Obama ad: McCain would help corporations


Mar 25, 2008
Hey everybody, just wanted to share this breaking news with all of my buddies out here, I know how much you love to hear the truth about McCain.
Enjoy and educate yourselves, if you need more, just ask...

By The Associated Press 45 minutes ago
TITLE: "Three Times"

LENGTH: 30 seconds.
AIRING: Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Virginia.
SCRIPT: Announcer: "Can we really afford more of the same? John McCain's tax plan: For big corporations — $200 billion in new tax breaks. Oil companies — $4 billion. Companies shipping jobs overseas — keep their tax giveaways while 100 million Americans get no tax relief at all. For the change we need, Barack Obama. A plan that cuts taxes for middle-class families three times as much as John McCain would. Barack Obama. President."
Obama: "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."
Obama ad: McCain would help corporations - Yahoo! News
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WOW helping Cooperations is so bad eh. Please, they only supply us with goods and jobs, and are the back bone of our economy.

how horrible to want to help them.

Also COOPERATIONS are owned by Stock holders, or in other words. American Citizens.
WOW helping Cooperations is so bad eh.
Not at all, as long as they "help" America and not themselfs and Mexico. McCain would reward cooperations that ship jobs to Mexico and undermine America. Obama will reward cooperations who produce American jobs and invest in America.. a big difference.
Thanks for brining that up, McCain doesn't discus it, he's anti America.

Please, they only supply us with goods and jobs
True, the problem is those goods are coming from China and the jobs are going there. What about our citizens and our country? Are you anti American like McCain?

Also COOPERATIONS are owned by Stock holders, or in other words. American Citizens.
Or in other words the owners of the cooperatioons, which account for about 2% of the American population. Obama will consider and represent all Americans, not just the 2% OF THIS NATIONS WEALTHIEST.
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Or in other words the owners of the cooperatioons, which account for about 2% of the American population. Obama will consider and represent all Americans, not just the 2% OF THIS NATIONS WEALTHIEST.

Your 2% figure is Utter Bs, You are either Ignorant or Lying.

Nearly half Americans own stock in cooperations through Mutual Funds, 401ks, Pension Plans or through direct investment.
Your 2% figure is Utter Bs
So you admit everything else is true then.
I knew you'd jump on that, it's easy, something even a money grabbing liar and moron like yourself can understand.
Actually though stupid, it is true, only 2% of Americans fall into the filthy rich catagory that the Bush -McCain tax policies benefit.
Have you ever noticed, the richer-the dumber?
I swear, you can't go much lower than a money grabbing silverspoon liar, total idiots
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WOW helping Corporations is so bad eh. Please, they only supply us with goods and jobs, and are the back bone of our economy.

how horrible to want to help them.

Also COOPERATIONS are owned by Stock holders, or in other words. American Citizens.

How many hear have a car? How many here have a phone line? Heck how about a computer?... All made my corporations. With out corporations we go back to living on farms and doing for ourselves. I like my corporation provided lifestyle.
Charles_MainSo you admit everything else is true then.
No I just thought everything Else you said was so stupid it was not worth addressing.

I knew you'd jump on that, it's easy, something even a money grabbing liar and moron like yourself can understand.
Money Grabber lol. I make less than 45k a year and support a family of 4 on it. Dumb shit.

Actually though stupid, it is true, only 2% of Americans fall into the filthy rich catagory that the Bush -McCain tax policies benefit.
Have you ever noticed, the richer-the dumber?
Problem is we were not talking about the Rich, we were talking about who Owns stock and you made the Totally false claim that only 2% of Americans do.

I swear, you can't go much lower than a money grabbing silverspoon liar, total idiots
Silver spoon lol, Please. Everything I have, which is very little, I earned myself. I received NOTHING from my parents at all. I was not born into money, and I am not rich by any stretch of the Imagination. The problem is you think anyone who does not Hate Cooperations and the Rich must be rich.

And you call me an Idiot. You are making Bobo look smart retard.
Ok, so then as we can all see from the above examples, we need a president who represents the people, not big oil, silverspoons from Texas and companies that outsource.
It's intertaining to watch the collapse of the Bush silverspoon liars era, they're alway good for laugh, so sad so many innocent people had to die over the lies though, but hell, they got their tax breaks, that's the most important thing.
Ok, so then as we can all see from the above examples, we need a president who represents the people, not big oil, silverspoons from Texas and companies that outsource.
It's intertaining to watch the collapse of the Bush silverspoon liars era, they're alway good for laugh, so sad so many innocent people had to die over the lies though, but hell, they got their tax breaks, that's the most important thing.


Nothing But Bluster, Propaganda, and lies.

Stop with the hot air, you are adding to global warming damn it.
WOW helping Cooperations is so bad eh. Please, they only supply us with goods and jobs, and are the back bone of our economy.

how horrible to want to help them.

Also COOPERATIONS are owned by Stock holders, or in other words. American Citizens.

Yes, let's help Exxon's stockholders.

They really need help.
Yes, let's help Exxon's stockholders.

They really need help.

Do you have any Idea who Exxons biggest stock holders are. Union Pension funds numb Nuts. Mutual Funds.

Besides Exxon is just one cooperation, we are talking about ALL cooperations.
Do you have any Idea who Exxons biggest stock holders are. Union Pension funds numb Nuts. Mutual Funds.

Besides Exxon is just one cooperation, we are talking about ALL cooperations.

Charles Main says, "Thank you sir, may I have another!"

Nothing But Bluster, Propaganda, and lies.

Stop with the hot air, you are adding to global warming damn it.

They can send some of that warming this way. It feels like October here. It didn't even reach 70 here.
Hey everybody, just wanted to share this breaking news with all of my buddies out here, I know how much you love to hear the truth about McCain.
Enjoy and educate yourselves, if you need more, just ask...

By The Associated Press 45 minutes ago
TITLE: "Three Times"

LENGTH: 30 seconds.
AIRING: Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Virginia.
SCRIPT: Announcer: "Can we really afford more of the same? John McCain's tax plan: For big corporations — $200 billion in new tax breaks. Oil companies — $4 billion. Companies shipping jobs overseas — keep their tax giveaways while 100 million Americans get no tax relief at all. For the change we need, Barack Obama. A plan that cuts taxes for middle-class families three times as much as John McCain would. Barack Obama. President."
Obama: "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."
Obama ad: McCain would help corporations - Yahoo! News

If I need either education or truth on any matter, I'll be sure to dismiss anything YOU have to say on the topic first.

Just imagine ... an Obama add that paints McCain negatively. Who'da' thunk it?:eusa_eh:
Corporations are great as long as they are not the government.

Yes, they give US jobs and we give them workers. It works both ways.

Look up the definition of facism, that is where McCain, Bush and his ilk are leading. People bitch about Obama as a socialist. He is less a socialist than McCain is a facist.

When corporations become more important than the state and the people, something has gone astray.
59% of those polled see McCain as using the most negative adds. Who would have thunk?:eusa_angel:

How about some more blondes with a picture of Obama and some good looking black women with McCain?
How dumb is Obama???? The corporations are the ones who provide jobs to our countries!!!! This guy has no clue.
How dumb is Obama???? The corporations are the ones who provide jobs to our countries!!!! This guy has no clue.

The same ones who send our jobs overseas?

How dumb is McCain? Our people provide workers to make the corporations work. This guy has no glue.

Giving billions to the oil coporations while they are making record profits seems sort of dumb. Giving them more leases to drill when they haven't drilled on 60 million acres where they already have leases seems sort of dumb.

The point is corporations are good and needed but they are not the government and should not be running it like they are.

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