NY Times; obama misspoke :D

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.

Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that. By law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year. So they’ve sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold these substandard policies.

Allow me to translate from liberalish to human;

He lied, and we can't believe you bought that hook, line and sinker. But to keep the bullshit rolling we are going to keep lying, b/c obviously our fellow liberals are just that dumb.

Four legs good
Two legs better
Boy, he sure did "misspeak" frequently!

How shamelessly ridiculous does this nonsense have to get before even the left reaches toxic saturation from the consumption of its own bullshit?
Yup, multiple times...

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Liar liar... :eusa_whistle:
Boy, he sure did "misspeak" frequently!

How shamelessly ridiculous does this nonsense have to get before even the left reaches toxic saturation from the consumption of its own bullshit?

He murdered an American minor while executing an American terrorist w/o a trial.

There is no toxic level.

hell the left loves fdr, the only Pres that should have been executed.
"misspoke"....hummm......when I use the term or have heard it used, it usually denotes accidental/garbled utterances etc. It doesn't appear to me you can 'misspeak' what, 15 20 times? Especially in this context. He has folks that work for hom that prevent that kind of thing...unless....;)

mis•speak (mɪsˈspik)

v.t., v.i. -spoke, -spok•en, -speak•ing.
1. to speak, utter, or pronounce incorrectly.
2. to speak inaccurately, inappropriately, or too hastily.

misspoke - definition of misspoke by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

then again maybe they were being honest...:rolleyes:

some synonyms..

verb tell an untruth

Misspoke Synonyms, Misspoke Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

it doesn't get any better further down the alphabet....;)
"misspoke"....hummm......when I use the term or have heard it used, it usually denotes accidental/garbled utterances etc. It doesn't appear to me you can 'misspeak' what, 15 20 times? Especially in this context. He has folks that work for hom that prevent that kind of thing...unless....;)

mis•speak (mɪsˈspik)

v.t., v.i. -spoke, -spok•en, -speak•ing.
1. to speak, utter, or pronounce incorrectly.
2. to speak inaccurately, inappropriately, or too hastily.

misspoke - definition of misspoke by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

then again maybe they were being honest...:rolleyes:

some synonyms..

verb tell an untruth

Misspoke Synonyms, Misspoke Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

it doesn't get any better further down the alphabet....;)


Dem-O-Care jokes..just the beginning


"There was some good news today for embattled Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Obamacare will cover all her injuries after the White House throws her under the bus. She is totally covered." –Jay Leno

"Before they went on vacation, Congress voted to exempt themselves from Obamacare. They gave themselves a special exemption because they thought it was too expensive. So the people who voted for Obamacare for us voted to exempt themselves from it. You know how doctors take the Hippocratic Oath. Congress apparently takes the 'Hypocritic Oath.'" –Jay Leno

"The Obama administration has admitted that under Obamacare, you might not be able to keep your doctor. At first the president guaranteed you'd be able to keep your doctor, and now they're saying you 'might' be able to. Today Obama changed his slogan from 'Yes we can' to 'Perhaps we could try. Can't promise anything.'" –Jay Leno

"President Obama told a group of school children that broccoli was his favorite food, and they believed him. Then he told them Obamacare would reduce the deficit and the kids all busted out laughing." –Jay Leno

Obamacare Jokes and Funny Quotes about Obamacare
Here's another one....you see they think of all you people as stupid...HOW DARE you question or complain about the DEAR LEADER your daddy...you all know he just MISSPOKE

Home » News

Van Jones: Obama Detractors Have ‘Obama Derangement Syndrome’

November 4, 2013 - 12:00 PM


By Melanie Hunter

Van Jones, left-wing activist and former Obama administration official. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) – Former green jobs czar Van Jones, during a roundtable discussion over the rollout of Obamacare on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopolous,” said President Barack Obama’s detractors have “Obama Derangement Syndrome.”
..- See more at: Van Jones: Obama Detractors Have ?Obama Derangement Syndrome? | CNS News
Last edited:
He didn't mean it when he said it

He was for it before he was against it
we used that

He never had sex with that
hold it, we might need to dust that off for later

If obama had to pay for insurance it would look like....
whoa, wait, keep that as back up

The list of ideas that didn't make it out of editing
The NY Times would have been on Reagan or Bush like vultures on a fresh carcass with a month's worth of hate filled editorials but Obama merely "misspoke".

Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that. By law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year. So they’ve sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold these substandard policies.

Allow me to translate from liberalish to human;

He lied, and we can't believe you bought that hook, line and sinker. But to keep the bullshit rolling we are going to keep lying, b/c obviously our fellow liberals are just that dumb.

Four legs good
Two legs better

He misspoke up until he added "PERIOD, END OF STORY" It then became a lie.

Now that is a fact, and might I add

Misspoke: You caught me using my own words and there's no way around it, so I'm taking a mulligan by pretending I didn't mean what I clearly said.

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