Liberal Reporter Falsely Claims Evidence Linking Joe Biden To Hunter's Business Dealings 'Doesn't Exist'

The memo does not mention Joe Biden.

then they talk about a meeting with hunter biden

Then they say according the Post that blah, blah , blah. that is not a source

The email memo well it still has to be authenticated. Of course Hunter would have to verify it. He is talking to his daughter. Is it a joke? The contents still have to go thru forensic analysis

FBI FD-1023 is an intake form of a statement given to the FBI. The FBI then has to verify it s contents as being legit. On its own it is not evidence.

IF hunter paid bills for his father, what bills are we talking about. Is it a crime to pay a parents bill.

The question becomes when does this become election interference. They have no solid proof of anything just comments by others.

Show me the money and where it went.
Why can't the left analyze Trump as they do for Biden? Not one of them ever claimed charges are not true against Trump. They can't wait to try this for Biden. And Biden leads a crime family.

4 Sep 2023 ~~ By James Lynch

A Politico reporter falsely claimed on Sunday that the evidence connecting Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s business dealings “doesn’t exist,” ignoring findings by congressional investigators and details from Hunter Biden’s laptop archive.
Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla appeared on ABC News’ ‘This Week” as part of a panel discussing the 2024 presidential election and former President Donald Trump’s legal battles. During the conversation, she weighed in with her thoughts on Congress’ plans after its summer recess concludes.
“Another potential advantage which is, guess what the news might be when we come back or Congress comes back? They’re going to try to impeach Joe Biden based on charges that don’t exist and evidence that doesn’t exist, and they think that would just go down,” she said.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Aug. 27 that an impeachment inquiry is the “natural step forward” and previously threatened impeachment if the Department of Justice (DOJ) uses Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ special counsel status to obstruct congressional investigators. The White House has reportedly set up a war room of two dozen staffers in preparation for an impeachment inquiry.

Archer specifically recalled a spring 2014 dinner with Russian oligarch Elena Baturina — who was married to a former mayor of Moscow — and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev. He also testified about a spring 2015 dinner with Vadim Pozharskyi, an executive with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which paid Hunter Biden more than $80,000 per month to sit on its board.
Emails and texts from Hunter Biden’s laptop archive indicate he frequently paid family expenses, including bills for Joe Biden while he was vice president, according to the New York Post.
“It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary,” Hunter Biden texted his daughter Naomi in 2019, text messages from his laptop archive show.
DOJ whistleblowers released an FBI FD-1023 form in July to Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley. The document contains intelligence from a confidential source alleging that Joe and Hunter Biden received bribes from Burisma executive Mykola Zlochevsky. Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, said in June the FBI is investigating the contents of the FD-1023 form.
President Biden said Devon Archer’s testimony was “not true” during a confrontation with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy in early August. The White House has said the president was “not in business” with his son.

Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla? A self-proclaimed investigative reporter in the foot steps of Dan Rather caught in a lie manufacturing propaganda..
Meanwhile, Democrats have failed to prove the election was fair by refusing to investigate it and hiding behind “lack of standing” rulings in the courts, which are equivalent to not investigating or debating the evidence.
According to the Hosue oversight committee it does.

Politico has been a joke for years. Why anyone would take anything they write seriously escapes me!
Why can't the left analyze Trump as they do for Biden? Not one of them ever claimed charges are not true against Trump. They can't wait to try this for Biden. And Biden leads a crime family.
Correction: The Trump family is the crime family. You have absolutely no evidence of criminality against H. B. other than drug charges.
Politico has been a joke for years. Why anyone would take anything they write seriously escapes me!
Politifact (not sure about Politico) is a well known Democrat operation run out of Florida. Based on things said by Politico, my bet is they are in that same genre.
Politifact (not sure about Politico) is a well known Democrat operation run out of Florida. Based on things said by Politico, my bet is they are in that same genre.
They are. Owned by the same guy that owns Business Insider. Started by two guys from the Washington Post.
... and tax charges and what else the feebs are still investigating. :)
John? Simple question. Why do you embarrass yourself claiming that Hunter Biden hasn't done anything? You have to know he has. You also have to know that Joe Biden has been lying about what his family has been up to and has been telling those lies for years.
You are misframing the question. Get it right, and we can talk.

But you have no evidence at all tying H B and J B into a family network of bribery and corruption.

You are misframing the question. Get it right, and we can talk.

But you have no evidence at all tying H B and J B into a family network of bribery and corruption.

With all due respect, John? That's laughable. There is literally a mountain of evidence showing just that.
It's laughable that you cannot present any evidence of corruption.

Go ahead, if you can, because I am going to point out you can't and have not.
It's laughable that you cannot present any evidence of corruption.

