NY Divests in BDS

BDS Fail: Spanish Tribunal Bans Anti-Israel Discrimination

BDS Fail: Spanish Tribunal Bans Anti-Israel Discrimination

TEL AVIV – A Spanish constitutional tribunal recommended annulling a municipality’s motion calling for a boycott against Israel and declaring itself “a space free of Israeli apartheid,” the Times of Israel reported. This week also saw New York’s Nassau County in Long Island unanimously pass a law Monday banning the county from doing business with companies that
boycott Israel
Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:
BDS Fail: Spanish Tribunal Bans Anti-Israel Discrimination

BDS Fail: Spanish Tribunal Bans Anti-Israel Discrimination

TEL AVIV – A Spanish constitutional tribunal recommended annulling a municipality’s motion calling for a boycott against Israel and declaring itself “a space free of Israeli apartheid,” the Times of Israel reported. This week also saw New York’s Nassau County in Long Island unanimously pass a law Monday banning the county from doing business with companies that
boycott Israel

Damnit, you gave it away! Yet another humiliating defeat for BDS, and another indication that....wait for it.....EVERYTHING'S GOING ACCORDING PLAN!

After this ruling by the Spanish court, Israel is doomed! :lmao:
Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

"The downtrend in Israel's exports is continuing in the second quarter. Updated figures for April published today by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that exports of goods were down by an annualized 21.7% in February-April 2016, following a 13.7% drop in November 2015-January 2016.

High-tech exports were down 32.1% in February-April 2016, following a 22.7% decline in the three preceding months. Exports of services (excluding startups) fell 4.1% in February-March 2016, after gaining 1.3% in November 2015-January 2016...." Israel's exports continue to plunge - Globes English
Good luck with that...

A leading constitutional rights attorney calls the action "21st century McCarthyism."

Baher Azmy, the legal director of the New York-based nonprofit Center for Constitutional Rights, said that with the executive order, Cuomo bypassed the state legislature and what Azmy called "the possibility of a bona fide debate on the American tradition of boycotting in support of social justice."

In addition, Cuomo's action violates the First Amendment protection of free speech, Azmy said.

"Cuomo's action has the ugliest attributes of McCarthyism: identifying organizations that engage in speech we dislike and, 'Let's blacklist them,'" said Azmy. "This is a well-orchestrated, well-funded, organized strategy to disproportionately punish U.S.-based activists. Really ugly." (from the OP link)

Well, good luck with that.

BDS and the First Amendment

As part of its public relations campaign to lure unwitting American citizens into supporting unlawful activity, the BDS movement, through affiliated groups, has published a number of quasi-legal memoranda that wrongfully portray BDS support as being absolutely protected by the First Amendment. In a recently published analysis, The Lawfare Project effectively exposed the flawed and misleading BDS legal claims as they relate to New York State law. Lawfare’s analysis also touched on the Constitutional issues that are involved, which are discussed in greater detail herein.
Your Israeli propaganda site, The Illegality of BDS in New York State: Response to Frivolous Arguments of Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights | The Lawfare Project bases its argument on false premise.

The BDS movement and actions taken in furtherance thereof are widely viewed as thinly veiled manifestations of anti-Semitism. That is, BDS is understood to be based more on animus toward Jews, Israel, and the Jewish state rather than on any legitimate interest in rectifying the plight of an Arab people. This is apparent from the BDS movement’s singular focus on Israel, the only democratic country in a sea of dictatorial Islamist regimes.​

They talk about discrimination based on the protected status of religion calling BDS antisemitic when that is not true at all. BDS has nothing to do with religion. It is strictly about discriminatory government policy.

Israel is not singled out. BDS is a Palestinian call to end occupation. Israel occupies Palestine. Palestine is not occupied by Saudi Arabia, North Korea, or any of the other countries Israel uses to deflect the issues.

NOPE any fool can see that BDS has been stolen by the Nazi's and white supremacists as a "legitimate" outlet for their Jew hatred. This is coming to the notice of government's and they are starting to clamp down on BDS as a racist organisation.

The only way to end the occupation is to follow the path detailed by the UN, Geneva conventions and IHL, and that is to negotiate in good faith a peace treaty and mutual borders. As this has never been tried you cant say that Israel will demand certain things as the terms have not been seen yet. BDS has only managed to hurt Palestinians up to now, and a few moron's that used it as a carrier for their mindless violence.
Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

"The downtrend in Israel's exports is continuing in the second quarter. Updated figures for April published today by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that exports of goods were down by an annualized 21.7% in February-April 2016, following a 13.7% drop in November 2015-January 2016.

High-tech exports were down 32.1% in February-April 2016, following a 22.7% decline in the three preceding months. Exports of services (excluding startups) fell 4.1% in February-March 2016, after gaining 1.3% in November 2015-January 2016...." Israel's exports continue to plunge - Globes English

How about some comparisons to other nations in the area, just to see if Israel is failing as badly as you claim. Or would it show that you have got it wrong again and have deliberately singled out the Jews for your "special treatment" again
Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

How many times has he come out with the same thing over the last 2 years he has infested this board. He first said in regards to he demographics until someone pointed out that the west bank is not part of Israel and so has no say in Israeli politics.
Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

"The downtrend in Israel's exports is continuing in the second quarter. Updated figures for April published today by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that exports of goods were down by an annualized 21.7% in February-April 2016, following a 13.7% drop in November 2015-January 2016.

