NSA - Surveillance Stopped 50 Terror Plots


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Seems like the NSA phone surveillance program has already paid off, at least in one case where it could have really affected us where Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange.

Such a case makes the surveillance worth the effort.

National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander testified Tuesday before the House Intelligence Committee that phone and Internet surveillance programs made public by former defense contractor Edward Snowden prevented approximately 50 terrorist plots since 2001, 10 of which targeted the U.S., and said new policies are being crafted to prevent another large-scale leak.

Alexander disclosed that approximately 1,000 people are currently employed as NSA systems administrators – the position Snowden held – and that the agency is "working to come up with a two-person rule" to prevent people "from taking information out of our system." Snowden was a contractor assigned to the NSA by Booz Allen Hamilton before he downloaded and released information on the top-secret programs.

The intelligence agency leader didn't go into detail about what precisely the new "two person" rule would entail. "When one of those persons misuses their authority, that is a huge problem," Alexander said.

The government officials present at Tuesday's hearing publicly disclosed two cases they said were cracked with the broad communications surveillance: One in 2010, in which investigators nabbed Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange and another in which a man was arrested for providing "financial support" to an extremist group in Somalia.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, questioned FBI Deputy Director Sean Joyce at the hearing, inquiring if the NYSE plotters were serious or if the plans were "something they kind of dreamed about talking among their buddies." Joyce said the conviction of plotters showed it was a serious plan.

NSA Director: Surveillance Stopped 50 Terror Plots - US News and World Report


Gov't claims spying programs stopped plot to bomb New York Stock Exchange - Jun. 18, 2013
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?

When terrorist attacks are "stopped" generally it saves lives. And drying up the money is basically a good way to stop them.

That posted, even if what the NSA is true, the price paid, is still too high.

We should not be giving up our right to privacy.

And there are other ways to stop attacks.
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?

When terrorist attacks are "stopped" generally it saves lives. And drying up the money is basically a good way to stop them.

That posted, even if what the NSA is true, the price paid, is still too high.

We should not be giving up our right to privacy.

And there are other ways to stop attacks.

Except if I remember correctly, they have been charging strip club owners and high schoolers under the Patriot Act and using the word "terrorism" quite loosely..

Someone ought to post a thread about how Patriot Act powers have been usurped and used on DOMESTIC cases with NO real connection to foreign or stateless pirates..
There might have been 50 thwarted attacks, but how many were really stopped by NSA surveillance?

Most of them were stopped because they were stings, like this one.

Man arrested after plotting Federal Reserve bomb, authorities say - CNN.com

Or terrorist screw ups like the times square bomber.

What are the details of these claimed 50 attacks? How many were stopped because the Patriot Act was used legitimately, examining foreign contacts? How many through the government's dragnet?
Seems like the NSA phone surveillance program has already paid off, at least in one case where it could have really affected us where Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange.

Such a case makes the surveillance worth the effort.

National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander testified Tuesday before the House Intelligence Committee that phone and Internet surveillance programs made public by former defense contractor Edward Snowden prevented approximately 50 terrorist plots since 2001, 10 of which targeted the U.S., and said new policies are being crafted to prevent another large-scale leak.

Alexander disclosed that approximately 1,000 people are currently employed as NSA systems administrators – the position Snowden held – and that the agency is "working to come up with a two-person rule" to prevent people "from taking information out of our system." Snowden was a contractor assigned to the NSA by Booz Allen Hamilton before he downloaded and released information on the top-secret programs.

The intelligence agency leader didn't go into detail about what precisely the new "two person" rule would entail. "When one of those persons misuses their authority, that is a huge problem," Alexander said.

The government officials present at Tuesday's hearing publicly disclosed two cases they said were cracked with the broad communications surveillance: One in 2010, in which investigators nabbed Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange and another in which a man was arrested for providing "financial support" to an extremist group in Somalia.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, questioned FBI Deputy Director Sean Joyce at the hearing, inquiring if the NYSE plotters were serious or if the plans were "something they kind of dreamed about talking among their buddies." Joyce said the conviction of plotters showed it was a serious plan.

