NY Post reporting CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims

I wouldn't put it past Democrats. They are the worst threat to America and Americans.

Nah, here's a bigger threat...


I wouldn't put it past Democrats. They are the worst threat to America and Americans.

With respect , the Democrats are simply the rather stupid/ short sighted proxy fighters for the Deep State .
But the Dumbo elite -- Schumer , Newsom, Pelosi and others are strong enough to push the whole party the way DS wants .
Therefore -- so the idea goes -- those that have guaranteed wealth, whatever happens, will sink the ship ( the US ) but with little personal loss .
However , overall losses will be so great among the masses that a return to power for them should then not be far away .

AND / OR , they can then openly reveal themselves as Deep State in an entirely different US -- possibly more clearly aligned with BRICS but most definitely heavily subjugated .

Probably too far out for most, but it is my best estimate.
If someone "targets" Trump associates it can't be illegal - since it logically, is a matter of State security - therefore LEGAL.

It is easy and wrong for the FBI, DOJ, to prosecute people when there is no victim and no one was harmed.
It is easy to give examples that do show partisan manipulation that was illegal.
Like when Bill Clinton was set up in the Paula Jones trial, and asked about personal sexual activities that had nothing to do with Paula Jones.
Those prosecuting Clinton were just trying to illegally attack his personal life.
With Trump's associates, Manafort was the only one who actually committed a tiny crime, by accepting Russian money. Cohen actually did nothing illegal at all by paying Stormy Daniels. Flynn just did not admit to perfectly legal meetings with Russians over the desire to convince Russia not to retaliate against the illegal economic sanctions Obama imposed, and he had a right to privacy over that. Stone did nothing remotely wrong. George Papadopoulos did nothing remotely wrong.
Of course it was and can be illegal to target Trump associates.
Its called selective prosecution, things which everyone does and are not illegal actually.
It is easy and wrong for the FBI, DOJ, to prosecute people when there is no victim and no one was harmed.
It is easy to give examples that do show partisan manipulation that was illegal.
Like when Bill Clinton was set up in the Paula Jones trial, and asked about personal sexual activities that had nothing to do with Paula Jones.
Those prosecuting Clinton were just trying to illegally attack his personal life.
With Trump's associates, Manafort was the only one who actually committed a tiny crime, by accepting Russian money. Cohen actually did nothing illegal at all by paying Stormy Daniels. Flynn just did not admit to perfectly legal meetings with Russians over the desire to convince Russia not to retaliate against the illegal economic sanctions Obama imposed, and he had a right to privacy over that. Stone did nothing remotely wrong. George Papadopoulos did nothing remotely wrong.
Of course it was and can be illegal to target Trump associates.
Its called selective prosecution, things which everyone does and are not illegal actually.
still waiting for your answer on that other thread,,
If one or a group poses a national security issue - tap and waterboard them. In regards to Trump I would volunteer personally for the waterboarding action.
And the worst of them all - Homeland Security was invented ah... institutionalized by Republicans, way before 2016.

Did Trump abolish DHS during his tenure?

Waterboarding is illegal, and DHS should never have been allowed to exist.
G. F. Y. Lying sack.

Ain't no lie, tard. I laughed at you for crying about a stolen election (that wasn't stolen) and hallucinating J6 was a setup (that wasn't setup) and you respond to that by pointing to a post that's not even about the 2020 election OR J6.

You're a nut.

Nuts say crazy things which make me laugh.

Don't like that? Too fucking bad. :itsok:
Waterboarding is illegal,
Right - and obviously no one bothers - especially not the USA
and DHS should never have been allowed to exist.
Right - but it does exist.

As for your other posts and statements; it is understood that in any country on this planet - every "State security" organ or governmental organization, is being "instrumented" by the respective political and economic parties and lobbyists. That is why "fake" democracies are so important for all these established political mainstream parties.

So feel free to tell me something new. ;)
This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.

What foreign intelligence agencies? Who controlled these foreign intelligence agencies?
Ain't no lie, tard. I laughed at you for crying about a stolen election (that wasn't stolen) and hallucinating J6 was a setup (that wasn't setup) and you respond to that by pointing to a post that's not even about the 2020 election OR J6.

You're a nut.

Nuts say crazy things which make me laugh.

Don't like that? Too fucking bad. :itsok:
Your nothing but a liar . G.F.Y....

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