NYT focus group interview with 11 Repubs


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Pretty demoralizing reading through their answers to various questions.

A 69 year old lady from IO said she leans towards voting for Trump again because of his business acumen. Indicating the information about his fraudulent biz practices, bankruptcies, and dependence on his dad's fortune have not penetrated her tin foil hat. "I like the business skills, but that’s got to be coupled with following the Constitution and getting back to constitutional law." IRONY ALERT!!

A 35 year old guy from NV said......"Career politicians have created a dystopian world, and it doesn’t matter who we vote for." He must think career politicians elect themselves. He also believes, in response to a question about what would make America safer, that....."We need to get the children back into some sort of discipline program." What that means is anyone's guess.

A 65 year old man from SC said........."I’m never really sure what the real story is with these wars. Half of me thinks it’s a distraction from what’s really going on. I think there’s likely some very nefarious things going on behind the scenes." Another example of conspiratorial thinking rampant on the Right. He also said......
"Honestly, I just wish Robert F. Kennedy would be a Republican nominee. He’s running as an independent. But he sounds Republican at heart." Agreed. Junior is a nut.

Amy, a 51 year old from SC, said on what she's looking for in a presidential candidate........."I want to feel confident that there’s not backdoor deals going on that are lining their personal pockets and their child’s pockets." Sounds like she's been paying attention to the baseless allegations made against Joe, but paid no attention to Trump's grifting while in office.

And then, a glimmer of hope. One man said of Trump......"He is more of an entertainer than he is a politician. Obama was a statesman. He looked like a president. And I think, in a lot of ways, Trump is the polar opposite of that." Amen.
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Pretty demoralizing reading through their answers to various questions.

A 69 year old lady from IO said she leans towards voting for Trump again because of his business acumen. Indicating the information about his fraudulent biz practices, bankruptcies, and dependence on his dad's fortune have not penetrated her tin foil hat. "I like the business skills, but that’s got to be coupled with following the Constitution and getting back to constitutional law." IRONY ALERT!!

A 35 year old guy from NV said......"Career politicians have created a dystopian world, and it doesn’t matter who we vote for." He must think career politicians elect themselves. He also believes, in response to a question about what would make America safer, that....."We need to get the children back into some sort of discipline program." What that means is anyone's guess.

A 65 year old man from SC said........."I’m never really sure what the real story is with these wars. Half of me thinks it’s a distraction from what’s really going on. I think there’s likely some very nefarious things going on behind the scenes." Another example of conspiratorial thinking rampant on the Right. He also said......
"Honestly, I just wish Robert F. Kennedy would be a Republican nominee. He’s running as an independent. But he sounds Republican at heart." Agreed. Junior is a nut.

Amy, a 51 year old from SC, said on what she's looking for in a presidential candidate........."I want to feel confident that there’s not backdoor deals going on that are lining their personal pockets and their child’s pockets." Sounds like she's been paying attention to the baseless allegations made against Joe, but paid no attention to Trump's grifting while in office.

And then, a glimmer of hope. One man said of Trump......"He is more of an entertainer than he is a politician. Obama was a statesman. He looked like a president. And I think, in a lot of ways, Trump is the polar opposite of that." Amen.
Why do you lie in your post? Are you afraid to debate honestly?
Not that this will penetrate any minds affected by TDS, but having done a lot of business in the construction industry in New York (on the business side, not dirty hands), I can say without hesitation that the business practices for which Trump is attacked are perfectly normal in that geographical area (NYC, Northern NJ, Eastern CT). The contractors and subcontractors are thieves, and the developers and general contractors run their operations accordingly. Everyone claims to be losing money, but most are making a killing.

If a subcontractor has a legitimate claim for a hundred thousand, he will claim half a million, then settle for $250k then tell the world that he got screwed by the GC. And he will happily bid on the next project that the GC works on. "News" outlets listen to the contractors and subs and assume they are getting the real picture.

As for the "fraud" case against Trump in Manhattan, again what his businesses do are standard practice in New York (and most other big cities). They maximize the value of their assets on loan applications and minimize them when appealing real estate tax assessments. This is not "fraud." You are talking about values that can vary greatly according to who is doing the evaluation and the purpose of the evaluation.

It is truly astounding to me how people can look at Trump's lifestyle and properties and say that he is a "bad" or "incompetent" businessman. It is literally unreal.
...and for the record, the fact that Trump is a businessman and not a politician or a bureaucrat was invaluable during his Presidency. If he hadn't been hamstrung by Democrats and the Deep State, then crippled by the Pandemic, he would go down as the most effective President in history.

This becomes more and more apparent - even to Democrats - as Biden blunders from one self-imposed fiasco to another, mainly because he HAS NEVER HAD A RESPONSIBLE JOB IN HIS LIFE. Or - obviously - run a business other than influence peddling.
If he hadn't been hamstrung by Democrats and the Deep State, then crippled by the Pandemic, he would go down as the most effective President in history.
First, there is no deep state. Second, what major legislation he proposed was passed while Repubs had unified control of government besides the budget busting tax cut?
Not that this will penetrate any minds affected by TDS, but having done a lot of business in the construction industry in New York (on the business side, not dirty hands), I can say without hesitation that the business practices for which Trump is attacked are perfectly normal in that geographical area
So.......you're going down the path of rationalizing him cheating contractors because "everybody does it."

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