NSA Director: Surveillance Stopped 50 Terror Plots - US News and World Report


Gov't claims spying programs stopped plot to bomb New York Stock Exchange - Jun. 18, 2013

Great dog and pony show in front of congress yesterday. Those 50 terrorist plots are classified, so I guess we'll just have to take the NSA's word for it (hell, they could've really ramped up the fear and said they stopped 500 terrorist plots).
Of course the METHODS AND SOURCES of the NSA program are classified. The details of the terror "plot" are properly somewhat classified, BUT if you got 50 to 100 people in custody --- WHERE ARE THEY?

Did they run them thru the public courts??? If they did --- that's not classified.. Why weren't the details released.

Were they tried by MILITARY TRIBUNAL??? If so tell us where and when and what the sentence was..

Are they in Guantanamo??? Just tell us yes or no...

Did the CIA snatch them and let the Romanians torture them?? Hey - we don't do that stuff.

Unless there's a LEGAL trail on all these 100s of conspirators. We STILL might not like what's being done in our names. Maybe Mertex never heard of Habeus Corpus?
There might have been 50 thwarted attacks, but how many were really stopped by NSA surveillance?

Most of them were stopped because they were stings, like this one.

Man arrested after plotting Federal Reserve bomb, authorities say - CNN.com

Or terrorist screw ups like the times square bomber.

What are the details of these claimed 50 attacks? How many were stopped because the Patriot Act was used legitimately, examining foreign contacts? How many through the government's dragnet?

Well isn't that precious? If this program picked him up and SURVEILLANCE ALONE wasn't enough evidence to arraign him --- you need to plan a dramatic sting operation.. Certainly providing him "explosives" and technical support was deemed neccessary.
Desperation in action. I'm with B.Kidd. They may as well have claimed 100,000 lives were saved since there's no way we can verify what they claim. These assholes spy on us, for God's sake. They should know we're not that stupid.
You have to suspect that the NSA is engaged in a CYA operation here. It gets out that the government is spying on citizens so they release this to try to show that they're being effective? I'm shouting BULLSHIT right here.
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?

When terrorist attacks are "stopped" generally it saves lives. And drying up the money is basically a good way to stop them.

That posted, even if what the NSA is true, the price paid, is still too high.

We should not be giving up our right to privacy.

And there are other ways to stop attacks.

People are more worried about a future "evil" President or Congress that would use the data for dishonest means, but if we ever get an "evil" President, (like one we had before who was not President but ran the President) don't you think they could start a database then and use it however they wanted. What's to stop them? Right now Congress and the courts have to be in on it to go further than just having the numbers. I'm okay with that.
Seems like the NSA phone surveillance program has already paid off, at least in one case where it could have really affected us where Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange.

Such a case makes the surveillance worth the effort.

National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander testified Tuesday before the House Intelligence Committee that phone and Internet surveillance programs made public by former defense contractor Edward Snowden prevented approximately 50 terrorist plots since 2001, 10 of which targeted the U.S., and said new policies are being crafted to prevent another large-scale leak.

Alexander disclosed that approximately 1,000 people are currently employed as NSA systems administrators – the position Snowden held – and that the agency is "working to come up with a two-person rule" to prevent people "from taking information out of our system." Snowden was a contractor assigned to the NSA by Booz Allen Hamilton before he downloaded and released information on the top-secret programs.

The intelligence agency leader didn't go into detail about what precisely the new "two person" rule would entail. "When one of those persons misuses their authority, that is a huge problem," Alexander said.

