NYC Cop Shoves Bicyclist off Bike During Critical Mass Ride


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
NY cop caught on video pushing bicyclist

NY cop caught on video pushing bicyclist

By Rocco Parascandola

NEW YORK — A rookie cop faces almost certain dismissal after he was caught on video sending a bicyclist sprawling with a vicious and seemingly unprovoked shoulder check, police sources said yesterday.

I imagine most of you may have seen this on the news already.

Not much words about this, except WTF???
NY cop caught on video pushing bicyclist

I imagine most of you may have seen this on the news already.

Not much words about this, except WTF???

The person this piece of trash attacked is a veteran as well, so a report I saw said. I also believe the piece of swine said on the police report that the rider rode at him and he was "defending" himself. He looks like a linebacker "defending" himself from a running back. What a pussy. I hope he dies of an AIDS infection in his face.
If this was unprovoked... WTF indeed

After quickly looking... that indeed looks unprovoked... ridiculous
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In a criminal court complaint, Officer Pogan wrote that Mr. Long deliberately attacked him with the bike — although the videotape shows Mr. Long veering away from Officer Pogan, who pursues him toward the curb.

The officer said he was knocked to the ground by Mr. Long. Throughout the tape, though, he remains on his feet, even after banging into Mr. Long.

The police officer wrote that Mr. Long had been “weaving” in and out of traffic, “thereby forcing multiple vehicles to stop abruptly or change their direction in order to avoid hitting” Mr. Long. However, in the videotape, it appears that there are no cars on the street.

About New York - When Official Truth Collides With Cheap Digital Technology -

10 - 1 this swine pig scum will not do a day of time AND keep his job. NYPD shoots unarmed people and nothing happens. This is minor.
While indeed it looks unprovoked, remember, you're only seeing a small portion of this. Some reports have the bicyclist crossing in and out of traffic and disrupting traffic flow. The bicyclist was arrested after this incident. There is obviouly more to this story than we know. If this attack was unprovoked, then I think this cop should be dismissed and punished for it. I can't believe you're ready to hang this cop out to dry while you don't know all of the facts. The cyclist was the suspect of a criminal complaint.
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While indeed it looks unprovoked, remember, you're only seeing a small portion of this. Some reports have the bicyclist crossing in and out of traffic and disrupting traffic flow. The bicyclist was arrested after this incident. There is obviouly more to this story than we know. If this attack was unprovoked, then I think this cop should be dismissed and punished for it. I can't believe you're ready to hang this cop out to dry while you don't know all of the facts. The cyclist was the suspect of a criminal complaint.

Right! He lied on the police report because he was in the right. He's a fucking meathead who thinks God has endowed him with power. He should go to fucking jail, but he's gonna get administrative leave with pay until the news cycle changes then he'll be back on the street like many of his colleagues who have done much worse. The "complaint" was filed by the person who attacked him.
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Nice hit!

That's friggin cool.

The odds of it being unprovoked are slim to none. Let go of that pipe dream.
Right! He lied on the police report because he was in the right. He's a fucking meathead who thinks God has endowed him with power. He should go to fucking jail, but he's gonna get administrative leave with pay until the news cycle changes then he'll be back on the street like many of his colleagues who have done much worse.

The embolded is all opinion which is more upsurd than your first opinions. You do not have all of the information about this case regardless of your own personal opinion of your intelligence. If it is decided that the officer was unprovoked, he should go to jail. You're obviously biased and it shows on your posts. But any rational human being would have to know the ENTIRE story before casting judgement.
Right! He lied on the police report because he was in the right. He's a fucking meathead who thinks God has endowed him with power. He should go to fucking jail, but he's gonna get administrative leave with pay until the news cycle changes then he'll be back on the street like many of his colleagues who have done much worse. The "complaint" was filed by the person who attacked him.

You simply do not know that. How long was the tape again?
You simply do not know that. How long was the tape again?