High-tech exports were down 32.1% in February-April 2016, following a 22.7% decline in the three preceding months. Exports of services (excluding startups) fell 4.1% in February-March 2016, after gaining 1.3% in November 2015-January 2016...." Israel's exports continue to plunge - Globes English

The ups and downs of one sector, wow, big deal. But foreign investments were at record highs as of June, and June is after May, right, sock of Monte?

Here, now that New York has banned the BDS aka Bowel Discharge Syndrome putting the first nail in its coffin, let's sing this together:

Don't worry, Europe will take up the slack:

"BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe


A lack of US-style resistance to the growing BDS movement in Europe has ignited a worrisome trend across the continent.

European Affairs: BDS spreading like wildfire in Europe?

Again do you have a more recent article showing the BDS spreading like wildfire among Muslim invaders of Europe? Your article is from March, and the OP is as of June showing the "results", which are record investments in Israel and the economy booming. In other words, EPIC FAIL.

Failing and going backwards is according to the plan? Here's to more BDS "victories"! Ha ha.:beer:


How about May 27, 2016

Dutch Foreign Minister: Calls to Boycott Israel Protected Free Speech by the Constitution

read more: Dutch foreign minister: Calls to boycott Israel protected free speech by the constitution - Europe
May is before June? Ha ha ha. OMG.

Here's what counts, you have one of the most liberal influential states in the country, New York, banning BDS as if it's an abomination - signaling the rest of the country to do the same, and Israel reporting in real numbers as of a few days ago, a record investments and a booming economy, and then we have you....claiming that "everything is going according to plan". :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

How many times has he come out with the same thing over the last 2 years he has infested this board. He first said in regards to he demographics until someone pointed out that the west bank is not part of Israel and so has no say in Israeli politics.
Correct, when faced with humiliating defeat, they go into utter denial.
Third of Americans support BDS campaign against Israel: poll

By i24news
Published: 05/30/2016 - 06:55pm

The figures suggest that the organized movement, which appears to flourishing on US college campuses, is having a measurable effect on public opinion as a whole.


Third of Americans support BDS campaign against Israel: poll
Third of Americans support BDS campaign against Israel: poll

The figures suggest that the organized movement, which appears to flourishing on US college campuses, is having a measurable effect on public opinion as a whole.

Third of Americans support BDS campaign against Israel: poll

Which is roughly the Muslim, Loony Left, Nazi, College Cabal percent of America. The other 2/3 - according to your source - correctly believe the BDS Movement is anti-Semitic by nature and design.

How does it feel to know 2/3 of Americans find you to be a scummy anti-Semite?
Nice bullshit poll. Did you care to read the rest of what that page you linked said? Here are some tidbits:

"62 percent of respondents believe the economic campaign is anti-Semitic...On the flip side, a solid majority of 62 percent of Americans hold that the BDS Movement is an expression of modern anti-Semitism according to the survey, and 50 percent of UK respondents agree. ." <-----sounds like more of a headliner to me. Ha Ha.

"Read more: Poll finds Netanyahu is tenth most admired man in US"
Repeat after me: USA! USA! USA!

Besides, articles don't do much, considering that Israel's economy is doing great and foreign investments and tourism are at record highs. But if you really like polls, eat this:

Gallup: Americans still overwhelmingly support Israel

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

Gallup: American Sympathy for Israel Strong Across “All Major Political Subgroups”
Yes, yes. It was the same with Apartheid South Africa for decades. Eventually, even Americans come around.
Lawrence Solomon: Israel boycott will fail for same reason seal boycott succeeded

The Super Bowl will host more than the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks Sunday. It will also highlight the most divisive and bitterly contested trade boycott campaign since the 1980s and 1990s, when environmental and animal rights activists successfully demonized the Newfoundland seal fishery.

Today’s high-profile boycott is the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign – designed to force Israel both to leave the West Bank and to remove its security fence. But the boycott against Israeli goods and services will fail for much the same reason the seal boycott succeeded – boycotts require wholly unsympathetic targets. Israel is trendsetting, hip and inspirational, a magnet for winners from all walks of life. The same movers and shakers who recoiled at the sight of bludgeoned baby seals are drawn to Israel’s verve. They refuse to demonize Israel in a conflict too complex to reduce to crude anti-Israel slogans.
So Netanyahu is the tenth most admired person in the US? OMG. We'll take that, thanks for the great news! Ha ha ha.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the 10th most admired man in the United States, a new poll looking at the world's most admired people has found.

The Israeli leader placed 10th on the list of top 20 most admired men in the world according to Americans, produced by YouGov, an online survey company based in Britain.

YouGov released the results of its third massive international study of personality admiration on Saturday, offering an insight into which public figures are most admired around the world.

