NRA ad sending leftists into a tizzy

Oh, the classical liberal brainwash. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You believe all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...

You are a Nazi, you know it, I know it, the rest of the board knows it. You seek a totalitarian state where our rulers determine the fortunes of the enslaved populace.

You have nothing in common with Jefferson or Paine, you don't even know who they were. You have no loyalty to the ideal of Mason or Samuel Adams nor have you ever been exposed to them. You are a leftist drone spouting hate from the Soros sites. Hate that is in line with Pol Pot but has nothing to do with liberals.

The problem is you are an uneducated dolt, you have literally zero grasp of history.
Nazis are socialists etc is brand new bs for dupes only, dupe.

"Brand New" for 1915 or so.

Did you never take a history class? Not even one?

Oh, Franko didn't tell you? He's a retired history teacher don't you know? He's made that claim several times on USMB. Go ahead, just ask him about it. He'll tell you too! He's not home on welfare, he's not collecting food stamps, he's a retired teacher. How can anybody not believe him? :banana::banana::banana:

He's now a History Activist...... rewrite it and shape interpretation for the future. Diminishes the notion of critical thinking by responding to facts he doesn't agree with as "dupe". That's the problem with Liberal teachers..... they don't foster critical thinking and reasoning; instead, they opt for the Mao-Alinsky method of indoctrination through regurgitation. Grunted said it best about the people he depended on to support his ACA plan.
As if Liberal Fascism and the RW BS artists aren't the ones re-writing history for ignorant dupes like you.... Liberals are socialists, socialists are Nazis. Riggggghhht....terminally stupid and destructive...

When you can only respond with unsubstantiated, specious comments that you present as fact; followed up by juvenile name calling, technically, you are "duped". Learn to think critically and reasonably. We know you are the byproduct of big education where regurgitation and allegiance is rewarded, but, this is the real world; a world full of diversity which applies to differing views.
Nazis are RW fascists and have nothing to do with socialists or Liberals. Just read 2008's posts- He's a brainwashed twit like half the dupes at least.
Oh, the classical liberal brainwash. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You believe all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...

You are a Nazi, you know it, I know it, the rest of the board knows it. You seek a totalitarian state where our rulers determine the fortunes of the enslaved populace.

You have nothing in common with Jefferson or Paine, you don't even know who they were. You have no loyalty to the ideal of Mason or Samuel Adams nor have you ever been exposed to them. You are a leftist drone spouting hate from the Soros sites. Hate that is in line with Pol Pot but has nothing to do with liberals.

The problem is you are an uneducated dolt, you have literally zero grasp of history.
I am totally for democracy moron, and especially an educated electorate, which you dupes aren't. Educated in total bs propaganda doesn't cut it...
I am totally for democracy moron, and especially an educated electorate, which you dupes aren't. Educated in total bs propaganda doesn't cut it...

Well, I'm better educated than you by any and all measures. Lenin was also in favor of democracy, provided the that Bourgeoisie were denied the vote, as you would deny voting rights to whites and Christians. You are more than happy to have your fellow Khmer Rouge members vote on a final solution to the Christian problem.

I understand you fascist franco, I have read the history of Germany in the 1920's, which you have not, hence I know exactly what you have planned. An American historian, George Santayana explained perfectly the propensity of history to repeat. Before your beloved Soros was a man named Hitler, who played the same role to the same level of thugs that you and your fellow democrats are.
Nazis are RW fascists and have nothing to do with socialists or Liberals. Just read 2008's posts- He's a brainwashed twit like half the dupes at least.

You are of course a liar, but beyond that you are abjectly stupid.

{We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!} - Gregor Strasser, Chairman of the German National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI Party) 1926

You should sign up for a night school course in history.

I'm serious,
Nazis are RW fascists and have nothing to do with socialists or Liberals. Just read 2008's posts- He's a brainwashed twit like half the dupes at least.

You are of course a liar, but beyond that you are abjectly stupid.

{We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!} - Gregor Strasser, Chairman of the German National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI Party) 1926

You should sign up for a night school course in history.

I'm serious,
You believe all RW bs propaganda, even the Nazis'. Liberal Fascism is a bad joke, superduperdupe...
You believe all RW bs propaganda, even the Nazis'. Liberal Fascism is a bad joke, superduperdupe...

I am highly educated and highly intelligent, very different from you. I know the facts and let them guide me, you have your party and that is the only guidance you accept. Your Fuhrer dictates what you think and how you feel. You are little more than an insect in a hive.
You believe all RW bs propaganda, even the Nazis'. Liberal Fascism is a bad joke, superduperdupe...

I am highly educated and highly intelligent, very different from you. I know the facts and let them guide me, you have your party and that is the only guidance you accept. Your Fuhrer dictates what you think and how you feel. You are little more than an insect in a hive.
What is your education in, accounting? Engineering? and self educated in RW propaganda? It's not history...
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing.
Actually, Ms. Loesch
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing.
Dana Loesch is merely stating that those who believe we should stand up against the violent left, should stand up with clenched fist and stand strong.
She didn't say, break out firearms and fight, as opposed to the left, who are being encouraged to use violence to resist the current administration. They bring bats, poles, bike locks, rocks and knives. The violence is far more prevalent on left. However, at some point, if the violence on the left increases, you can expect the right to reciprocate in kind.
Jesus you're FOS. The only surge in violence is RWers on Muslims, Blacks, Jews, LBGT. Good little dupes and Nazis you are. OOOOPS ya got me started again....
The videos of leftist/anarchist riots says it all.
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing.
Actually, Ms. Loesch
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing.
Dana Loesch is merely stating that those who believe we should stand up against the violent left, should stand up with clenched fist and stand strong.
She didn't say, break out firearms and fight, as opposed to the left, who are being encouraged to use violence to resist the current administration. They bring bats, poles, bike locks, rocks and knives. The violence is far more prevalent on left. However, at some point, if the violence on the left increases, you can expect the right to reciprocate in kind.
Jesus you're FOS. The only surge in violence is RWers on Muslims, Blacks, Jews, LBGT. Good little dupes and Nazis you are. OOOOPS ya got me started again....
The videos of leftist/anarchist riots says it all.
If you're a brainwashed idiot. Don't worry about facts.

lol, ad's not doing as well as the NRA hoped it would....



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