Obama And Biden Plan "Fun" College Bus Tour


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
The "Choomwagon" just keeps rolling along, compared to the song the 'Greatest Generation' learned to march to "The Caissons Keep Rolling Along'

LBJ brought us his "War On Poverty". Barack Obama brought us his own war on America's wealth concomitant with his war on sobriety.

Obama And Biden Planning ?Fun? College Bus Tour? | Weasel Zippers

A few weeks ago a local hospital announced that its "Employee Of The Year Award" would go to the Nurse Manager In Charge Of Regulatory Compliance. Gone was the pretext of even trying to run the hospital more efficiently, making the patients stay less onerous and shorter, or even easing the related family's anxiety while their family member is in the hospital's care and on the road to recovery or otherwise. Survival is now all about complying with the regulatory burden of the all encompassing state.

Join that with another news blurb from another hospital where the nurses voted down a concession agreement with hospital management that will lead to the loss of four full time nursing positions and reductions of hours for a great number of other nurses. But that's likely only the beginning, because when the overwhelming and omnipotent state is paying the bills, there's no countervailing force to stand up for the little guy especially considering that Barack Obama has his d@#k perenially up Richard trumka's @ss. When the state needs to balance its finances, the balancing will be done at the expense of the common citizen, either by extortion from his wallet or by extortion of his "Blood, sweat, toil, and tears.".

Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Lincoln left us with their vision and one version of America, this is the version of America Barack Obama wants to leave us with.

chinese female executions - Bing Images
[Not afraid of the all encompassing power of the omnipotent state, are yee? Like some apparition, materializing out of nowhere. Give a human being a little bit of power................eventually they'll be pointing a gun of some type at the back of your head. Notice how the gun is cloaked here by the use of the word 'Rehabiliate']
Wonder if the classroom they'll be sent to for rehab will have the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" carved out onto them, or better yet, "Multi Kulti Macht Frei"

"For the crime of refusing to participate in a shabby simulacrum of marriage a family business is now being investigated by the State of Oregon and, unless they toss away their religious beliefs, will be fined perhaps to the point of bankruptcy. According to the article there are no caps on the fines allowed under the law.

But all is not lost. The Kleins can repent:

“The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate,” [state labor commissioner Brad] Avakian said. “For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon.”"

Oregon To ?Rehabilitate? Businesses Opposed To Gay Marriage | RedState
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