NY Times Reporter: North Korea Better Than Trump On Climate Change


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013


If the dumb POS forgoes the Paris Accord he'll be in the tiniest category of those who aren't.
1. Syria
2. Nicaragua
And they only because it didn't go far enough

This will be one of the most shameful things ever done by a US president.
Climate Change has nothing to do with climate or change. It is how the UN is redistributing our wealth.
What is shameful is not stopping the fraud. Here, take it RIGHT FROM THE U.N. HORSE'S MOUTH:

Figueres admitted that the Global Warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has a goal not of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. She said very casually:

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

^That would be us she is trying to "dethrone'. Fixing the climate wasn't even on the radar was it? Here, in case you are still confused:

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:
"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

"We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer

It is about time you morons identify a scam when it is perpetrated against you. FREE YOURSELF FROM THE ILLUSION.

Do you know why this is the first time in history that they have been able to take our money and give it to everybody but us? It is because the United States of America has NEVER been this stupid before.......
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Clearly, the most shameful thing was trying to do an end-run around Congress on an accord that does nothing but bleeds America.

Those attacking this President because he is looking out for the best interests of America show their true colors.
If the dumb POS forgoes the Paris Accord he'll be in the tiniest category of those who aren't.
1. Syria
2. Nicaragua
And they only because it didn't go far enough

This will be one of the most shameful things ever done by a US president.
Why sign it? What will it do other than transfer $100 billion a year to the third world? Nothing else in it is mandatory or enforceable, so what is the point?
If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
Sounds like Trump's campaign
tell hiroko we never had a chance to ratify it. Obama said fuck the constitution.
If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
Sounds like Trump's campaign
Except its not. It is the liberals plan, explained in a creative manner.
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tell hiroko we never had a chance to ratify it. Obama said fuck the constitution.
Yeah the GOP was busy with its 45th repeal of the ACA at the time :rolleyes:
no its because he didn't give a shit. His press secretary said in a daily briefing "half of congress doesn't think like we do. why would we give them a voice?" paraphrased of course.
Another thing Kim Jong Un is better than Trump at, is being Kim Jong Un. Trump keeps trying though.
If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
Sounds like Trump's campaign

It sounds like and is the Obama administration. The Gore connection. The Bushes' NWO support.
So far it is NOT the Trump administration. But the fact that Trump hasn't come right out and kept his promise, we shall see if money is still going to leave our pockets by the billions to gift to Africa, Asia, Venezuela, and whoever else....
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If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
Sounds like Trump's campaign

Bullshit. It sounds like and is the Obama administration. The Gore connection. The Bushes' NWO support.
So far it is NOT the Trump administration. But the fact that Trump hasn't come right out and kept his promise, we shall see if money is still going to leave our pockets by the billions to gift to Africa, Asia, Venezuela, and whoever else....
Gore connection and NWO support? :cuckoo:
tell hiroko we never had a chance to ratify it. Obama said fuck the constitution.
Yeah the GOP was busy with its 45th repeal of the ACA at the time :rolleyes:
no its because he didn't give a shit. His press secretary said in a daily briefing "half of congress doesn't think like we do. why would we give them a voice?" paraphrased of course.
Of course :rolleyes:
are you wanting a link or something? I am having a problem interpreting your immaturity.
tell hiroko we never had a chance to ratify it. Obama said fuck the constitution.
Yeah the GOP was busy with its 45th repeal of the ACA at the time :rolleyes:
Instead of continually whining, why don't you make a case for signing it. Tell us all about the wonderful things that will happen. Not a cut and paste, but what you believe would happen if the US signed on.

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