The government officials present at Tuesday's hearing publicly disclosed two cases they said were cracked with the broad communications surveillance: One in 2010, in which investigators nabbed Khalid Ouazzani for allegedly plotting with Yemeni co-conspirators to blow up the New York Stock Exchange and another in which a man was arrested for providing "financial support" to an extremist group in Somalia.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, questioned FBI Deputy Director Sean Joyce at the hearing, inquiring if the NYSE plotters were serious or if the plans were "something they kind of dreamed about talking among their buddies." Joyce said the conviction of plotters showed it was a serious plan.

NSA Director: Surveillance Stopped 50 Terror Plots - US News and World Report


Gov't claims spying programs stopped plot to bomb New York Stock Exchange - Jun. 18, 2013


Well at least post something to back your insightful comment! Oh, of course, you have none.
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?

When terrorist attacks are "stopped" generally it saves lives. And drying up the money is basically a good way to stop them.

That posted, even if what the NSA is true, the price paid, is still too high.

We should not be giving up our right to privacy.

And there are other ways to stop attacks.

Except if I remember correctly, they have been charging strip club owners and high schoolers under the Patriot Act and using the word "terrorism" quite loosely..

Someone ought to post a thread about how Patriot Act powers have been usurped and used on DOMESTIC cases with NO real connection to foreign or stateless pirates..
This sort of "mission creep" and government tyranny always seems to happen when there is not proper oversight and public scrutiny of official powers, doesn't it?

I would never believe any of the claims of these Security State Goons unless I could check up properly what the real facts are. They have been caught lying and misrepresenting far, far too many times!
That's great news..

As soon as I see the COURT DATES or MORGUE tags for these 50 or more people -- I might HAVE to believe it.. Did you get names and court dates?

If "stopping financial support" of terrorists is the same as "stopping terrorist attacks" --- Then we should IMMEDIATELY charge our State Dept under the Patriot Act and bug them for sending money to Moslem countries like Pakistan and Egypt.. Somehow, THAT financial support isn't grounds for violating the Constitution ---- IS IT?

When terrorist attacks are "stopped" generally it saves lives. And drying up the money is basically a good way to stop them.

That posted, even if what the NSA is true, the price paid, is still too high.

We should not be giving up our right to privacy.

And there are other ways to stop attacks.

People are more worried about a future "evil" President or Congress that would use the data for dishonest means, but if we ever get an "evil" President, (like one we had before who was not President but ran the President) don't you think they could start a database then and use it however they wanted. What's to stop them? Right now Congress and the courts have to be in on it to go further than just having the numbers. I'm okay with that.

Congress is "in on it"?? Most claim ignorance or are lying to you.. "THE COURTS"??? You have any clue as to WHO is a FISA JUDGE??? Is their work reviewable in any way?? How do you know they aren't a 2 star General with a lifetime career in the spy biz? NOTHING the FISA court does in appealable in the Judiciary branch. Essentially, they are completely DIVORCED from the legal system.

You do know that even ACKNOWLEDGING that you have recieved a FISA National Security Letter is illegal? You OK with NSA listening to content and having THREE DAYS to obtain a warrant for that action? Are you even OK with allowing NSA access to domestic data when for DECADES they were barred from taking part in any domestic affairs (for dam good reasons).

Don't really care about your political biases. I want to know WHAT and WHO is really the oversight or the rules here ---- RIGHT NOW.. I'll talk to you later when the anti-Christ arrives. NEITHER of your sorry ass parties ought to be trusted with that HUGE NEW NSA complex in Utah.. And sometimes I don't think we're smart enough to have the keys to a nuclear arsenal..
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Great dog and pony show in front of congress yesterday. Those 50 terrorist plots are classified, so I guess we'll just have to take the NSA's word for it (hell, they could've really ramped up the fear and said they stopped 500 terrorist plots).


I don't believe a word they say. It's all empty assertions.

Google is now trying to get to reveal how many requests from the government they get per month to track people's search patterns. I bet it's several thousands and Google has to employ dozens of people to deal with just that. So they know all the stuff you look up.

Admittedly I mostly look up arcane medieval factoids, but it makes me nervous that they are watching everyone's searches --- and mad.

We have such a lousy government.

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