NRA following tabacco company tactics...

NRA follows Big Tobacco's playbook

Maybe the families of mass shootings should start suing the companies and the NRA? I think this idea has been broached here before. Why not?:clap2:

Anyone who claims to be a "scientist" who wants to do "research" on gun deaths is really just a scumbag propagandist.

Demonizing the NRA by comparing it to tobacco companies isn't fooling anyone except the already fooled.
If they follow the tobacco companys lead then pretty soon gun use in public will be banned.
And people with guns will pay more for health and life insurance.
The research will begin showing that, even with overwhelming evidence, the firearm companies continue to produce military-like assault rifles. That is what the companies are doing everything they can to block research on deaths by firearms. Sounds a lot like the lying tobacco campanies, huh?....hhmmmm. Sounds like the beginning of a law suit to me. Lawyers will be licking their chops.
As long as a company sells a product that doesn't hurt people if used correctly, they cannot be sued. Tobacco is bad for you when used as intended. However, it remains legal.

Gun manufacturers are no more responsible for murders than GM or Ford are responsible for drunk driving or accident deaths.

Only an idiot would not be able to figure that out.

Guns are for protection or hunting, period. It is the deranged people who use them to kill innocent people. Perhaps we should ban crazy people.

How many knife manufacturers are there in the world? Most murders are commited using knives, you know, so why isn't that an issue?

Psychopaths will always kill whether they have guns or not. Time for some people to understand reality and see why banning law abiding citizens from owning their choice of guns isn't going to do a damn thing to keep people safer. We'd all be vulnerable if liberals had their way. Maybe that is the goal. I refuse to be at the mercy of a criminal or a corrupt government.


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If you want to get your hands in some fashionable pockets why not a class action suit against the eliteist Hollywood gang for promoting gun related violence?
You cannot sue the gun manufacturers. Bush gave them ummunity didn't he?

Not completely..

The PLCAA contains exceptions that allow lawsuits in some cases — and gun control advocates and victims of gun violence should bring more suits that take advantage of these exceptions. One of the biggest exceptions is a provision that allows gun makers and sellers to be held liable when they know they are breaking a federal or state law.
I had heard that there were adults who were so stuck on stupid that they couldn't be taught something that ran contrary to their beliefs.

I never thought it was true until I read some of the posts by the gun grabbers on various boards, including here.
You cannot sue the gun manufacturers. Bush gave them ummunity didn't he?

Not completely..

The PLCAA contains exceptions that allow lawsuits in some cases — and gun control advocates and victims of gun violence should bring more suits that take advantage of these exceptions. One of the biggest exceptions is a provision that allows gun makers and sellers to be held liable when they know they are breaking a federal or state law.

Why Is Congress Protecting the Gun Industry? |

How could a reasonable person hold the manufacturer liable for the illegal use of the product? I would consider that a segment of society that continually promotes the illegal use of products be held liable for the same product's misuse.
NRA follows Big Tobacco's playbook

Maybe the families of mass shootings should start suing the companies and the NRA? I think this idea has been broached here before. Why not?:clap2:
And just how well have the tactics of the tobacco companies worked? Tobacco sales have fallen by 50% over the last 50 years.

It is just a matter if time before the producers of assault rifles follow suit. Just like it is a matter of time until the GOP loses some of its "safe" states due to decomgraphics changes.

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