Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol

No but he had contact with the members inside of capital that makes him aided and abetted
I was standing next to a mass of Trump supporters that day...but didn't stop at the capitol....now I know why my friend told me to leave my phone at the hotel....because of fascists like you and the FBI....
I’m SO surprised that this guy was there
One is attempting to overthrow our government
If you ACTUALLY believe this nonsense, you are too blind to even attempt to discuss it with. How the F##K do a few hundred UNARMED, untrained people overthrow the most powerful government on the planet? Do you people even THINK before you parrot such media bullshit?

If you actually DO believe that 400 or so rioters might be a problem for the U.S. government then my advice would be to dig yourself a bunker because what people like you are pushing, CAN lead to a general revolt, or even a strong Secessionist movement.
This country was brought into being and has survived due to compromise. In 2016, YOUR politicians and their media whores decided to change all that. Folks like YOU decided you'd kick and scream, and piss your pants because they lost an election they didn't expect to lose.

Where we go from here will depend on adults having conversations and coming to compromise. Short of that, this nation is going to fall. Idiots who think they can refuse compromise and that by bitching and complaining they'll compel their neighbors to do things against their will, those people are going to learn some harsh lessons, right along with the rest of us. Only a FOOL believes they can compel millions of Americans to sit down, shut up, and pay up.
One is attempting to overthrow our government
If you ACTUALLY believe this nonsense, you are too blind to even attempt to discuss it with. How the F##K do a few hundred UNARMED, untrained people overthrow the most powerful government on the planet? Do you people even THINK before you parrot such media bullshit?

If you actually DO believe that 400 or so rioters might be a problem for the U.S. government then my advice would be to dig yourself a bunker because what people like you are pushing, CAN lead to a general revolt, or even a strong Secessionist movement.
This country was brought into being and has survived due to compromise. In 2016, YOUR politicians and their media whores decided to change all that. Folks like YOU decided you'd kick and scream, and piss your pants because they lost an election they didn't expect to lose.

