Oakland At Seattle

And their "vaunted" defense gave up 24 points....the 2nd most they've scored all season.

Who's "vaunted" defense? Sherman, Thomas, Bennett, Wright, Avril and Mebaine were the only regular starters that played today on Defense. That's six out of the normal 15 or so regulars that play on Defense... four of the fifteen starters rotate in.

On Offense Sweezy was the only regular starter that played on the O-Line. Baldwin and Kearse played some today hurt..about half the passing plays. Lynch ran about half the running plays and Wilson QB and Willson TE played hurt.. everyone else on Offense was a backup or third stringer. Our QB has remained healthy but from the way he played today you wouldn't know it.

Injuries happen to every team and should not be used as an excuse to lose but the Hawks little streak of injuries over the last few weeks has added up to a rediculous level. Fortunately most of these missing in action are not season ending boo boo's.

I know one thing fo show... If our team doctors pull up lame we are TOAST !!!! :lol:
When other teams were in Seattle's way last year had injuries, Seattle was just the best team. Now, with injuries, we get excuses.

Fact is, all teams deal with injuries at one time or another and do fine. Arizona had a bunch of injuries earlier this year and in fact used a third string QB and they are 7-1.

Seattle was extremely lucky last year in the injury department, this year, they are like everyone else and the record shows that.
Seattle failed to cover the spread...
damn you werent far off.dont want to say the hawks are done this year but they sure look it the way they're playing.they have yet to put together a complete game like they did in the packers game.they have yet to beat anybody convincingly since then.that doesnt bode well for them down the stretch especially since the cards appear to be the best team in the NFC this year after beating both dallas and philly.
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My prediction:

Seattle 24
Oakland 17
damn you werent far off.


Thanks. I think it's just luck.

Otherwise I'll start to believe I "have a talent". That leads to the thought of "cashing in on that talent". Why not, right? That leads to gambling on outcomes of sporting events. That leads to losing, then chasing, then losing even more money......

They didn't build those casinos because people are winning!
When other teams were in Seattle's way last year had injuries, Seattle was just the best team. Now, with injuries, we get excuses.

Fact is, all teams deal with injuries at one time or another and do fine. Arizona had a bunch of injuries earlier this year and in fact used a third string QB and they are 7-1.

Seattle was extremely lucky last year in the injury department, this year, they are like everyone else and the record shows that.

There is a distiction between talent good and bad and a lack of or depth of first team players. Denver and Seatte had pretty much their best talent on the field for the Super Bowl. They both had plenty of time to prepare.

Last season the Hawks were lucky in several games. This season we have lost a lot closer than even the scores would show. Speaking of which...the Raiders 0-8 record would make one think they are a terrible team. They are not. They are actually a pretty good team with a horrible record.
Good news for Seattle fans.

I don't see any hope for My 49'ers this season at all. They're playing like a high school team and its to the point that injuries cannot excuse their piss poor play. Looks like its going to be between Seattle and Arizona for the Division.
agreed that the raiders arent as bad a team as their record indicates,many of their losses have been close ones by less than a touchdown.

I'm glad to see that you can acknowledge that luck played a huge factor in the Hawks getting to the superbowl last year,Bradford getting hurt at the time he did was huge in their win against the rams on the road last year.those breaks havent fallen their way this year.
And their "vaunted" defense gave up 24 points....the 2nd most they've scored all season.
true enough.they just are not the dominate team that many around the league thought they would be after the packers game.after that game it looked like they had picked up right where they had left off last year and were going to contiune in dominant fashion.sorry but its one thing to give up that many points to the donkeys at home with peyton manning at quarterback and to san diego on the road with rivers,but at home to the chokeland faiders with a rookie QB?

Just when i thought their defense had turned things around last week against the panthers also.they cant put a complete game together anymore.their defense and offense cant get on the same page.last wek the defense had to bail out their pitiful offense and poor play of wilson who looks to be having a sophomore jinx one year late,now this week their offense had to bail out the pitiful play of the defense.they just cant put together a comeplete game package like they did in the packers game anymore and have not been the same team since.

neither them or the niners are the same team this year.I see the SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS running away with it.
When other teams were in Seattle's way last year had injuries, Seattle was just the best team. Now, with injuries, we get excuses.

Fact is, all teams deal with injuries at one time or another and do fine. Arizona had a bunch of injuries earlier this year and in fact used a third string QB and they are 7-1.

Seattle was extremely lucky last year in the injury department, this year, they are like everyone else and the record shows that.

There is a distiction between talent good and bad and a lack of or depth of first team players. Denver and Seatte had pretty much their best talent on the field for the Super Bowl. They both had plenty of time to prepare.

