Obama and 'The Wrong Side of History'

I can't wait to get back to the presidency being exclusively for white heterosexual males.

Vis-a-vis this thread....to which you have voluntarily subscribes....yours is a truly stupid post.

I'll conclude that the import of the OP irked your Obamunism, and you couldn't come up with any way to deny same.

I hope you'll continue to read the rest of the post.....and you will find yourself equally speechless.
You do know that after he leaves that oval office, he will be the first President, as far as I know, in history, to remain living in the D.C. area.

So while Trump, (or god-forbid,) bitch is living in the White House, he'll be just down the Street.

Won't THAT be interesting? :eusa_think:

now we know the real reason for the higher fence....
. "...people (mostly liberals) tend to say, “You’re on the wrong side of history” about social issues that are breaking their way. It’s a handy phrase, loosely translated as, “You’re going to lose eventually, so why don’t you give up now?”

7.".... the only way such victories are assured is if those opposing them preemptively surrender based upon some potted assertions that defeat is inevitable.

That is what is so undemocratic about the idea that there is a right side to history -- it amounts to saying “shut up” to anyone who wants to keep the argument going.

Freedom has no meaning if we give over to the idea that we are powerless against the cold impersonal forces that shape our destiny. In life, but particularly in a democracy, defeat only comes when the losing side accepts defeat. For generations those on the right side of slavery and civil rights were told they were on the wrong side of history. They proved history wrong by refusing to surrender to it.

So long as you are willing to fight for what you believe in, the cause endures. Let history take care of itself." file:///C:/Users/Angel/Downloads/goldberg-are_you_on_the_wrong_side_of_history-transcript.pdf

Worth watching:

Some me aspire to mediocrity. Others have it thrust on them.
Describes Obama pretty well.

He will be remembered as the president with the largest disconnect between his own evaluation of his success and abilities and his actual successes and abilities.
His list of failed programs and initiatives covers virtually all his programs and initiatives. From cash for clunkers to mortgage write downs to save homeowners to the reset with Russia to the Iran deal to climate change to Bo Bergdahl to.....you name it. The most divisive incompetent president in modern history.
As the Bard noted:

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

We get it. You've discovered Shakespeare. Congratulations.
As the Bard noted:

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

1. So.....by the same token, one who not only lacks any understanding of history, and botches it when he tries to insert himself therein, can pretend he in an influence in same.

... this dunce, Obama, who has seen his policies and ideas fail literally dozens of times....and I mean 'literally' literally....actually mouths predictions about history, and how future events will support his backside, bankrupt blather.

a. "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history,..." President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address

b."... the U.S. response to protests in Egypt that forced President Hosni Mubarak from power last Friday. Critics have faulted the U.S. for being too cautious in offering support to protesters in Cairo. The administration now appears to be placing itself on the side of those in the streets. "History will end up recording that at every juncture in the situation in Egypt, that we were on the right side of history," Obama said." Obama: U.S. Is 'On Right Side Of History' In Mideast [He said this gleefully anticipating the ascendancy of the Muslim Brotherhood.]

c. And, as Gaddafi was about to be pushed out....“I believe that Gaddafi ison the wrong side of history. I believe that the Libyan people are anxious for freedom and the removal of somebody who has suppressed them for decades now. We are going to be in contact with the opposition, ..."
Obama, Gaddafi, and the ‘wrong side of history’ [September 11, 2012, attack of a United States outpost inBenghazi, Libya, that left four Americans killed,....]

d. "Speaking more broadly about the then still young “Arab Spring” he said, “I think that the region will be watching carefully to make sure we’re on the right side of history.” When Vladimir Putin started carving up Ukraine, the president insisted that America wouldn’t actually do anything about it, but fear not -- because Putin is on the wrong side of history. The “long moral arc of the universe” -- another of Obama’s favorite phrases -- will “bend toward justice.”

In the meantime: Tough luck, Ukrainians."

