NPR and PBS quit Twitter.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.


So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.

They're going to be surprised by how little they'll be missed.


So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.

Twitter has been losing users and traffic for 6 months now
They indeed get Federal money, and they are both 24/7 propaganda outlets for Democrats, racists, and commies. They were founded by Federal and state govts. early on, then govt. lobbying fronts took over some funding. Distinctions without a difference. They routinely peddle any lie ever dreamed up by left wingers, racists, and assorted 'globalist' PR hacks.
Every network gets government money in the form of advertising. Compared to all that the government expenditure for public broadcasting is minuscule.
Who knew either was even on Twitter or cared? NPR is shit and PBS is a joke. Besides, what do they care for audience, both are on the public teat sucking taxpayer money regardless of audience, in fact, if I know the fed, this will RAISE their support from the government!!!
The government practically gives away public bandwidth for nothing. 4 hours of Primetime alone are worth over $4.5 billion a year on TV channels each.

Guess what PBS and NPR pay for theirs? So yeah, they're subisidized big time, in every market, while pretending to be reservd 'educational channels'. Quit pissing on our legs and trying to convince us it's raining.
Musk is a question mark to me. I can never really tell what his intentions are. But if he manages to kill Twitter AND get us to Mars, he gets bonus points in my book.
And they will lose more along with advertisers. It’s a dumpster fire now.

To the contrary, Musk says they are doing well and holding their own with only 1500 employees now. Down from 7500.

So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.

Elon Musk is publicly funded and,,,,?
To the contrary, Musk says they are doing well and holding their own with only 1500 employees now. Down from 7500.
yes indeed, along with not paying bills and the Germans about to shut down Twitter in Europe.

So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.

Good for them for leaving Twitter. I never joined. Another platform will eventually take over
Who knew either was even on Twitter or cared? NPR is shit and PBS is a joke. Besides, what do they care for audience, both are on the public teat sucking taxpayer money regardless of audience, in fact, if I know the fed, this will RAISE their support from the government!!!
Excuse me? Theres only one radio station where you get the facts. It’s got a liberals position on the news it’s reporting but at least it’s not lying to us like right wing radio shows like rush. There’s a lot of rush wannabes on am radio and they lie just like Fox. Actually more. They can get away with lying boldly about dominion. Fox has to be more careful lying to you “cousin f’ers”. Not my words that’s what Fox thinks about you fools.

5 anti vax con radio hosts who bragged they didn’t get vaccinated died. Did you know that? 5 liars died.
I used to watch NPR Nightly new every day, but over time everything went "black." More and more of the guests and interviewees are black people.

"Experts" interviewed are black. Most reporters now seem to be black. It's as if white people dropped off the planet. There are very, very few attractive white people featured on NPR these days.

I finally removed it from my "Favorite Channels" list. And finally quit watching PBS completely.

A good friend, well-educated and a longtime supporter - financially and otherwise also dumped them.

If they're going to cater to a black audience, fine. Let blacks pay to support them. Lotsa luck with that. Lol...

So they quit Twitter for being labeled publicly/government funded. Which when you get all of your money from donations is most certainly true.

But one also musnt forget that NPR and PBS are both majority bank rollled by the millions by bill gates and they quite often push his agendas or just happen to often do stories that eventually lead to him being a good guy, scaring people about diseases (something he loves to do and profits from), and it pushes liberal/progressive ideas of which gates is a big fan of which isn't surprising as he is a big part of the world economic forum.

I wonder how Musk can stand the stench of his own hypocrisy. He has received many, many billions of dollars in government subsidies and tax credits.

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