Bloomberg Shows Trump Correct on Gist of Remarks Censored by Twitter on Children and COVID


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Logical fallacy: "Just because the devil says the sky is blue does not mean that it isn't." The problem here is Trump was right and the best thing is to send kids back to school. Anything else is insanity. Online is not enough for the full socialization of children. They need to play, make friends, fight sometime and make-up again, to have fully developed humans. Not stunted child-adults.


Bloomberg Shows Trump Correct on Gist of Remarks Censored by Twitter on Children and COVID

Choosing his words imprecisely as he is wont to do, lightening rod President Donald Trump has been censored and banned by Twitter for stating something which is true, and can be put even more strongly. According to a Bloomberg report, young children have a greater chance of dying of flu than they do of COVID-19.
The brouhaha began when Trump made the remarks:
"My view is that schools should be open," Trump said. “If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”
He added that children have "much stronger immune systems" and "just don't have a problem."
Love or hate Trump, the president has become a textbook study of what the Master List of Logical Fallacies calls the "Guilt by Association" fallacy:
The fallacy of trying to refute or condemn someone's standpoint, arguments or actions by evoking the negative ethos of those with whom the speaker is identified or of a group, party, religion or race to which he or she belongs or was once associated with. A form of Ad Hominem Argument...
Bloomberg reported in May:
For children [under age 15] the risk of dying from Covid-19 appears to be much less than that of dying from influenza and pneumonia even in the most pessimistic of my three scenarios.
The report included the following graphic, sourced from the US Center for Disease Control.

Although children are indeed not "immune" from the coronavirus, they almost always quickly become immune, most often without showing symptoms.

The overall survival rate for COVID is now estimated by the CDC to be very similar to flu, 99.8%, and again, higher in young children than the flu survival rate. The commonly accepted overall survival rate for flu is 99.9%.
The present survival rate is without the benefit urged by a growing number of doctors of being able to prescribe a hydroxychloroquine protocol, used successfully in many countries with death rates which are a fraction of the death rates in the US.

Source: America's Frontline Doctors

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Munkle Video MP4 filedownload link.

Logical fallacy: "Just because the devil says the sky is blue does not mean that it isn't." The problem here is Trump was right and the best thing is to send kids back to school. Anything else is insanity. Online is not enough for the full socialization of children. They need to play, make friends, fight sometime and make-up again, to have fully developed humans. Not stunted child-adults.


Bloomberg Shows Trump Correct on Gist of Remarks Censored by Twitter on Children and COVID

Choosing his words imprecisely as he is wont to do, lightening rod President Donald Trump has been censored and banned by Twitter for stating something which is true, and can be put even more strongly. According to a Bloomberg report, young children have a greater chance of dying of flu than they do of COVID-19.
The brouhaha began when Trump made the remarks:
"My view is that schools should be open," Trump said. “If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”
He added that children have "much stronger immune systems" and "just don't have a problem."
Love or hate Trump, the president has become a textbook study of what the Master List of Logical Fallacies calls the "Guilt by Association" fallacy:
The fallacy of trying to refute or condemn someone's standpoint, arguments or actions by evoking the negative ethos of those with whom the speaker is identified or of a group, party, religion or race to which he or she belongs or was once associated with. A form of Ad Hominem Argument...
Bloomberg reported in May:
For children [under age 15] the risk of dying from Covid-19 appears to be much less than that of dying from influenza and pneumonia even in the most pessimistic of my three scenarios.
The report included the following graphic, sourced from the US Center for Disease Control.

Although children are indeed not "immune" from the coronavirus, they almost always quickly become immune, most often without showing symptoms.

The overall survival rate for COVID is now estimated by the CDC to be very similar to flu, 99.8%, and again, higher in young children than the flu survival rate. The commonly accepted overall survival rate for flu is 99.9%.
The present survival rate is without the benefit urged by a growing number of doctors of being able to prescribe a hydroxychloroquine protocol, used successfully in many countries with death rates which are a fraction of the death rates in the US.

Source: America's Frontline Doctors

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 filedownload link.

Young children don’t even have the developed cell types in their lungs the Wu Flu uses to spread in the lungs and cause serious respiratory problems. So if any kids do die with Wu Flu, which has been almost none, it’s just from the influenza type issues it causes. But realistically the only kids that have died of Wu Flu all had some other terrible medical condition going on.

More kids die by auto/pedestrian accidents in ONE day than have supposedly died of Wu Flu since February.
Trump said. “If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”

That graphic is stupid and uninformed. The data also shows that children act as a break in the downstream infection rate because the risk of infecting other children OR adults is exceedingly low, if at all.
The issue is not whether kids will die WHEN they catch this (they are in no way immune)

But rather that they will SPREAD this horror.

Over 300,000 have caught it so far...97,000 in just the last two weeks of July

And yes...some have died
Trump said. “If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”

That graphic is stupid and uninformed. The data also shows that children act as a break in the downstream infection rate because the risk of infecting other children OR adults is exceedingly low, if at all.

Oooh, cartoons and bold 20 point font. Very convincing.

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