Oakland’s mayor says five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror !!!!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
psssssssssssssst, Mayor Schaaf...……………………………...ummmmm, actually it's exercise equipment.

'Nooses' in Oakland park were exercise aids, man says
Oakland’s mayor says five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident says he put them up simply for exercise

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Oakland’s mayor said five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident said they are merely exercise equipment that he put up there months ago.

Mayor Libby Schaaf said Wedesday that a hate crime investigation was under way after a social media post identified a noose at the city’s popular Lake Merritt. Police said they searched the area on Tuesday and found five ropes attached to trees.

You know, I saw actual video of these "nooses" and they didn't look anything like what you would use to lynch someone. Sorry, but there are some people who are too politically sensitive.

Now, if they had found nooses in the tree that were tied like hangman's nooses, THEN they would have a point, but not here.
You know, I saw actual video of these "nooses" and they didn't look anything like what you would use to lynch someone. Sorry, but there are some people who are too politically sensitive.

Now, if they had found nooses in the tree that were tied like hangman's nooses, THEN they would have a point, but not here.

Doesn't matter, the mayor wants a hate crime investigation anyway ! .

"Schaaf said officials must “start with the assumption that these are hate crimes.” However, the mayor and Nicholas Williams, the city’s director of parks recreation, also said it didn’t matter whether the ropes were meant to send a racist message.

“Intentions don’t matter when it comes to terrorizing the public,” Schaaf said. “It is incumbent on all of us to know the actual history of racial violence, of terrorism, that a noose represents and that we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view.”

“The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious regardless of intent. It’s evil, and it symbolizes hatred,” Williams said."

So get that guys ? Make sure if you use a rope, it doesn't matter what your "intent" is, the only thing that matters is ropes were once used for lynching, so if you tie down that mattress in the bed of a pick-up or trailer next time you move, make sure you use something other than a rope. Maybe use hemp, or get some fat chick to sit on it.

So libs, are you starting to see now why Trump won the election in 2016 ?
If they were in fact hangman’s nooses you’re can be sure they would have been a BLM klan hoax.
Doesn't matter, the mayor wants a hate crime investigation anyway ! .

"Schaaf said officials must “start with the assumption that these are hate crimes.” However, the mayor and Nicholas Williams, the city’s director of parks recreation, also said it didn’t matter whether the ropes were meant to send a racist message.

“Intentions don’t matter when it comes to terrorizing the public,” Schaaf said. “It is incumbent on all of us to know the actual history of racial violence, of terrorism, that a noose represents and that we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view.”

“The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious regardless of intent. It’s evil, and it symbolizes hatred,” Williams said."

So get that guys ? Make sure if you use a rope, it doesn't matter what your "intent" is, the only thing that matters is ropes were once used for lynching, so if you tie down that mattress in the bed of a pick-up or trailer next time you move, make sure you use something other than a rope. Maybe use hemp, or get some fat chick to sit on it.

So libs, are you starting to see now why Trump won the election in 2016 ?
I have to move next week. Is your girlfriend busy?
psssssssssssssst, Mayor Schaaf...……………………………...ummmmm, actually it's exercise equipment.
'Nooses' in Oakland park were exercise aids, man says
Oakland’s mayor says five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident says he put them up simply for exercise
That's seriously bad. A guy puts up handles of rope to work out with and do cardio and isometrics and some bubblebrain needs an FBI investigation? Even after finding out what they are?

This nation is officially now TOO STUPID TO EXIST.

We don't need any conquerors----- we are tripping over our own feet and going down face first all on our own.
psssssssssssssst, Mayor Schaaf...……………………………...ummmmm, actually it's exercise equipment.

'Nooses' in Oakland park were exercise aids, man says
Oakland’s mayor says five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident says he put them up simply for exercise

If there were 5 dead swinging Negros, then I would care.
That's seriously bad. A guy puts up handles of rope to work out with and do cardio and isometrics and some bubblebrain needs an FBI investigation? Even after finding out what they are?

This nation is officially now TOO STUPID TO EXIST.

We don't need any conquerors----- we are tripping over our own feet and going down face first all on our own.
I'm doing just fine. One cannot solve stupid, and the amount of stupid is going exponential now.
Last edited:
Anything hanging from a tree is now a symbol of terror through creeping association.

Next it will be the trees themselves.

Just keeps getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber....
Anything hanging from a tree is now a symbol of terror through creeping association.

Next it will be the trees themselves.

Just keeps getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber....
the followers keep getting dumber and dumber.

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