NPR exec who sacked Williams working with government on "reinventing journalism"


Jan 23, 2010
What a surprise. Americorps for journos. - NPR Executive Schiller Active in Crafting New Journalism Roadmap

NPR Executive Schiller Active in Crafting New Journalism Roadmap

Published October 26, 2010 |

The NPR executive under fire for canning Juan Williams has been intimately involved in federal brainstorming sessions on the "reinvention of journalism," a controversial exercise that so far has produced suggestions ranging from taxpayer-funded subsidies for news organizations to an AmeriCorps "journalism" division.

Vivian Schiller has become somewhat of a pioneer in the field of public media since taking the helm of NPR in January 2009. Though previously an executive with private-sector media giants like, she's since overseen new projects to expand the reach of public radio and TV. On the side, she's participated in panels sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission as they try to draw up possible policy proposals for fixing journalism.

This movement, though, has generated controversy as some worry about what kind of role government and taxpayers could play and whether the new media landscape could be objective. Schiller has openly talked about public media filling the void left by "dying newspapers" while pushing for nonprofit media companies to band together.

"We have the megaphone," she said at a June panel discussion with the FTC. "And I would like to see us use that megaphone to expand the wonderful reporting that's going out to our audiences to include not just NPR and public radio news and information, but news and information from all of the new not-for-profits."
Isn't this what Soros donated 1.8 million to NPR for??

Wonder how objective these reporters will be??
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