The most admired man in the world overall is Bill Gates, while Angelina Jolie is the most admired woman.

"In December YouGov gathered open-ended nominations from panelists across 30 countries, asking them simply: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

After receiving the results, these nominations were used to compile a list of the 20 men and 20 women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least two countries.

These lists were then used to poll each of the 30 countries asking two questions: “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one. "
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This was also common when organizations divested in Apartheid South Africa. It is progressing as expected.
Yes, yes, yes... keep deluding yourself that this is the case... well, in any place except multi-culti cultural-suicide Eurabia, anyway... which doesn't count for much, anymore.
So Netanyahu is the tenth most admired person in the US? OMG. We'll take that, thanks for the great news! Ha ha ha.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the 10th most admired man in the United States, a new poll looking at the world's most admired people has found.

The Israeli leader placed 10th on the list of top 20 most admired men in the world according to Americans, produced by YouGov, an online survey company based in Britain.

YouGov released the results of its third massive international study of personality admiration on Saturday, offering an insight into which public figures are most admired around the world.

The most admired man in the world overall is Bill Gates, while Angelina Jolie is the most admired woman.

"In December YouGov gathered open-ended nominations from panelists across 30 countries, asking them simply: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

After receiving the results, these nominations were used to compile a list of the 20 men and 20 women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least two countries.

These lists were then used to poll each of the 30 countries asking two questions: “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one. "
He got 3.7% of the vote of those who bothered to take part and doesn't even appear on any other list, not even Canada's. Just goes to show how gullable some Americans are...BTW anyone in the market for a London Bridge? :D
So Netanyahu is the tenth most admired person in the US? OMG. We'll take that, thanks for the great news! Ha ha ha.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the 10th most admired man in the United States, a new poll looking at the world's most admired people has found.

The Israeli leader placed 10th on the list of top 20 most admired men in the world according to Americans, produced by YouGov, an online survey company based in Britain.

YouGov released the results of its third massive international study of personality admiration on Saturday, offering an insight into which public figures are most admired around the world.

The most admired man in the world overall is Bill Gates, while Angelina Jolie is the most admired woman.

"In December YouGov gathered open-ended nominations from panelists across 30 countries, asking them simply: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

After receiving the results, these nominations were used to compile a list of the 20 men and 20 women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least two countries.

These lists were then used to poll each of the 30 countries asking two questions: “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one. "
Of course Nutandyahoo was absent from all other countries. Probably because the US has the biggest Israeli bullshit machine in the world.

Interesting to note that Bernie Sanders was on the vast majority of lists.

Sad to see that Queen Rania was only listed in a few countries. She has probably done more for this world than 99% of the other women mentioned.
So Netanyahu is the tenth most admired person in the US? OMG. We'll take that, thanks for the great news! Ha ha ha.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the 10th most admired man in the United States, a new poll looking at the world's most admired people has found.

The Israeli leader placed 10th on the list of top 20 most admired men in the world according to Americans, produced by YouGov, an online survey company based in Britain.

YouGov released the results of its third massive international study of personality admiration on Saturday, offering an insight into which public figures are most admired around the world.

The most admired man in the world overall is Bill Gates, while Angelina Jolie is the most admired woman.

"In December YouGov gathered open-ended nominations from panelists across 30 countries, asking them simply: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

After receiving the results, these nominations were used to compile a list of the 20 men and 20 women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least two countries.

These lists were then used to poll each of the 30 countries asking two questions: “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one. "
He got 3.7% of the vote of those who bothered to take part and doesn't even appear on any other list, not even Canada's. Just goes to show how gullable some Americans are...BTW anyone in the market for a London Bridge? :D
Well I guess if you believe the other poll you / your sock cited about the "one third BDS blah blah blah..." from the same site, then you should believe this too.
So Netanyahu is the tenth most admired person in the US? OMG. We'll take that, thanks for the great news! Ha ha ha.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the 10th most admired man in the United States, a new poll looking at the world's most admired people has found.

The Israeli leader placed 10th on the list of top 20 most admired men in the world according to Americans, produced by YouGov, an online survey company based in Britain.

YouGov released the results of its third massive international study of personality admiration on Saturday, offering an insight into which public figures are most admired around the world.

The most admired man in the world overall is Bill Gates, while Angelina Jolie is the most admired woman.

"In December YouGov gathered open-ended nominations from panelists across 30 countries, asking them simply: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

After receiving the results, these nominations were used to compile a list of the 20 men and 20 women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least two countries.

These lists were then used to poll each of the 30 countries asking two questions: “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one. "
Of course Nutandyahoo was absent from all other countries. Probably because the US has the biggest Israeli bullshit machine in the world.

Interesting to note that Bernie Sanders was on the vast majority of lists.

Sad to see that Queen Rania was only listed in a few countries. She has probably done more for this world than 99% of the other women mentioned.

It appears Americans don't care much for the IslamiNazi terrorist bullshit machine.

Personally I don't believe that poll about Netanyahu. A good portion of Americans probably don't even know who he is. Just used it to show how ridiculous the "1/3 of Americans are pro BDS" poll from that same site is.
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