O’Reilly Channels Beck: The Left Is “Setting The Table For Violence In This Country”

Just an aside note...
Canada is still banning radical and Obama friend Bill Ayers from entering Canada.
Canada has deemed Ayers a part of a terror movement with a violent criminal past.
Bill Ayers is the mover and shaker of Chicago politics and Obama's political mentor but he should be doing time for felony murder and a hundred other charges. Ayers is an unrepentent domestic terrorist who should be in a cell next to Charlie Manson. Do lefties think Ayers is a folk hero? The anti-establishment left wing set the table for violence in this Country. McVeigh's allegiance is still up for consideration but he was executed. Ayers is still preaching left wing hatred and violence.

Fool. I live in Chicago. What you said is a total bullshit lie. Right wingers are so dumb.

How many did Ayers kill?

And McVeigh was a Republican. No doubt about that.

Post McVeigh's voter registration and then we will believe there "is no doubt about that." We shall wait.
Bill Ayers is the mover and shaker of Chicago politics and Obama's political mentor but he should be doing time for felony murder and a hundred other charges. Ayers is an unrepentent domestic terrorist who should be in a cell next to Charlie Manson. Do lefties think Ayers is a folk hero? The anti-establishment left wing set the table for violence in this Country. McVeigh's allegiance is still up for consideration but he was executed. Ayers is still preaching left wing hatred and violence.

Fool. I live in Chicago. What you said is a total bullshit lie. Right wingers are so dumb.

How many did Ayers kill?

And McVeigh was a Republican. No doubt about that.

Post McVeigh's voter registration and then we will believe there "is no doubt about that." We shall wait.

Well the media told us he was a Repug so it must be true.

They tried to tell us the same thing with every mass-murderer the last 20 years but a quick Google check would prove that to be false.....so they didn't bother with them. But sure as shit it was Sarah Palin's fault.
Using this logic the Bushes..starting with Prescott, who was doing Business with Hitler's Nazis should also be taking a dirt nap.

Ah, so you're a fucking liar, huh?

Thought you were above the stupid shit your fellow fascists engaged in.

{Bush was one of seven directors of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank controlled by the Thyssen family which served as part of a network of front companies allowing Thyssen to move assets around the world.[2] In July 1942 the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[3] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations, but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the bank was seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The assets were held by the government for the duration of World War II, then returned afterward.[2]

Joe Conason said that Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and that he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[4] The Anti-Defamation League[5] and historian Herbert Parmet[6] agreed with that assessment.}

Prescott Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey, you're a fascist - you lie for your party - you have no integrity.... Just the way you fascists are.
McVeigh changed his story several times too. He went from believer to agnostic in a very short period.

More lies, huh? Gotta serve the party...

It seems like he knew his goose was cooked and wanted to change his image from a batshit crazy christain racist militia nut..to an "everyman" fed up with government on his back.

The facts are the opposite of what you claim - you don't actually know the facts - you just spew lies as a partisan fuck.

McVeigh decided he wanted a priest at the end. He didn't change from a "christain racist militia nut," that's just a lie you fascists tell. The bullshit that DemocraticUnderground TRIED to program you to recite is that McVeigh turned Christian at the end. He didn't, he just wanted the priest their.

Zero integrity - you have zero integrity.

Tell me Shallow, if you fascists are right, why do you need to lie through your fucking teeth about everything?
McVeigh changed his story several times too. He went from believer to agnostic in a very short period.

More lies, huh? Gotta serve the party...

It seems like he knew his goose was cooked and wanted to change his image from a batshit crazy christain racist militia nut..to an "everyman" fed up with government on his back.

The facts are the opposite of what you claim - you don't actually know the facts - you just spew lies as a partisan fuck.

McVeigh decided he wanted a priest at the end. He didn't change from a "christain racist militia nut," that's just a lie you fascists tell. The bullshit that DemocraticUnderground TRIED to program you to recite is that McVeigh turned Christian at the end. He didn't, he just wanted the priest their.

Zero integrity - you have zero integrity.

Tell me Shallow, if you fascists are right, why do you need to lie through your fucking teeth about everything?

Lack of integrity is accusing a Democrat of even coming close to what the Republican did.
Oh, it's the "left"? Hilarious.

Since the right wants to cut welfare before we have to get bailed out by other countries, and the left wants to give out more welfare, I think it might just be the left that is setting the table.

Red states are bailed out by Blue states. We should start cutting there first.

You'd be punishing blue staters too cuz the blue states are losing jobs so fast that people are moving to red states.
Kinda like when you idiots say the same thing about the TEA party, without a shred of evidence of course.........