Last season the Hawks were lucky in several games. This season we have lost a lot closer than even the scores would show. Speaking of which...the Raiders 0-8 record would make one think they are a terrible team. They are not. They are actually a pretty good team with a horrible record.

I agree with the assessment. Oakland has the toughest schedule coming into the season.



2014 Opponent winning percentage

1 Oakland Raiders 0.578

2 Denver Broncos 0.570

3 St. Louis Rams 0.564

4 San Diego Chargers 0.563

4 San Francisco 49ers 0.563

6 Seattle Seahawks 0.561

7 Kansas City Chiefs 0.559

8 Arizona Cardinals 0.547

9 New York Jets 0.520

10 New England Patriots 0.516

11 Atlanta Falcons 0.512

12 Miami Dolphins 0.508

13 Green Bay Packers 0.504

14 Buffalo Bills 0.500

15 Chicago Bears 0.496

16 Detroit Lions 0.492

17 Washington Redskins 0.490

18 Dallas Cowboys 0.488

19 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 0.484

20 Philadelphia Eagles 0.479

21 Minnesota Vikings 0.477

22 Carolina Panthers 0.473

23 Cincinnati Bengals 0.469

23 New Orleans Saints 0.469

23 Pittsburgh Steelers 0.469

26 Cleveland Browns 0.465

26 New York Giants 0.465

28 Baltimore Ravens 0.461

29 Jacksonville Jaguars 0.453

30 Houston Texans 0.441

31 Tennessee Titans 0.438

32 Indianapolis Colts 0.430

The AFC and the NFC West playing each other has created some very tough schedules.
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6 pt. win over the Raiders IS NOT any kind of 'statement'........

as a seahawk fan,unlike Huggy,I can accept it that it would take a miracle for them to turn things around and make it back to the superbowl this year.yeah the raiders are a better team than what their record indicates but this was a HOME game against them and the way they have struggled this year,this was the time to start beating people convincingly and they failed.

there is no excuse for their collapse on defense whatsoever to let them back in the game like that.I did not watch the game but it sounds like they are back to playing crappy again getting no pressure on the quarterback whatsoever.

Im not a diehard seahawk fan-remember im a california NFL football fan by heart,have always liked all their teams except for the raiders and the niners since the harbaugh/kapernick dual came along, so I am willing to deal with facts like that.Diehards like Huggy,just dont want to see the reality of the situation.lol.

they want to cling to injurys as excuses except the problem with that lame excuse is the cardinals,eagles and chiefs ALL have many multiple key injurys to key players yet they are still winning CONVINCINGLY.the chiefs lost derrick johnson and jamal charles which is the equivilant of losing marshawn lynch and sherman yet again,they dont miss a beat and thats cause they are more hungry than the hawks who have become complacent and are not giving the same effort as last year sadly.
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It looks like 9/11 has fallen off the Hawk's band wagon.

Fine... turn in your #12 jersey. You can go back to your Chargers. Bye Bye...
yep,see I can deal with reality that this hawks team is not hungry and playing with no heart or emotion.yeah will have to go back to watching the chargers,their season is done as well and overwith but i can at least appreciate them because THEY are at least trying so I can enjoy watching their games the rest of the year knowing they are at least trying putting an effort into it.

more than anything else though is unlike most football seasons i cant wait till this one is over with for one obvious reason you know the answer to.lol.
Seahawks have a shot. But the division is Arizona's to lose.
they will have to do it as a wild card this year though,i dont see them running the table and sweeping the saint louis cardinals.after the upcoming giants game,thats when the road really gets tough for them,after the way they began the season i saw the game after that against the chiefs being an easy one,but that one isnt going to be easy at all and neither are any of the others that i saw as being easy gimmes before the year began.

they would have been easy gimmes if they had decided to put together complete games for at least most the year like they did against the packers but i never saw them not doing that after the packers game the rest of the season like they have.i never saw that one coming.
Seahawks have a shot. But the division is Arizona's to lose.
they will have to do it as a wild card this year though,i dont see them running the table and sweeping the saint louis cardinals.after the upcoming giants game,thats when the road really gets tough for them,after the way they began the season i saw the game after that against the chiefs being an easy one,but that one isnt going to be easy at all and neither are any of the others that i saw as being easy gimmes before the year began.

they would have been easy gimmes if they had decided to put together complete games for at least most the year like they did against the packers but i never saw them not doing that after the packers game the rest of the season like they have.i never saw that one coming.

The Hawks are getting back 7-8 injured for this coming game but that's for another thread.

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