Where we go from here will depend on adults having conversations and coming to compromise. Short of that, this nation is going to fall. Idiots who think they can refuse compromise and that by bitching and complaining they'll compel their neighbors to do things against their will, those people are going to learn some harsh lessons, right along with the rest of us. Only a FOOL believes they can compel millions of Americans to sit down, shut up, and pay up.
I hope you are not as dopey as you sound.
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI - Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (thegatewaypundit.com)
9 Mar 2021
The FBI has arrested an Oath Keepers leader that was filmed hanging out near Roger Stone outside a DC hotel on January 6.
Roberto Minuta of Newburgh, N.Y., had become a subject of many viral tweets from the left, simply because he was seen with Stone on the day of the Capitol protest.
Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.
“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.​
Minuta’s wife told ABC that her husband was at the Capitol, but said that he never went inside and was just “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom.”
In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”
Minuta’s attorney’s argued that he would not abandon his children or community.
Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”
In a statement to ABC News, Stone said that he does not know Minuta, nor was he “familiar with his name prior to his being identified in earlier media stories where it was alleged that he was involved in illegal events up at the Capitol.”
“If he was indeed among those who volunteered to provide security while I visited Washington DC I was unaware of it,” Stone said.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have been arrested over the January 6 protest, three of them have been charged with conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM continue to burn Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... Obviously the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat led FBI and DOJ are out to destroy we Deplorable Neanderthals that are standing up to the attacks on American cities.
The FBI is not concerned that, literally, more than half the republic now questions their credibilty. I guess Wray sees a glorious career crawl-path to quisling fake news, following in the knee-prints of Wallace, Scarbro, Comey and Brennan before him.
It appears that the PM/DSA Democrat Globalist Fascist controlled FBI has replaced the KGB/FSB as the most lawless, hated and corrupt political terrorists masquerading as law enforcement in history.
When your party is in lock step with racist oath keepers and insurrectionists you’ve lost your way. The epitaph of the Republican Party will not be kind.
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI - Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (thegatewaypundit.com)
9 Mar 2021
The FBI has arrested an Oath Keepers leader that was filmed hanging out near Roger Stone outside a DC hotel on January 6.
Roberto Minuta of Newburgh, N.Y., had become a subject of many viral tweets from the left, simply because he was seen with Stone on the day of the Capitol protest.
Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.
“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.​
Minuta’s wife told ABC that her husband was at the Capitol, but said that he never went inside and was just “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom.”
In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”
Minuta’s attorney’s argued that he would not abandon his children or community.
Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”
In a statement to ABC News, Stone said that he does not know Minuta, nor was he “familiar with his name prior to his being identified in earlier media stories where it was alleged that he was involved in illegal events up at the Capitol.”
“If he was indeed among those who volunteered to provide security while I visited Washington DC I was unaware of it,” Stone said.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have been arrested over the January 6 protest, three of them have been charged with conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM continue to burn Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... Obviously the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat led FBI and DOJ are out to destroy we Deplorable Neanderthals that are standing up to the attacks on American cities.
The FBI is not concerned that, literally, more than half the republic now questions their credibilty. I guess Wray sees a glorious career crawl-path to quisling fake news, following in the knee-prints of Wallace, Scarbro, Comey and Brennan before him.
It appears that the PM/DSA Democrat Globalist Fascist controlled FBI has replaced the KGB/FSB as the most lawless, hated and corrupt political terrorists masquerading as law enforcement in history.
Who knows what the oath keeper leader was doing outside the Capitol? Maybe inciting people to criminally missbehave? Trump was also outside, inciting the insurrection during his photo op session, even though he said he would go to the Capitol.
When your party is in lock step with racist oath keepers and insurrectionists you’ve lost your way. The epitaph of the Republican Party will not be kind.
Looks like lefties have found another boogie man.
The next morning, Minuta and five fellow Oath Keepers would provide security for Roger Stone, the notorious political dirty trickster who had been agitating on behalf of former President Trump to overturn the election of President Biden in November. Later that day, Minuta and his fellow bodyguards would change into combat uniforms and storm the U.S. Capitol, where a joint session of Congress was underway to certify Biden’s election, according to the March federal indictment against Minuta.
I think all treasonous captives should spend their life in prison.
Not insurrection wise. Do know if someone you know commits' its the same as you committed a crime, you aided and abetted.
Except, there hasn't been a single person charged with insurrection. They have all been charged with low level felonies or misdemeanors. Mostly trespassing or interference with government activities.
This is tantamount to catching the criminals who invaded our Capitol and lost their so-called rights when they precluded our elected officials from doing their job, injured innocent people, destroyed public and private property, and were responsible for the death of 7 people. When you take away, by force, the rights of others, you lose yours.
I think you need to read what you posted. You are so far out in left field it's horrifying. Americans NEVER lose their rights , and they are NOT "so called rights". Even when convicted criminals retain their rights. If they accept parole, some of their rights can be curtailed for the duration of their parole.

If that's the way you feel, the police should apply the same standards to the violent leftist mob that besieged the White House burning and attacking both police and uniformed Secret Service agents. Let's arrest all of them for just being there as well. Track their cell phones, use security camera footage and social media posts to incriminate them and hold them without bail while cases can be assembled.
Except, there hasn't been a single person charged with insurrection. They have all been charged with low level felonies or misdemeanors. Mostly trespassing or interference with government activities.
I think you need to read what you posted. You are so far out in left field it's horrifying. Americans NEVER lose their rights , and they are NOT "so called rights". Even when convicted criminals retain their rights. If they accept parole, some of their rights can be curtailed for the duration of their parole.

If that's the way you feel, the police should apply the same standards to the violent leftist mob that besieged the White House burning and attacking both police and uniformed Secret Service agents. Let's arrest all of them for just being there as well. Track their cell phones, use security camera footage and social media posts to incriminate them and hold them without bail while cases can be assembled.
I believe in CCTV and tracking the cell phones, theres enough crime. Too bad if some are without bail, welcome to the poor people, poor people are held without bail. The rich can afford bail. Bannon and all the weathy.

violent leftist mob that besieged the White House burning and attacking both police and uniformed Secret Service agents. Those were protestors and they did nothing wrong.
I believe in CCTV and tracking the cell phones, theres enough crime. Too bad if some are without bail, welcome to the poor people, poor people are held without bail. The rich can afford bail. Bannon and all the weathy.