2. "It’s a phrase Obama loves: He’s used it 15 times, in debates; at synagogues; in weekly radio addresses; at fundraisers. Obama is almost as fond of its converse, “the wrong side of history,” which he has used 13 times; staffers and press secretaries have invoked it a further 16." The Wrong Side of 'the Right Side of History'

"....telling someone they are on “the wrong side of history” means “You’re going to lose eventually, so why don’t you give up now?” file:///C:/Users/Angel/Downloads/goldberg-are_you_on_the_wrong_side_of_history-transcript.pdf

Another dunce tried it in this form: "The debate is over!"

And, of course, it isn't.

A thousand words worth of babble about Obama being on the wrong side of history,

and not one word making an evidence based argument to support it.

Classic PC'ism.
Some me aspire to mediocrity. Others have it thrust on them.
Describes Obama pretty well.

He will be remembered as the president with the largest disconnect between his own evaluation of his success and abilities and his actual successes and abilities.
His list of failed programs and initiatives covers virtually all his programs and initiatives. From cash for clunkers to mortgage write downs to save homeowners to the reset with Russia to the Iran deal to climate change to Bo Bergdahl to.....you name it. The most divisive incompetent president in modern history.

"His list of failed programs and initiatives covers virtually all his programs and initiatives."

I'll be giving examples of your statement shortly.
8. Clearly, if one understands what Goldberg has been saying, the tool in the White House has no basis for making any pronouncements, about history, the future, or anything else.

As I promised earlier.....proof of Obama's ineptitude, blunders and outright catastrophes.

No one will be able to deny these:

1. "(CNSNews.com) – White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday the Obama administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s “tranquility” – a word that raised eyebrows asreporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea." WH We ve Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community CNS News

2. [August 18, 2011].... [Obama} called Thursday for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign, after months of his violent crackdown on protesters. The rhetorical escalation was backed by new U.S. sanctions designed to undermine Assad’s ability to finance his military operation..... culminated months of calibrated diplomacy that has included three rounds of sanctions and a gradual policy shift toward regime change in a nation long at odds with U.S. policy in the Middle East." Assad must go Obama says - The Washington Post

3."Russia 'to reopen Cold War Cuban listening post used to spy on America' Moscow-based daily Kommersant claimed Russia and Cuba have struck a deal 'in principle' after President Vladimir Putin visited the island last week.

Citing several sources within Russian authorities, the respected daily wrote: 'The agreements were finalised while President Vladimir Putin visited Havana last Friday."
Russia 'to reopen Cold War Cuban listening post'

And Obama sucks up to the Cuban communists...and gets nothing for it.

4. When the Egyptian people declined to be governed by the 7th century savages, the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama had a fit:
"The U.S. government has decided privately to act as if the military takeover of Egypt was a coup, temporarily suspending most forms of military aid, despite deciding not to announce publicly a coup determination one way or the other, according to a leading U.S. senator.
In the latest example of its poorly understood Egypt policy, the Obama administration has decided to temporarily suspend the disbursement of most direct military aid, the delivery of weapons to the Egyptian military, and some forms of economic aid to the Egyptiangovernment while it conducts a broad review of the relationship."
Senator: Obama Administration Secretly Suspended Military Aid to Egypt - The Daily Beast

a. Did Obama do any of those things when Iranian protesters cried out for American support????
"Iranian Green Movement..... numerous other people who have ostensibly been either killed or arrested since the election.[122] The government has issued very little official information on who has been killed or arrested (except Neda Agha-Soltan, whose video circulated quickly on the Internet). Hospitals were prohibited from registering the dead bodies or injured people, as a medical student at Rasoul-Akram hospital witnessed on the night of 15 June: "Nine people died at our hospital and another 28 had gunshot wounds... [the government] removed the dead bodies on back of trucks,.."
2009 Iranian presidential election protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama sat on his 'wrong side of history.'

5. Underestimated the "Islamic State, ...ISIS" "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,”Obama told the New Yorker, referring to ISIS.
“I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

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He makes a better comedian than commander.
Obama is responsible for any success ISIS has been able to amass.

He cleared the field for them, misjudged ISIS, and has been remiss in confronting them.

Here, his side of that history....

