NYT death throes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I am happy to have lived long enough to see the take down of left wing propagandists. Layoffs couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of pussbags.

Let's hope it escalates.

"Mr. Baquet and Mr. Kahn, however, used the report to more bluntly address the need for downsizing, saying in no uncertain terms that moving away from “duplicative and often low-value line editing” would lead to reductions in the editor ranks.

“Let’s not be coy,” they wrote. “The changes will lead to fewer editors at The Times.”

Carlos Slim is the largest shareholder. So you might say the NYT is slimming down, big duh tchh.
LOL Ah yes, shut down all the newspapers and substitute The National Enquirer and Breibart for them.

Then we will see them standing the halls, hands upraised, tears streaming down their cheeks, saying in a droning voice, Daaawww-nold, Sweet Daaaww-nold, wonderful Daaaww-nold. Then they will fall on the backs, spouting gibberish that sound vaguely like another language, interspersed with Daaaww-nold, sweet Daaww-nold, wonder Daaawww-nold.
LOL Ah yes, shut down all the newspapers and substitute The National Enquirer and Breibart for them.

Then we will see them standing the halls, hands upraised, tears streaming down their cheeks, saying in a droning voice, Daaawww-nold, Sweet Daaaww-nold, wonderful Daaaww-nold. Then they will fall on the backs, spouting gibberish that sound vaguely like another language, interspersed with Daaaww-nold, sweet Daaww-nold, wonder Daaawww-nold.

CNN recently proved itself to be no better than the national enquire that's for sure, the NYTs was proven by wikileaks along with WaPo, CNN, Politico, and MSNBC to have actively colluded with the DNC and Clinton campaign. Fake news the lot.
LOL Ah yes, shut down all the newspapers and substitute The National Enquirer and Breibart for them.

Then we will see them standing the halls, hands upraised, tears streaming down their cheeks, saying in a droning voice, Daaawww-nold, Sweet Daaaww-nold, wonderful Daaaww-nold. Then they will fall on the backs, spouting gibberish that sound vaguely like another language, interspersed with Daaaww-nold, sweet Daaww-nold, wonder Daaawww-nold.
The NY Times is the author of its own misfortune. Diminishing circulation and resulting drops in ad revenues and prior staff cuts have been going on for years now due to their extreme lefty reporting and editorial content that readers have, finally, rejected. What they're selling folks simply aren't buying like they did in the past.

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