NYT: FBI were told Nassar was a molestor, did little while Nassar molested 2 dozen more girls

Far too many knew what was going on and looked away.

Each and every one of them are culpable and needs to be held accountable
Far too many knew what was going on and looked away.

Each and every one of them are culpable and needs to be held accountable

Seeing him in the court room must be maddening for the families. Not many people disagree with the distraught fathers courtroom actions.
Far too many knew what was going on and looked away.

Each and every one of them are culpable and needs to be held accountable

Seeing him in the court room must be maddening for the families. Not many people disagree with the distraught fathers courtroom actions.

Our daughter is a gymnast so this hit close to home. A lot of new rules regarding treating them are being put in place and training is being given on what to do if they are uncomfortable in a situation or if they are touched in anyway that is inappropriate.

I saw on the news this past week it's also an epidemic situation in swimming...over 100 people that were staff have been banned for life.
Far too many knew what was going on and looked away.

Each and every one of them are culpable and needs to be held accountable
I agree, but that may be easier said than done. Getting proof of other people's knowledge may be as hard as getting Cherry Coke to come out of a cow instead of milk.

God bless you and the victims always!!!

Far too many knew what was going on and looked away.

Each and every one of them are culpable and needs to be held accountable

Seeing him in the court room must be maddening for the families. Not many people disagree with the distraught fathers courtroom actions.

Our daughter is a gymnast so this hit close to home. A lot of new rules regarding treating them are being put in place and training is being given on what to do if they are uncomfortable in a situation or if they are touched in anyway that is inappropriate.

I saw on the news this past week it's also an epidemic situation in swimming...over 100 people that were staff have been banned for life.
I wouldnt want anyone innocent banned...its almost hatd to believe, lately it seems like were a nation of closet pervs
"Maggie Nichols, the gymnast initially known as “Athlete A,” was not contacted by the FBI for nearly 11 months after the information she provided sparked the federal inquiry into Larry Nassar"

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