NY Times Reporter: North Korea Better Than Trump On Climate Change

If I walked up to you and asked you to give me $10.00 and you asked me what it was for, and I told you, "I am pretending it's for ASPCA but it's really for me to slap you in the face", would you give me your money?
Sounds like Trump's campaign

Bullshit. It sounds like and is the Obama administration. The Gore connection. The Bushes' NWO support.
So far it is NOT the Trump administration. But the fact that Trump hasn't come right out and kept his promise, we shall see if money is still going to leave our pockets by the billions to gift to Africa, Asia, Venezuela, and whoever else....
Gore connection and NWO support? :cuckoo:

If you don't know, don't vote. Ignorance is killing us:

A NWO is the opposite of the United States of America. You can't have both. It is one or the other. Voting NWO/UN representatives into the White House is WHY America is no longer great. Their loyalties are with the UN and their job is to make us compliant, and not great.
And what "peace" has the UN ever accomplished?
Rule of law. < Remember that phrase the next time you vote for a globalist.. Rule of law is the absence of rights.
A credible UN is an oxymoron. It does not exist.
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The rest of the world wants some of our money and they'll use whatever they can to get it. To give it to them in exchange for NOTHING would be beyond stupid. This is redistribution of wealth on a grand world wide scale. Fuck that.
Notice none of resident leftists are willing to explain what is so great about the accord or how it will benefit the US.
Except its not. It is the liberals plan, explained in a creative manner.

Absolutely correct, but Republicans have a big problem now. Money is a powerful motivator, and the UN/Soros has a lot of money to buy our politicians with.
For instance, John McCain is NWO and you can tell. He is beholding to and works for Soros. He spreads Soros money around to a variety of groups. Kasich is NWO and now Ohio has illegals and "refugees" by the bus loads. One was going to suicide bomb my daughter's favorite mall, where she spends most of her time and my money. Ryan is RINO to the bone. Not hard to figure out what side good old Jeb is on.
We are going to have a harder and harder time trying to find a candidate that isn't willing to sell us out for lots and lots of money and a position on the world stage.
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If the dumb POS forgoes the Paris Accord he'll be in the tiniest category of those who aren't.
1. Syria
2. Nicaragua
And they only because it didn't go far enough

This will be one of the most shameful things ever done by a US president.
Ah, the everybody else does it excuse. Most of us outgrew that childish position by 18.
Notice none of resident leftists are willing to explain what is so great about the accord or how it will benefit the US.

When it comes right down to it, none of the global warming alarmist lefties really want to live in mud huts lit by candles and ride bicycles to the cooperative farm. They just want you to.
Ok, the 'DESPERATE, SORE-LOSER, BUTT-HURT SNOWFLAKE THREAD OF 2017 sofar goes to weatherman 2020.

Dude, are you SERIOUSLY posting an 'oh my ass still stings from the 2016 election loss' by touting / promoting the certifiably insane dictator of NK who is threatening Nuclear War / strikes on the US?!

Good lord, you pussies need help accepting reality, letting go of your delusions / hate, and your undeniable nack for suding with America's enemies!

(I wonder how much damage to the climate/earth one of this scumbag's nukes would do, snowflake...)

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