O, Sweet Saint of San Andres, Hear My Prayer

BERKELEY, Calif. (KGO) --
Berkeley residents may soon be asking themselves, where's the beef?

The city council just passed a resolution requiring vegan food be served at city events and meetings once a week.

'Vegan Mondays' coming to Berkeley

I’m sure somehow somebody is cheering.

Do they require food to be served at city events and meetings at all? Because if they already are, then, the point about vegan food is moot.
I don't support force. Force is anti-moral. And, of course, government is force. We want as little government as possible. The proper role of government is to protect our liberties. Not infringe on them.

As long as there is a non-vegan option at those city events and meetings, there remains a choice, though.

So, you're not technically forced, I suppose, if you have a different option next to the vegan plate.
they should brown bag it instead of having the taxpayer feed them

Yeah, but the taxpayer is already feeding the non-vegans. Right?

If it's gonna be a taxpayer issue, then, everybody's gonna have to brown-bag it, vegan and meat eaters alike.
I may as well say that I'm pretty much a vegan, myself. I eat some chickens and fish if I'm bulking, but other than that, I eat vegan.

I'm not a political vegan, though. I don't care what people eat, so long as I'm not forced at the barrel of a government gun to eat what others eat. People have the right to be left alone. Only time I ever pop my pie hole off in those debates is if someone is talking smack about vegans in a general way.
BERKELEY, Calif. (KGO) --
Berkeley residents may soon be asking themselves, where's the beef?

The city council just passed a resolution requiring vegan food be served at city events and meetings once a week.

'Vegan Mondays' coming to Berkeley

I’m sure somehow somebody is cheering.

I have no problem with them choosing to serve vegan, no different than choosing to serve fish one day.

My far bigger issue is that they are also starting a public campaign against meat, that is what your headline should be
I have no problem with them choosing to serve vegan, no different than choosing to serve fish one day.

My far bigger issue is that they are also starting a public campaign against meat, that is what your headline should be

Something that is less discused is that as inflation rises, costs go up. Rising prices are only a single consequence of inflation, however. Anyway, the way the feds measure the effect of inflation on the cost of living now has changed. In fact, the GOP recently adopted the new way in their recent tax bill. Used to be they used regular cpi. Now they use chained cpi. By using chained cpi as the new means for measuring the effect of inflation on the standard of living, this method actually understates inflation's effect on the standard of living. Technically, it's legalizing a lie. Which figures. That's the kind of thing they do in Washington. So, then, if people are buying hamburger instead of steak, because inflation has made steak to expensive, the government, by using chained cpi, assumes hamburger to be a full substitution for steak and the government then assumes that people would have bought hamburger as a substitution for steak, even before inflation made the cost of steak unaffordable.

But. Now there's a kink in tha charadet. A lot of younger people are now saying, screw the whole meat thing, we're just gonna eat veggies, they're healther anyway and more importantly, they're cheaper.

Anyway. I see a lot of younger people in the vegan stores and vegan sections of the grocery store, and that's what they say. Meat is too expensive and veggies are healtheir, They naturally migrate to a full vegan diet subsequently.

It's more of a trend, but it's not a normal trend as in some kind of fad. More like out of necessity.

Naturally, though, you get the militant vegans who want to reel the poor folks into their politics, I don't like that. Then again, not all vegan activists are militant either.
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