NPR: Fox Covering Gas Prices to Hurt Biden’s Popularity


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Translation: NPR is NOT covering current events and burying facts to help Biden’s popularity.

I'm in shock. Faux News? A shill for the Neo-GOP agenda?

Saul Biden! Man. Saul Biden.
Translation: NPR is NOT covering current events and burying facts to help Biden’s popularity.

What popularity?
Translation: NPR is NOT covering current events and burying facts to help Biden’s popularity...

Our tax dollars at work
Translation: NPR is NOT covering current events and burying facts to help Biden’s popularity.

Most Americans are not being duped by the propaganda that targets the President of the United States for worldwide inflation and higher gas prices.

Most Americans blame Putin, oil companies for high gas prices: POLL

In the ABC News/Ipsos poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel, more than two-thirds of Americans blamed Putin (71%) and oil companies (68%) a "great deal" or a "good amount" for the increases in gas prices.
Translation: NPR is NOT covering current events and burying facts to help Biden’s popularity.

"Most Muricans" must be too fuckiung stupid to have recognized that gas was already well above $3.50/gal before PUTIN! went into Ukraine.....Yourself definitely included.

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