Is Bill O'reilly the one that coined the term, Tiller the killer..then after some nut took this to heart, he backed down and said he only reported on people who said tiller the killer. Turns out this is a lie, he said it numerous times.

BillO is an old fool who is starting to sound like that disgraced Glenn Beck.
Oh, it's the "left"? Hilarious.

Since the right wants to cut welfare before we have to get bailed out by other countries, and the left wants to give out more welfare, I think it might just be the left that is setting the table.

Red states are bailed out by Blue states. We should start cutting there first.

I agree.

No state should get more back than they pay into the federal treasury. Problem is, if we use that standard, every state will have its share of federal largess reduced.
McVeigh's allegiance is only "up for consideration" to those too lazy to read the facts of the case. McVeigh was a registered Republican,


McVeigh was not registered to vote at the time of the OKC bombing.

a member of the NRA

True - became a member at 14. No indication of any involvement though. McVeigh was also a member of AAA - guess that makes the Auto Club terrorists.

knee-deep in the militia movement,

Elohim City - a neo-Nazi group with strong ties to Al Qaeda, hardly the Michigan Militia.

and considered Waco and Ruby Ridge the justification for his crimes.

Nothing justifies McVeigh, but FBI Assassin Lon Horiuchi is just as bad as McVeigh.

1. You act like the militia movement was a singular body.
2. Lon Horiuchi wasn't an assassin and he didn't do anything wrong.
Kinda like when you idiots say the same thing about the TEA party, without a shred of evidence of course.........

Is Bill O'reilly the one that coined the term, Tiller the killer..then after some nut took this to heart, he backed down and said he only reported on people who said tiller the killer. Turns out this is a lie, he said it numerous times.

BillO is an old fool who is starting to sound like that disgraced Glenn Beck.

In what way is Glenn Beck disgraced????

Because you don't like him???

Obama cannot argue with all of the facts Beck has presented during his TV show.

Soros sent thugs and lawyers to try to get him fired. He made threats. He tried to get advertisers to leave Fox. None of it worked. Beck has decided to start his own show away from Fox. And if you think what he's revealed before was damaging wait till he begins opening up on that show. God help you Democraps and your leadership.
Since the right wants to cut welfare before we have to get bailed out by other countries, and the left wants to give out more welfare, I think it might just be the left that is setting the table.

Red states are bailed out by Blue states. We should start cutting there first.

I agree.

No state should get more back than they pay into the federal treasury. Problem is, if we use that standard, every state will have its share of federal largess reduced.

:eusa_angel:I guess by that rational the richest 1% who pay 70% of the taxes should receive 70% of all of the benefits, right?

Shit......You sure walked into that one.
Kinda like when you idiots say the same thing about the TEA party, without a shred of evidence of course.........

Is Bill O'reilly the one that coined the term, Tiller the killer..then after some nut took this to heart, he backed down and said he only reported on people who said tiller the killer. Turns out this is a lie, he said it numerous times.

BillO is an old fool who is starting to sound like that disgraced Glenn Beck.

In what way is Glenn Beck disgraced????

Because you don't like him???

Obama cannot argue with all of the facts Beck has presented during his TV show.

Soros sent thugs and lawyers to try to get him fired. He made threats. He tried to get advertisers to leave Fox. None of it worked. Beck has decided to start his own show away from Fox. And if you think what he's revealed before was damaging wait till he begins opening up on that show. God help you Democraps and your leadership.

Glenn Beck's Top 10 Questionably Racist Moments - theBVX.com

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Kinda like when you idiots say the same thing about the TEA party, without a shred of evidence of course.........

Is Bill O'reilly the one that coined the term, Tiller the killer..then after some nut took this to heart, he backed down and said he only reported on people who said tiller the killer. Turns out this is a lie, he said it numerous times.

BillO is an old fool who is starting to sound like that disgraced Glenn Beck.

In what way is Glenn Beck disgraced????

Because you don't like him???

Obama cannot argue with all of the facts Beck has presented during his TV show.

Soros sent thugs and lawyers to try to get him fired. He made threats. He tried to get advertisers to leave Fox. None of it worked. Beck has decided to start his own show away from Fox. And if you think what he's revealed before was damaging wait till he begins opening up on that show. God help you Democraps and your leadership.

Can you name one prediction Beck got right. Seriously, can you. I mean even a broke clock is correct twice a day, but the shit that idiot spouts is laughable and it never comes to fuition.

You think Beck left on his own? You are a joke then and deserve to stay down on his level. Seriously, you really think he left on his own? Wow. How fucking dumb are you? Oh and god bless.

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