NYT Siena poll: Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden

Well, it is unlikely, they will simply do away with the primaries that start in a little over two months. Of course, I will not be voting until Super Tuesday, March 5th, 2024. But, I will be glad to watch you live and die by every daily poll between now and the General Election.

Let's try this again:

How many polls did Trump lead Biden in during 2020?

How many did he lead Hillary in back in 2016?

What do you think the state of the Nation will be one year from now, generally speaking with our current trajectory: Better or worse?

After having logically and rationally considered this context, get back to us with your thoughts.
Let's try this again:

How many polls did Trump lead Biden in during 2020?

How many did he lead Hillary in back in 2016?

What do you think the state of the Nation will be one year from now, generally speaking with our current trajectory: Better or worse?

After having logically and rationally considered this context, get back to us with your thoughts.
Dems just laugh because the Dem STEAL will be even bigger in 2024. They know they only have to cheat in a few states to steal it.
Your boy old fart is seriously underwater in all categories that matter and I can't see where that will improve at all.

In fact I'll be surprised if he is still "running" after the Thanksgiving break

Almost certainly "falling", though.
Dems just laugh because the Dem STEAL will be even bigger in 2024. They know they only have to cheat in a few states to steal it.

That's not the rumblings I'm seeing at all.

The GOP apparatus has aligned with Trump's Presidential campaign to make sure it DOES NOT HAPPEN.

They're also seeing early voting increase by multiples in off year elections since Trump got on board this year. (See the great Louisiana victory, and what could augur very well in Kentucky/Virginia this coming Tuesday.)

Everything is coalescing around preventing another steal.

If it weren't, the Dems wouldn't be engaging in their desperate lawfare to dispatch Trump for good.

And yet, they are.


Because they know they can't beat him at the ballot box this time.

Even with COVID, they were barely able to.

And this time they've got a lot less going for them.

Keep the faith Brother.
The GOP apparatus has aligned with Trump's Presidential campaign to make sure it DOES NOT HAPPEN.
Do not underestimate Dem's deception and cheating schemes. Like Republicans did in 2020.

FOR EXAMPLE: Get ready for the Dem's CASH for VOTES campaign. Dems have already doled out CASH for VOTES in GA and it worked. Dems promised CASH for VOTES in 2022, get your free student loan forgiveness and 66% of those with student loans voted Dem, shocker. As for the faltering black vote, it will be shored up with promises of reparations.

With the CASH for VOTES coming from Dems they are likely to slaughter the Republican candidate 2024. Dems are offering 10's of thousands of dollars per vote.
Let's try this again:

How many polls did Trump lead Biden in during 2020?

How many did he lead Hillary in back in 2016?

What do you think the state of the Nation will be one year from now, generally speaking with our current trajectory: Better or worse?

After having logically and rationally considered this context, get back to us with your thoughts.
I didn't think the polls very accurate in 2016 and 2020, and there was considerable talk about that at those times. Hillary was leading and increasing until the investigation was reopened two weeks before election, though the investigation re-closed with no changes, she lost heavily. The only unpleasant fact in that, being that there was no way both candidates couldn't lose.
I suspect the state of the Nation will be quite similar to today with minor fluctuations of economy. I just can't worship at the altar of public opinion polls by private organizations, as you, and the further out from the election, the more meaningless, they are. I got to admit, I hated Stats in college and could easily see the unintended bias in polls my group created, when analyzed by the whole class, while taking pains in group to avoid poor questions and sampling methods. We got A's for methodology of the project, but agreed with the class, output was garbage. I came to the conceited conclusion, that if I couldn't do get it right, polling in general is fraught with many perils, created by people no smarter than me and their validity is nothing to be considered as highly accurate, in general. The professor did not say so, but I think that was one of, if not the actual point of the group project assigned.
I suspect the state of the Nation will be quite similar to today with minor fluctuations of economy. I just can't worship at the altar of public opinion polls by private organizations, as you, and the further out from the election, the more meaningless, they are. I got to admit, I hated Stats in college and could easily see the unintended bias in polls my group created, when analyzed by the whole class, while taking pains in group to avoid poor questions and sampling methods. We got A's for methodology of the project, but agreed with the class, output was garbage. I came to the conceited conclusion, that if I couldn't do get it right, polling in general is fraught with many perils, created by people no smarter than me and their validity is nothing to be considered as highly accurate, in general. The professor did not say so, but I think that was one of, if not the actual point of the group project assigned.

Obama stooge Dan Pfeiffer disagrees with you:

I am still processing this poll and will have more to say in the coming days. But I do not want to sugarcoat it. While some of Trump’s gains among Black, Hispanic, and young voters may be hard to believe, numbers like these are broadly consistent with the trendlines in recent polls. This poll shows that not only can Trump win, he might now be a slight favorite to do so. Even if we don’t take the results literally, we should take them very, very seriously.

Yeah, Democrats have plenty of time to CHEAT and RIG in those states. Here comes the Dem ballot box stuffing...ahem I mean "ballot harvesting".
Yes, yes, yes, (sigh), our country has a shitty method of electing leaders, but still better than everybody elses method, so I guess we'll keep it.:D
Means nothing, at this point. You know this, but have fun. :D

They constantly claim the polls are fake news, but the moment one comes out they like they race to post it up here.

More voters in five key swing states say that they would vote for former President Donald Trump (R) over President Joe Biden (D) in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, according to New York Times/Siena College polls released on Sunday.

Trump, the unrivaled front-runner in the GOP primary to take on Biden, leads Biden 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% to 43% in Georgia, 49% to 44% in Arizona, 48% to 43% in Michigan, and 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania.

Wisconsin is the only swing state that The New York Times and Siena College polled where Biden has the edge. In the Badger State, Biden leads Trump 47% to 45%.

The results of the polls, which were conducted from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, are perhaps the most alarming sign yet for Democrats that Biden faces an uphill battle in his bid for a second term. If Trump were to win by the margins in the surveys published Sunday, he would obtain more than 300 electoral college votes and easily win the presidential election.

More at the link below...


It really saddens me to hear this! Hopefully things will turn around before the election. What do you think?

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