He doesn't know shit. He's basing his entire opinion on his previous bias opinion and a short video on youtube. He does not have the criminal report filed on the cyclist prior to this incident...nor does he have the radio transmissions from the police dept. that told the officer to detain this cyclist. This cyclist knew what he was doing. As he was scuffling with the cops he yelled, "You are pawns in the game. I'm gonna have your job." Sounds like an unsuspecting victim doesn't it...:cuckoo:
But any rational human being would have to know the ENTIRE story before casting judgement.


However, one can still speculate. :D

And based on the video, I'm giving about a 99% probability to it being provoked. I can't imagine even the dumbest cop on the planet doing that without a good reason. And assuming he did have a good reason, I'm certainly not going to fault him for both taking the task seriously and enjoying his work. :D
odds? what the hell does that have to do with evidence? cops are human too. They fuck up and have bad apples just like any other profession.

The video sure is damning.

However, one can still speculate. :D

And based on the video, I'm giving about a 99% probability to it being provoked. I can't imagine even the dumbest cop on the planet doing that without a good reason. And assuming he did have a good reason, I'm certainly not going to fault him for both taking the task seriously and enjoying his work. :D

Exactly, one can speculate, but to defend a bogus speculation is even more retarded.

As far as the cop. It's fact that the cyclist was the suspect of a criminal complaint ealier for violating traffic laws and weaving in and out of cars. He was endangering drivers by his actions. The cop obviously recieved his orders to detain this cyclist. It was not because the cop didn't like the guys bike, and decided to take him out.
The embolded is all opinion which is more upsurd than your first opinions. You do not have all of the information about this case regardless of your own personal opinion of your intelligence. If it is decided that the officer was unprovoked, he should go to jail. You're obviously biased and it shows on your posts. But any rational human being would have to know the ENTIRE story before casting judgement.

No.... its not opinion. He did lie on the police report because there is video of the incident. He said the cyclist attacked him with the bike. We can see the cyclist move to the left to avoid the officer and the officer slide to his right and use his upper body as he explodes at the cyclist and pushes him off the bike onto the sidewalk. The officer also said he was knocked off his feet by the cyclist. Not true, we see it on the video. Unless my eyes deceive me, or there is another incident with this cyclist that the officer managed to forget to include in the report, this guy is a scum bag.
odds? what the hell does that have to do with evidence? cops are human too. They fuck up and have bad apples just like any other profession.

The video sure is damning.

Not unless it is longer than I am lead to believe it is. I will watch it.

For example, lets say I hit a cop and then run away and refuse to stop and all that gets filmed is me dodging the cop and then being tackles. I guess that would be pretty "damning" too right?
odds? what the hell does that have to do with evidence? cops are human too. They fuck up and have bad apples just like any other profession.

The video sure is damning.

I'll admit that the video is pretty convincing. But like I said, we don't know what went on before hand. And we don't have all of the facts about the cyclist.

I could post a video of me standing out in the front yard pulling my pants up, and one could gather that 1.) I just pinched a loaf on the lawn. 2.) I just mooned a car, 3.) I was doing the helicopter, 4.) I was getting a tan, 5.) I had ants in my pants, 6.) I was peed in the bushes, 7.) I'm an expositionist...know what I mean?

I could take clips from a COPS episode and just show them taking the suspect down, and claim that the guy was just minding his own business and was a victim of police brutality.

There's only so much you can believe with videos. Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.
Not unless it is longer than I am lead to believe it is. I will watch it.

For example, lets say I hit a cop and then run away and refuse to stop and all that gets filmed is me dodging the cop and then being tackles. I guess that would be pretty "damning" too right?

As I expected it shows nothing BEFORE the event. One would have to assume those two cops just went into the street and randomly targetted one of MANY bike riders. You did notice how they did not touch ANY other rider? Made no move to knock anyone else off their bike?
Not unless it is longer than I am lead to believe it is. I will watch it.

For example, lets say I hit a cop and then run away and refuse to stop and all that gets filmed is me dodging the cop and then being tackles. I guess that would be pretty "damning" too right?

Should the video include the entire mile the guy rode to get to that point? Cops are not without the ability to fuck up. Ignoring when they do brings us right back around to Rodney King.

The CM people tend to behave very badly.

But I still hope the cop loses his job :)

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