oatmeal cookies.....wtf?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
so i am a sucker for oatmeal cookies with raisins...so i realize i am running low on brown sugar and raisins...i like golden for my cookies....so off to shitty kitty (aka food lion)
i get a few things...my brown sugar and my golden raisins....i get home i am well into the cookie recipe when i realize ...no golden raisins....whoa...no brown sugar...wtf?

so i call the shitty kitty and guess what....they left out one of my bags....

okay i can live with that..human error and all...but the lady on the phone keep laughing...even after i told her ...i was not amused...to make it worse...she is the ex gf of a long time friend of mine....

so i call a friend who owns one of them out in the middle of nowhere...and yes it costs more here..stores...

"ya got golden raisins"

"no just the shiveled black ones"

"damn it"

"are you really pissed off cause i dont have golden raisins"

so then i have to tell her the story...which amuses her....

hubby is on his way to her place to get the shivereled up raisins....

yes he is a champ....but he is always getting beer....which he pointed out...a good loving wife would have gotten him today...
i would invite yall down but i only have shriveled up raisins...and yes that is the 3rd spelling of that word....

i am pouting...husband is making fun of me....just not the same without golden raisins...he is volunteering to eat my horrible cookies...

<---just gave zoom a lecture on working with failures in cooking....
hmmm...wish I could

Watching the kids tonight while wife is at a function. Baby is asleep, middle is watching Caillou next to me, and waiting on oldest to get home from cheerleading practice.
*moves the bong to behind the chair* sorry didnt realize it was rug rat night for ya....
Although I do have to say, my kids have some pretty hip parents.

I'm sitting here listening to Green Day, Sum 41, etc.

I remember my parents listening to Carly Simon.
What's really good are German Chocolate Cookies. This is close to my recipe, not quite.

Recipe For Cooking German Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

German Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Posted by kdipaolo at recipegoldmine.com May 14, 2001

1 C. brown sugar, packed
1 C. sugar
1/2 C. margarine, softened
1/2 C. butter, softened
2 eggs
2 tea. vanilla extract or flavoring
1 1/2 C. flour
1/2 tea. salt
1 tea. baking soda
1 1/2 C. old fashioned rolled oats, uncooked
1 1/2 C. flaked coconut
2 C. semisweet chocolate morsels (12 oz.)
2 C. chopped pecans

With mixer on med. speed, beat brown sugar, sugar, margarine and butter until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Add flour, salt and baking soda; mix well. Stir in oats, coconut, chocolate morsels and pecans. Refrigerate dough for several hr., or overnight.

Use hands to make 1 1/2-in. balls. Place balls 2 in. apart on well prepared cookie sheets. Bake in a 350 degree F oven 8 to 10 min., or until nicely browned.

Let cookies cool on cookie sheet one min.; transfer to a rack to cool completely.

Makes approximately: About 6 dozen cookies.
I like apples or applesauce in my oatmeal cookies, along with some cinnamon. YUMMY
well these are a fail....dry....i am sure its the raisins.....hubby is managing to choke them down
Yeah the gold raisins! I once used those because it's all we had and BAM that's the ticket. I'll never go back to the dark ones. For 15 years I couldn't make a decent batch of cookies. The place we rented had an old oven and after replacing stuff like baking powder and getting a new cookie sheet I was sure that was the problem. New home, new oven, kick ass cookies. Life's good.

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