told you to your fuckin face.

There is NO FUCKING WAY a pair of assclowns as unpopular as Biden and the whore got 80 million votes across a country they didn't even campaign in. For someone to believe that there was over 100% voter turn out in just a handful of districts where it was video documented that poll workers locked opponents out of places where ballots were counted, and in the middle of the night found suitcases of ballots and counted them without supervision requires the same sort of vacuous stupidity that is required of sheep who believe in MMGW, and that a fuckin rag on your face prevents the spread of a virus.

Between the dominion voting machines, that even democrook politicals whores questioned the credibility of prior to the election, as well as the millions of mail in ballots that were accepted because of the bullshit dempanic there is no way anyone with and cognitive capacity can claim the election of Joe and the Hoe is legit.

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You're a nasty piece of shit. It's your type which set people against republicans.

Trump lost because republicans turned on him and changed their vote. Thats a fact and no one wants to admit it. Half you brain dead lumps don't know it or don't research the results. No amount of devotion from you or bigger numbers at rallies equates to votes at the election.
You loyalty is worth shit against obviously bigger numbers from dems.

So rant all you like and post childish pics, you have nothing but hate and bile generously slathered with ignorance.
I love seeing arseholes like you suffer.

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