CIA "cooked the intelligence" to hide the fact that Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win 2016 election

OK Hoser, so what's your excuse for Trudeau?

Trudeau certainly manhandled Trump throughout the pandemic, ensuring Canadians NEVER ran out of PPE, or vaccines. When Trump blocked the shipment of N95 masks to Canada, early on in the Pandemic, issuing an EO on Friday to block the shipment, Trudeau worked the weekend and 3M shipped the N95's on Monday.

When Trump issued an EO to block shipments of Pzifer vaccines to Canada, Trudeau had the vaccines shipped from Europe and there wasn't even a blip in our vaccination programs. The pandemic ended in Canada when we were 75% vaxxed, with 1/3 of the disease and death as the USA, and our economy was not crashed.

Then there's Trump's renegotiation of NAFTA. Canada had an $11 billion Trade Surplus in manufactured goods, when Trump promised the American people he would stop your trading partners from screwing you over. By 2019, your trade deficit with Canada had more than doubled, to $25 billion.

Last but not least, my annual income rose by 15% the first year he was in office, and has increased by 60% since Trudeau took office and I retired the year after he was elected.

Why wouldn't I vote for him?
Yet another attempt to read minds. Foil helmet sales are surging.

Everything I posted is taken DIRECTLY from the Mueller Report, and the convictions of Stone and Flynn. Your denial of reality, facts, and proveable history, doesn't mean these things are not real, or haven't been proven to the satisfaction of all sane, rational people.
Trudeau certainly manhandled Trump throughout the pandemic, ensuring Canadians NEVER ran out of PPE, or vaccines. When Trump blocked the shipment of N95 masks to Canada, early on in the Pandemic, issuing an EO on Friday to block the shipment, Trudeau worked the weekend and 3M shipped the N95's on Monday.

When Trump issued an EO to block shipments of Pzifer vaccines to Canada, Trudeau had the vaccines shipped from Europe and there wasn't even a blip in our vaccination programs. The pandemic ended in Canada when we were 75% vaxxed, with 1/3 of the disease and death as the USA, and our economy was not crashed.

Then there's Trump's renegotiation of NAFTA. Canada had an $11 billion Trade Surplus in manufactured goods, when Trump promised the American people he would stop your trading partners from screwing you over. By 2019, your trade deficit with Canada had more than doubled, to $25 billion.

Last but not least, my annual income rose by 15% the first year he was in office, and has increased by 60% since Trudeau took office and I retired the year after he was elected.

Why wouldn't I vote for him?
LOL.....A 15% increase in Hoser dollars is not much to hang your hat on. :laughing0301:
Everything I posted is taken DIRECTLY from the Mueller Report, and the convictions of Stone and Flynn. Your denial of reality, facts, and proveable history, doesn't mean these things are not real, or haven't been proven to the satisfaction of all sane, rational people.
Even that line where you claimed to know what the Russians were thinking? I'm pretty sure that wasn't in any report.
Yeah, I forgot to add that they have no common sense along with being stupid.

So you have absolutely no proof of anything you're posting, just the parrotting the usual racist talking points. How to tell us you'll believe anything you're told, if Trump says it's so.
LOL.....A 15% increase in Hoser dollars is not much to hang your hat on. :laughing0301:

Let's put this another way. In 2015, the average US income was $55,575. In 2021 it was $70,784. That's an increase of approximately $15,200 or 27%. During the same time frame, Canadian income went from $66,500, to $73,000. And while that might sound better for Americans, your health insurance premiums also went up a similar amount from approx $17,000 for family coverage to $22,000.

So not only do Canadians make MORE money than Americans, basic health insurance coverage is included in our taxes. We get to keep much more of our income than YOU do.

Vladamir Putin knew that Hillary Clinton could easily be manipulated, and that she puts her own interest above her country. He had all her emails, which gave him all the leverage he needed to get whatever he wanted from Hillary.

He also knew that Trump was clearly willing to sacrifice his own interests for the good of his country, and couldn't be bought off.

"The U.S. government said in January 2017 that Russia favored Trump as president. But now, sources reveal for the first time that the CIA "cooked the intelligence" to hide that Vladamir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, as president."

Those that Russia can influence, the CIA can control.

Why do you think they are pushing so hard to sabotage President Trump?

Outsiders can't be controlled like insiders.
Mueller found lots of collusion with Russians. He couldn't prove there was a conspiracy between the two without access to Russian witnesses.


Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open​

Vladamir Putin knew that Hillary Clinton could easily be manipulated, and that she puts her own interest above her country. He had all her emails, which gave him all the leverage he needed to get whatever he wanted from Hillary.

He also knew that Trump was clearly willing to sacrifice his own interests for the good of his country, and couldn't be bought off.

"The U.S. government said in January 2017 that Russia favored Trump as president. But now, sources reveal for the first time that the CIA "cooked the intelligence" to hide that Vladamir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, as president."

Gee, what a surprise.
Well it's been proven time and again that "The People" that hail from the population centers are by and large pretty darn stupid. Particularly those in blue states like CA and NY.

It's been proven time and time again that Red States disinvest in education in the cities in an effort to keep poor people uneducated and poor, and then point to low test scores as "proof" that these children aren't as smart as kids from the suburbs.

It's proof that Red States are creating a permanent underclass of urban poverty. Lack of text books, computers, and extra-curricular programs leading to scholarship opportunities, in inner city schools is like tying rocks around these kids legs in a swimming competition, and then complaining that they're not keeping up with the rest of the kids.
It's been proven time and time again that Red States disinvest in education in the cities in an effort to keep poor people uneducated and poor, and then point to low test scores as "proof" that these children aren't as smart as kids from the suburbs.

It's proof that Red States are creating a permanent underclass of urban poverty. Lack of text books, computers, and extra-curricular programs leading to scholarship opportunities, in inner city schools is like tying rocks around these kids legs in a swimming competition, and then complaining that they're not keeping up with the rest of the kids.

Another lie. Surely you can prove this?
You've outdone stupid with this one!

How many Hotel deals did Hillary have on the table in Moscow?
Ah, hotels, how cute. Don't be an idiot. I know that's asking a lot.

It documented several meetings between Trump’s campaign and Russian intel. Did you miss that part or something?

Its been established you can’t use the ignore button you also have trouble reading?

Mueller says otherwise.

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open​


Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open​

Why do you never go the SOURCE documents. Why must you ALWAYS have someone spin it for you first.

That's not what the Mueller Report says:

"The social media campaign and the GRU hacking operations coincided with a series of contacts between Trump Campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government. The Office investigated whether those contacts reflected or resulted in the Campaign conspiring or coordinating with Russia in its election-interference activities. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. "

Why do you never go the SOURCE documents. Why must you ALWAYS have someone spin it for you first.

That's not what the Mueller Report says:

"The social media campaign and the GRU hacking operations coincided with a series of contacts between Trump Campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government. The Office investigated whether those contacts reflected or resulted in the Campaign conspiring or coordinating with Russia in its election-interference activities. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. "

Stuff, my article is from American Bar Assoc. Unlike you I use real sources.

Your source dumbass

, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. ""

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