Obama administration admits that Obama care is unsustainable. Color me shocked

Could you be any more disingenuous? The Obama administration decided that ONE ASPECT of the law is unsustainable, not the entire law. If you want to talk about that, fine, but don't pretend that Obama just dismissed the entire law.

Obviously, he did not.

He dismissed a core piece of the law.

I find it hard to believe that ending CLASS will put an end to the entire law. I'm sure the people who crafted the law were a little smarter than that. I think you guys are getting a little too excited and ahead of yourselves.

They had a backup plan for the CLASS Act? Was it the Hope-n-Changy Act?
I find it hard to believe that ending CLASS will put an end to the entire law. I'm sure the people who crafted the law were a little smarter than that. I think you guys are getting a little too excited and ahead of yourselves.

If they were a little smarter than that, why did they craft a part of the law that HAD to be self-sustainable, and later discover that as written it was NOT?

I don't know. Show me how the end of CLASS puts an end to the entire law.

It pushes the cost of Obamacare over the $1,000,000,000,000 mark, which means Obama has to retroactively veto it as promised. Unless, that is, you think his promises are worth as little as I do, then the PPACA is perfectly safe because he is a crass opportunist and a lair.
Obama shouldn't have stolen Hillary's health care thunder in the first place.
Could you be any more disingenuous? The Obama administration decided that ONE ASPECT of the law is unsustainable, not the entire law. If you want to talk about that, fine, but don't pretend that Obama just dismissed the entire law.

Fair enough. I'm just saying that the OP is misleading since nobody from the Obama administration said that the entire law is in jeopardy. Maybe it is. That is debatable. But it is not debatable that Obama admitted the law is dead, because he said no such thing.
Correct, the issue in the article concerns only the long-term care portion.

But as usual facts are irrelevant to the right – creating an incorrect perception is the only important thing.

I know you are a pompous ass and think that no one here can possibly match your intellect, but could you learn to use the fucking quote button? I highlighted it in green so you will be able to find it on your screen if you look in the same place.


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After months insisting that could be fixed, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally acknowledged Friday she doesn't see how.

"Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time," Sebelius said in a letter to congressional leaders."

The CLASS Act was a long-term care program; it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the law or the health insurance pieces of it.

That is a major part of the law. How many votes would have been changes to NAY if the Congress had known that ahead of time?

...none? It was the pet project of a dying senator with a lot of clout; I'm not sure anyone else really cared about it.
Sarah Kliff: Tell me more about why you decided to offer that amendment.

Sen. Judd Gregg: I knew we weren't going to kill the CLASS Act because it was Sen. Ted Kennedy’s proposal, and he was very sick, and most of us were very sensitive to the fact he was sick. This was his last hurrah, legislatively. I knew we were going to implement it, although I didn’t think the concept was sound. Conceptually, it makes sense to prefund long-term care insurance.... but what this bill did was just the opposite. It was totally unsound.

My thought was, let’s put in an amendment that would be hard to oppose, that in effect would either make the proposal sound or would kill it. [...]

SK: Does the end of the CLASS Act say anything about the rest of the health law? Or is this an isolated incident?

JG: This was a sidecar. This was not a core element of the overall bill. It was put in as a courtesy to Sen. Kennedy. I do happen to think the overall bill is going to massively fail on the fiscal side and probably fail on the substantive side too. But you can separate off the CLASS act as not having an effect on the underlying bill, even though the underlying bill will also fail.​
It's not misleading. It is being reported that the law can not stand without this portion.

Then stop reading "reporting" from idiots.

How can obama dismiss any law? I need someone to explain that to me. The bill in it's entirety was signed into law. How can he dismiss any part of that law?

Your answer is in the OP. This particular piece of the law required certification from the Secretary of HHS to go forward.

No one cared about it?
The administration knew long before this even was voted on that CLASS would never work.

But, they pushed for it to pass.

This is a prime example of inefficiency. The absolute waste of doing this is amazing - just for a political chit. The People just got raped, again, by this petty administration.

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