Go ahead, if you can, because I am going to point out you can't and have not.
Come on, John...evidence has been "presented" and you refuse to admit that it exists! It's obvious that the Biden family DID commit influence peddling and that Joe Biden was both aware of it happening as well as personally benefiting from it!
Come on, John...evidence has been "presented" and you refuse to admit that it exists! It's obvious that the Biden family DID commit influence peddling and that Joe Biden was both aware of it happening as well as personally benefiting from it!
There has been no evidence, only allegations. Nothing suggest influence peddling. If you have it, show it.

4 Sep 2023 ~~ By James Lynch

A Politico reporter falsely claimed on Sunday that the evidence connecting Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s business dealings “doesn’t exist,” ignoring findings by congressional investigators and details from Hunter Biden’s laptop archive.
Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla appeared on ABC News’ ‘This Week” as part of a panel discussing the 2024 presidential election and former President Donald Trump’s legal battles. During the conversation, she weighed in with her thoughts on Congress’ plans after its summer recess concludes.
“Another potential advantage which is, guess what the news might be when we come back or Congress comes back? They’re going to try to impeach Joe Biden based on charges that don’t exist and evidence that doesn’t exist, and they think that would just go down,” she said.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Aug. 27 that an impeachment inquiry is the “natural step forward” and previously threatened impeachment if the Department of Justice (DOJ) uses Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ special counsel status to obstruct congressional investigators. The White House has reportedly set up a war room of two dozen staffers in preparation for an impeachment inquiry.

Archer specifically recalled a spring 2014 dinner with Russian oligarch Elena Baturina — who was married to a former mayor of Moscow — and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev. He also testified about a spring 2015 dinner with Vadim Pozharskyi, an executive with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which paid Hunter Biden more than $80,000 per month to sit on its board.
Emails and texts from Hunter Biden’s laptop archive indicate he frequently paid family expenses, including bills for Joe Biden while he was vice president, according to the New York Post.
“It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary,” Hunter Biden texted his daughter Naomi in 2019, text messages from his laptop archive show.
DOJ whistleblowers released an FBI FD-1023 form in July to Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley. The document contains intelligence from a confidential source alleging that Joe and Hunter Biden received bribes from Burisma executive Mykola Zlochevsky. Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, said in June the FBI is investigating the contents of the FD-1023 form.
President Biden said Devon Archer’s testimony was “not true” during a confrontation with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy in early August. The White House has said the president was “not in business” with his son.

Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla? A self-proclaimed investigative reporter in the foot steps of Dan Rather caught in a lie manufacturing propaganda..
Meanwhile, Democrats have failed to prove the election was fair by refusing to investigate it and hiding behind “lack of standing” rulings in the courts, which are equivalent to not investigating or debating the evidence.
According to the Hosue oversight committee it does.

Thread title is a lie. Move to Rubber Room.
Why can't the left analyze Trump as they do for Biden? Not one of them ever claimed charges are not true against Trump. They can't wait to try this for Biden. And Biden leads a crime family.
3 years and counting yet nothing found

waiting for that Senate inquire which will be the same thing

IF they are so sure about Biden , what is taking so long

Hunter Biden is not a government official.

There is no evidence of any kickback or special favor By Joe Biden. Joe Biden was not the president at the time Hunter was hired. VP does not make policy, he can suggest things but it is the presidents decision.

republicans cry about Joe Biden get the corrupt Ukrainian Politian fired. Yet it was President Obama who assigned the job to Biden. Thus he was following the presidents orders

This is nothing more than political payback

The difference is Trump is guilty with proof positive yet republicans deny it, Biden is not guilty but republicans believe he is with no solid proof.

Still answer the question about his daughter, as a government official should she have a sweat shop deal with China?

They can find no wrong doing but it looks fishy. Yet Ivanka get lucrative China sweatshop rights and nothing fishy going on here. Yet she is also a Trump advisor. Where is the senate investigation?
3 years and counting yet nothing found

waiting for that Senate inquire which will be the same thing

IF they are so sure about Biden , what is taking so long

Hunter Biden is not a government official.

There is no evidence of any kickback or special favor By Joe Biden. Joe Biden was not the president at the time Hunter was hired. VP does not make policy, he can suggest things but it is the presidents decision.

republicans cry about Joe Biden get the corrupt Ukrainian Politian fired. Yet it was President Obama who assigned the job to Biden. Thus he was following the presidents orders

This is nothing more than political payback

The difference is Trump is guilty with proof positive yet republicans deny it, Biden is not guilty but republicans believe he is with no solid proof.

Still answer the question about his daughter, as a government official should she have a sweat shop deal with China?

They can find no wrong doing but it looks fishy. Yet Ivanka get lucrative China sweatshop rights and nothing fishy going on here. Yet she is also a Trump advisor. Where is the senate investigation?
Democrats sure screwed up if they wanted to prosecute Ivanka.

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