NY governor calls vandalism at the homes of Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum ‘an abhorrent act of antisemitism’

This is so disgusting , never thought i would see the nazism in american. every liberal and their pro palestine buddies should be kicked out of the us. this is a disgrace.
Did you hear them in DC on Monday? They were yelling to kill the Jews, that they wished Hitler was still around, all sorts of venom, and defaced statues and assaulted a cop - and none of them got arrested. The tolerance for antisemitic behavior, particularly when committed by the pro-Palestinians, is indeed abhorrent.

I doubt DC law enforcement would have let them off if it were a bunch of KKK rioters yelling to lynch the blacks.

Leftists have such double standards.
Did you hear them in DC on Monday? They were yelling to kill the Jews, that they wished Hitler was still around, all sorts of venom, and defaced statues and assaulted a cop - and none of them got arrested. The tolerance for antisemitic behavior, particularly when committed by the pro-Palestinians, is indeed abhorrent.

I doubt DC law enforcement would have let them off if it were a bunch of KKK rioters yelling to lynch the blacks.

Leftists have such double standards.
liberals are very sick people
You’re using words you don’t know the meanings of again.
Oppressors are oppressors even if they are packaged differently. The Deplorables are not doing much of anything violent towards Progs. And any semblance of anything minor turns into a multi months attack on Democracy from the Prog media/entertainers/politicians. The reality is that the Prog side cannot survive without massive unpaid for resources as compared to the Deplorable side. Pushing nuclear families is not about pure wholesomeness. It is hard work for many couples to stay together. And it is the most proven thing to keep civilization intact enough to forestall revolutions, devasting wars and dystopian styles of not to good reasons of wanting to live.

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