NPR listener political affiliation

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Contrary to what is heard on cable TeeVee and am radio shows, NPR has a diverse audience w/ the caveat being they are generally higher income earners. I'm from the metro D.C. area and this makes sense because 47% of our residents have a bachelors degree or above. The breakdown of political affiliation however is more equally dispersed. They put out an excellent product.

Contrary to Popular Belief, NPR Does NOT Have a Liberal Bias - Intern Edition
The NPR audience has a relatively balanced political outlook, with almost an equal number of people classifying themselves as liberal or conservative. According to 2008 MRI data, the audience divides itself roughly into thirds with 27% reporting themselves as conservative, 26% as middle of the road, and 34% as liberal. (The percentages do not add up to 100%; not all participants answered the question or replied within the parameters reported here). While NPR does have a slight left lean this does not translate into all NPR listeners’ being die-hard liberals.

I heard the same statistics, mentioned on one of the below, programs a couple of days ago.

As for me I listen to CSpan/"straight from the horses mouth", then turn on a publicly subsidized radio station (WAMU-American University radio) from 9-11 pm for
On Point w/ Tom Ashbrook

WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
To The Point w/ Warren Olney

To the Point - KCRW
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Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.
Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.
Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".
Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

i don't have to listen to bbc - i watch the bbc america news broadcast - and i listen.

i don't see npr's liberal slant - but then i am fairly liberal myself.

i mean i guess car talk is fairly liberal... ;)
The right doesnt want you informed
Fox News contributor, admitted Lefty (and hottie) Kirsten Powers says she listens to NPR "all the time".

That's probably why she didn't read the ObamaCare bill or the Arizona Immigration bill before she was all over TV commenting about them.

Talk about "uninformed"! :lol:
The right doesnt want you informed
Fox News contributor, admitted Lefty (and hottie) Kirsten Powers says she listens to NPR "all the time".

That's probably why she didn't read the ObamaCare bill or the Arizona Immigration bill before she was all over TV commenting about them.

Talk about "uninformed"! :lol:

Talk about an assumption on your part.

She may have just talked about things she did not know about because she is stupid?
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The right doesnt want you informed
Fox News contributor, admitted Lefty (and hottie) Kirsten Powers says she listens to NPR "all the time".

That's probably why she didn't read the ObamaCare bill or the Arizona Immigration bill before she was all over TV commenting about them.

Talk about "uninformed"! :lol:

Talk about an assumption on your part.

She may have just talked about things she did not know about because she is stupid?

Here she is getting sliced and diced by Megyn Kelly. Kirsten doesn't know the facts of the Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case either. Surprise! :lol:

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

i don't have to listen to bbc - i watch the bbc america news broadcast - and i listen.

i don't see npr's liberal slant - but then i am fairly liberal myself.

i mean i guess car talk is fairly liberal... ;)

Transverse-mounted slip differential! HAR HYUK GUFFAW!
Yeah those guys are a hoot. :D

NPR has a broad range of programming. I've been a fairly regular listener for 30 years, and like I say it's gotten "better" with respect to spin. But it's treatment of issues and topics most certainly still has an inordinant slant toward liberal viewpoint.
Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

Ironically, NPR broadcasts the both the BBC world broadcast over their airwaves at 5:00 GMT followed by the German Deutsch Welle news program. :lol: Wonder how many Repub base voters listen to them?
BBC World Service - Home

After which they broadcast Deutsche Welle:
Newslink | Deutsche Welle

Both can be found here on the publicly "subsidized" (not paid in full) station I listen to at night:
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Next to WBBM Chicago, it's the station I most listen to. NPR is better than it used to be but still leans heavily liberal. IMO not cool for an organization that accepts public funding.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

The BBC is 'left leaning'.... according to the BBC. So that blows that theory.
not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

Ironically, NPR broadcasts the both the BBC world broadcast over their airwaves at 5:00 GMT followed by the German Deutsch Welle news program. :lol: Wonder how many Repub base voters listen to them?
BBC World Service - Home

After which they broadcast Deutsche Welle:
Newslink | Deutsche Welle

Both can be found here on the publicly "subsidized" (not paid in full) station I listen to at night:
WAMU 88.5 - Schedules
I'll check that out- thanks.

not their fault. reality is heavily liberal.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

The BBC is 'left leaning'.... according to the BBC. So that blows that theory.

Hmmm is their left our left too? :eusa_eh:
I'll check that out- thanks.

NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

I just noticed that my post was redundant as you had already indicated that NPR carries the BBC :redface:

Ironically, NPR broadcasts the both the BBC world broadcast over their airwaves at 5:00 GMT followed by the German Deutsch Welle news program.
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I like the BBC for their world news. But the Economist is the best source for that, imo.
NPR carries broadcasts of BBC news. Give a listen to BBC, compare it to NPR, and you'll see the reality of slanted "journalism".

The BBC is 'left leaning'.... according to the BBC. So that blows that theory.

Where have they stated that?

For the second time today.....

BBC Director General Mark Thompson has admitted the corporation was guilty of a 'massive' Left-wing bias...

Read more: Yes, BBC was biased: Mark Thompson admits a 'massive' lean to Left | Mail Online
The BBC is 'left leaning'.... according to the BBC. So that blows that theory.

Where have they stated that?

For the second time today.....

BBC Director General Mark Thompson has admitted the corporation was guilty of a 'massive' Left-wing bias...

Read more: Yes, BBC was biased: Mark Thompson admits a 'massive' lean to Left | Mail Online

Did you read the article? It says he said it "was" biased-not "is" biased.

From the article: "Speaking of the time when he joined the BBC, Mr Thompson told the magazine: 'In the BBC I joined 30 years ago [as a production trainee, in 1979] there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people's personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the Left.

'The organisation did struggle then with impartiality. And journalistically, staff were quite mystified by the early years of Thatcher. 'Now it is a completely different generation.

Again where has the BBC stated that there are biased-not were biased.
I like the BBC for their world news. But the Economist is the best source for that, imo.

The BBC America segment, broadcast on my local NPR affiliate, is broken up into two parts. The 1st twenty minutes being devoted to 'world affairs' (mainly U.S. related) and the other 10 minutes being 'world business news'.

BTW- I think the Economist is based out of London isn't it?
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