Nukes, Debt Default, Depression, Wall, Religious discrimination. Trump is truly a visionary.

Give it a break lefties. Every freaking major military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. A democrat president authorized the use of nuclear weapons against Japan while they were trying to negotiate surrender terms. Truman's hand picked general in Korea went crazy and threatened to nuke China before he was relieved of duty. He and Truman enjoyed a tickertape parade courtesy of the democrat establishment while Americans were dying in a stalemate created by the democrat party. JFK brought the U.S. to the brink of nuclear war during the Missile Crisis. The point is that nuclear weapons are always on the table regardless of the left wing propaganda. Since when are well regulated borders a symbol of oppression? Democrats have been chipping away at the 1st Amendment since FDR appointed a former KKK member to the Court to write the majority opinion that created a new level of religious oppression with the "separation of church/state" that does not exist in the Constitution. Tell the Branch Dividians about religious oppression when Clinton ordered tanks and poison gas to incinerate about 80 men women and children in Waco Texas. It's funny that there was a time when the left would have welcomed a candidate like Trump but, alas, the left has become the crooked establishment and they would rather have an idiot like Barry Hussein who sells the U.S. down the drain and lies to low information lefties about it.
oppression with the "separation of church/state" that does not exist in the Constitution

Right wingers have never understood that freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom from religion.

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