Number of Shootings, Homicides Across Chicago Down So Far in 2023 Compared to Last Year: Police

You think so? You claimed welfare was a policy by Democrats to hurt black folks and then I show you where the biggest expansion of it was done by a Republican and then you talk about what has been done almost 48yrs later.
no i didn’t
Only a dumbass Moon Bat like you would brag about this:

Year To Date

Shot & Killed: 232
Shot & Wounded: 917
Total Shot: 1149
Total Homicides: 252

Already went up by around 3.5% since you posted on Saturday

Shot & Killed: 232
Shot & Wounded: 917
Total Shot: 1149
Total Homicides: 252

Shot & Killed: 240
Shot & Wounded: 939
Total Shot: 1179
Total Homicides: 261
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Hmm... just wonder as to how many of those 261 homicides or 939 shot and wounded (as of today) were so-called innocents.
Street thugs shooting other street thugs. Interspersed with a few druggies and gang bangers.
Street thugs shooting other street thugs. Interspersed with a few druggies and gang bangers.
Wild Africans need all the support they can get - instead of reparations, send in guns and ammo for free.
Tell you what, shit in one hand and wonder in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest.
Wondrous shit = Africans killing each other? - When are they ever going to evolve? that would be a Miracle.
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