NYT Siena poll: Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden

Gee, how come there is never any credible proof when you deranged NaziCon keep crying VOTER FRAUD? So far you've lost all your frivolous court cases.

Trump's legal team cried vote fraud, but courts found none

Dude. There is a ton of proof. HAHA. The courts? Neat. Just a legitimate media not overturning an election would have gotten Trump elected. They deserve worse than anything the Jan 6 political prisoners are dealing with.

SHOCK POLLS: Biden Trails Trump in Five Key States
Frankly, it's predictable... given Uncle Joe's accelerating decrepitude and the mess his Admin's policies have made of things.

Sad to say... I think the Dems are in Deep $hit and I don't see any way out of the crapper for them in the foreseeable future.
View attachment 853723

More voters in five key swing states say that they would vote for former President Donald Trump (R) over President Joe Biden (D) in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, according to New York Times/Siena College polls released on Sunday.

Trump, the unrivaled front-runner in the GOP primary to take on Biden, leads Biden 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% to 43% in Georgia, 49% to 44% in Arizona, 48% to 43% in Michigan, and 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania.

Wisconsin is the only swing state that The New York Times and Siena College polled where Biden has the edge. In the Badger State, Biden leads Trump 47% to 45%.

The results of the polls, which were conducted from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, are perhaps the most alarming sign yet for Democrats that Biden faces an uphill battle in his bid for a second term. If Trump were to win by the margins in the surveys published Sunday, he would obtain more than 300 electoral college votes and easily win the presidential election.

More at the link below...


It really saddens me to hear this! Hopefully things will turn around before the election. What do you think?
What do I think? Well, I'm wondering why a classy person like you is saddened to hear that a conniving, cheating criminal extortionist should rule this country rather than President Trump who was tried over and over to no avail because he is honest, he earned money honestly, and he was put through the grinder by conniving, lying, cheating press commies, who ended up losing every rotten scheme they put President Trump through. And the American public is pushing back from their spoiled tables and supporting the hero Trump turned out to be, because he always was and always will be honest to God and to his fellow man.
View attachment 853723

More voters in five key swing states say that they would vote for former President Donald Trump (R) over President Joe Biden (D) in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, according to New York Times/Siena College polls released on Sunday.

Trump, the unrivaled front-runner in the GOP primary to take on Biden, leads Biden 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% to 43% in Georgia, 49% to 44% in Arizona, 48% to 43% in Michigan, and 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania.

Wisconsin is the only swing state that The New York Times and Siena College polled where Biden has the edge. In the Badger State, Biden leads Trump 47% to 45%.

The results of the polls, which were conducted from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, are perhaps the most alarming sign yet for Democrats that Biden faces an uphill battle in his bid for a second term. If Trump were to win by the margins in the surveys published Sunday, he would obtain more than 300 electoral college votes and easily win the presidential election.

More at the link below...


It really saddens me to hear this! Hopefully things will turn around before the election. What do you think?
I think it's a year out and a long way to go to election day.
Wake me up after the conventions next summer.
It's not a shock to anyone other than hard core leftists.


Let's say polls continue to drop for Biden and go up for Trump and even RFK, JR.......and on election day the results are showing the same wide gaps in numbers.......then low & behold you wake up on Wednesday and Biden is declared the winner overnight. Leftists would just shake their heads in amazement of their victory and carry on as if nothing nefarious happened.

But OTOH, and still a hypothetical.........

Those same polls and election night numbers still show Biden tanking, and Trump is in a comfortable lead over RFK, Jr and YUGE margins over Biden.......and Wednesday morning rolls around and Trump is declared the winner. Leftists would scream bloody murder of the cheat & steal, demanding a recount in every district

Either of these sound vaguely familiar???
View attachment 853723

More voters in five key swing states say that they would vote for former President Donald Trump (R) over President Joe Biden (D) in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, according to New York Times/Siena College polls released on Sunday.

Trump, the unrivaled front-runner in the GOP primary to take on Biden, leads Biden 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% to 43% in Georgia, 49% to 44% in Arizona, 48% to 43% in Michigan, and 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania.

Wisconsin is the only swing state that The New York Times and Siena College polled where Biden has the edge. In the Badger State, Biden leads Trump 47% to 45%.

The results of the polls, which were conducted from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, are perhaps the most alarming sign yet for Democrats that Biden faces an uphill battle in his bid for a second term. If Trump were to win by the margins in the surveys published Sunday, he would obtain more than 300 electoral college votes and easily win the presidential election.

More at the link below...


It really saddens me to hear this! Hopefully things will turn around before the election. What do you think?
Biden does not have the capability to overturn his past. And his future as many journalists claim is bleak. Even you posted a bleak post about Biden.
It's not a shock to anyone other than hard core leftists.


Let's say polls continue to drop for Biden and go up for Trump and even RFK, JR.......and on election day the results are showing the same wide gaps in numbers.......then low & behold you wake up on Wednesday and Biden is declared the winner overnight. Leftists would just shake their heads in amazement of their victory and carry on as if nothing nefarious happened.

But OTOH, and still a hypothetical.........

Those same polls and election night numbers still show Biden tanking, and Trump is in a comfortable lead over RFK, Jr and YUGE margins over Biden.......and Wednesday morning rolls around and Trump is declared the winner. Leftists would scream bloody murder of the cheat & steal, demanding a recount in every district

Either of these sound vaguely familiar???
Sure, Remember when it was Al Gore the traitor?
They were still saying that for a very long time after the 2016 election. Hillary still doesn't think she lost that election.
She constantly makes that claim where she is on talk programs.
She constantly makes that claim where she is on talk programs.
I know. Maybe not constantly but certainly often enough for those listening to take notice.

I'm sure he will miraculously win after the "vote count" in cities.
Yes, Trump may well be ahead on the Election Day, but during the night and until dawn the vote will be in his favor, we know the story.

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