violent leftist mob that besieged the White House burning and attacking both police and uniformed Secret Service agents. Those were protestors and they did nothing wrong.
So burning, attacking secret service agents and the White House isn't wrong, but attacking capital police and attacking congress is wrong. Either both are protest or both are violent rioting. You can't have it both ways.
So burning, attacking secret service agents and the White House isn't wrong, but attacking capital police and attacking congress is wrong. Either both are protest or both are violent rioting. You can't have it both ways.
The ones by the WH is everyday protestors, they weren't violent, unless you were talking
this,Fires burn near White House amid violent protests
every one of the criminials should be locked up.
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Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI - Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (thegatewaypundit.com)
9 Mar 2021
The FBI has arrested an Oath Keepers leader that was filmed hanging out near Roger Stone outside a DC hotel on January 6.
Roberto Minuta of Newburgh, N.Y., had become a subject of many viral tweets from the left, simply because he was seen with Stone on the day of the Capitol protest.
Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.
“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.​
Minuta’s wife told ABC that her husband was at the Capitol, but said that he never went inside and was just “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom.”
In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”
Minuta’s attorney’s argued that he would not abandon his children or community.
Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”
In a statement to ABC News, Stone said that he does not know Minuta, nor was he “familiar with his name prior to his being identified in earlier media stories where it was alleged that he was involved in illegal events up at the Capitol.”
“If he was indeed among those who volunteered to provide security while I visited Washington DC I was unaware of it,” Stone said.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have been arrested over the January 6 protest, three of them have been charged with conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM continue to burn Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... Obviously the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat led FBI and DOJ are out to destroy we Deplorable Neanderthals that are standing up to the attacks on American cities.
The FBI is not concerned that, literally, more than half the republic now questions their credibilty. I guess Wray sees a glorious career crawl-path to quisling fake news, following in the knee-prints of Wallace, Scarbro, Comey and Brennan before him.
It appears that the PM/DSA Democrat Globalist Fascist controlled FBI has replaced the KGB/FSB as the most lawless, hated and corrupt political terrorists masquerading as law enforcement in history.
"According to the charging documents, James and Minuta communicated with co-conspirators in advance of the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion on the U.S. Capitol. The indictment alleges frequent and consistent communication leading up to the attack, such as in reserving hotel rooms and making phone calls to co-conspirators the morning of the breach."
The ones by the WH is everyday protestors, they weren't violent, unless you were talking
this,Fires burn near White House amid violent protests
every one of the criminials should be locked up.
Try some more objective sources. Multiple SS officers injured, multiple Park Police officers injured, fires set, a historic church set on fire. NOT a peaceful protest, a riot by any standard. Protestors carry signs and shout slogans they don't assault police officers.
The FBI is investigating anyone that was there that day and had their phone with them...this is tantamount to surveilling Americans....on American soil...maybe the FBI should get a copy of the bill of rights....

Try some more objective sources. Multiple SS officers injured, multiple Park Police officers injured, fires set, a historic church set on fire. NOT a peaceful protest, a riot by any standard. Protestors carry signs and shout slogans they don't assault police officers.
well then, they should all be arrested and any of the ones that done the insurrection, they are traitors.
I think you need to read what you posted. You are so far out in left field it's horrifying. Americans NEVER lose their rights , and they are NOT "so called rights". Even when convicted criminals retain their rights. If they accept parole, some of their rights can be curtailed for the duration of their parole.

If that's the way you feel, the police should apply the same standards to the violent leftist mob that besieged the White House burning and attacking both police and uniformed Secret Service agents. Let's arrest all of them for just being there as well. Track their cell phones, use security camera footage and social media posts to incriminate them and hold them without bail while cases can be assembled.
What "leftist" mob was this? Besieged the White House? Were people killed and the People's house destroyed? You don't lose your rights as humans, but you lose your rights to be among the people. Incarceration is what I was referring to. "leftist" or "rightist" doesn't matter what your politics are. Do the dirty and pay the price no matter where the violence occurs, and I have expresses my view ad nausea. Horrifying I say. Horrifying!!
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