LOLOLOLOL....You know, all these people that are actually doing all this oppressive shit, weaponizing the .fed/.gov and siccing them on regular Americans (who have done nothing wrong and are just exercising their rights to question and hold accountable their own government officials), the surveillance crews, the analysts, the investigators, the fedboi cops coming to people's homes and making arrests at gunpoint, and the court personnel involved in every phase of prosecuting these Americans...... all of them are just as guilty as the higher ups. And the people giving the orders aren't the ones executing the orders given; all of that is being done by drones who want to keep their paychecks and their pensions.
And all of these folks who are actually doing the dirty work, have names and addresses.
Just saying.
You want to.hold them accountable, vote. Don't raid the Capitol.
You really think we're going to keep playing cards with you, let alone keep letting you deal, after we already caught you cheating your asses off?
No, we're going to cut your head off and throw it in the pot, see who else wants to go all in.
All you are going to do is hide on the internet and talk tough, you aren't going to cut off a damn thing. In this country if you don't like the current leadership, you vote them out of office. That is what happened to Trump.