6. Obama made another huge mistake in refusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.

This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”

Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.
7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesi said in a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently by other world leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such as former Defense Secretary Robert Gates."
Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "Shock U.S. Army admission: Obama freed Taliban ‘psychopath’ in Bergdahl trade"The Obama administration released Fazl and four other Taliban commanders May 31 from the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl,
Taliban prisoner traded for Bowe Bergdahl a dangerous psychopath: Army colonel

a. "Breaking: Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion…Update: Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public…Update: Senior Defense Officials Confirm">Breaking:Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion…Update:Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public…Update:Senior Defense Officials Confirm" <strong>Breaking: </strong> Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion…<strong>Update:</strong> Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public…<strong>Update:</strong> Senior Defense Officials Confirm

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East.
The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."
The Obama Doctrine - The New York Sun

What a record of failure Obama has accumulated!!!!

Anyone dispute this???

10." U.S.The administration claims to support the Baghdad government of Haider al-Abadi, who replaced Maliki, but it gives al-Abadi practically no support. It won’t commit ground forces or mount a serious aerial offensive and is reduced to encouraging Iran to chase ISIS into Syria.

Syria... Obama rounded up some allies to fight ISIS but has essentially handed the war off to Iran, America’s and the West’s greatest enemy in the Middle East."
Incredulity Among Allies Greets U.S. Policy After Years of Folly - The New York Sun

Of course, Obama has handed lots more over to Iran, with whom he seems to have some unfulfilled teenage fantasy.
11. WASHINGTON—In reaching a historic agreement to restrain Iran’s nuclear program, President Barack Obama effectively shredded the foreign-policy playbook that had guided the U.S. for three decades....Obama also may have created a more unstable Middle East and, in the process, torn apart longtime U.S. ties with traditional allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Obama’s Iran Deal Breaks From Past

a. "The president has convinced himself that the open-ended appeasement of Iran will replicate the Nixon-Kissinger triumph with China. But they made no concessions to the Chinese: They agreed that there was one China but that Taiwan would not be reunited with the mainland by force, and it has not been.

Mr.Obama is handing Iraq to Iran as he gives Iran a green light to nuclear weapons,at the latest in ten years, as he unblocks $150 billion that has been frozen,without even getting a reduction in rhetorical abusefrom Tehran. Tom Friedman of the New York Times infamously called it a “doctrine,” in the sense of the Stimson or Truman or Nixon doctrines.

But insipidity, irresolution, and obfuscation do not constitute a doctrine.

America’s traditional allies havelost all respect for [Obama's] foreign-policy-making...

As the U.S. cranks up to another presidential election, and rhetoric echoes loudly around the country about “the greatest nation in human history” (certainly a fair description in many respects),Americans should be aware of how the country is perceivedby foreigners. .... it has almost become, as President Nixon warned,“a pitiful, helpless giant.”
Incredulity Among Allies Greets U.S. Policy After Years of Folly - The New York Sun

12. "Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen His personal relationship with Osama bin Laden and time in American detention make him an especially high-profile spokesman. A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO)threat assessmentand other declassified files documented Qosi’s extensive al Qaeda dossier. In the threat assessment, dated Nov. 15, 2007, US intelligence analysts described Qosi as a “high” risk to the US and its allies." Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen | The Long War Journal

13. “Literally the entire national security team recommended unanimously handling Mubarak differently than we did,” Gates said. “And the president took the advice of three junior backbenchers in terms of how to treat Mubarak.” Obama was so avid to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he went against the advice of his national security team. The Egyptian people complained that he was supporting terrorism. And they were right." Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup | Pamela Geller

Gee....one can only wonder why this President works so assiduously to support Islamofascists......

14. "The president supported the protestors and forced Mubarak out of power, causing the Muslim Brotherhood to soon take control of the country with Islamist president Mohamed Morsi..... Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Fox News that President Barack Obama ignored the advice of his “entire national security team” during the Egyptian coup in 2011 that ousted Hosni Mubarak, the country’s former president." Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup

15. "US-backed militia groups now fighting each other in Syria
President Barack Obama's confused strategy in Syria means towns are now being fought over by different US-backed groups

If anywhere can show the consequences of American foreign policy under President Barack Obama, it may be the small town of Marea, north of Aleppo.
Analysts – and many American diplomats who have left the administration, some in disgust – say that the mess is a consequence of President Obama’s decision to support the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad, but only half-heartedly." US-backed militia groups now fighting each other in Syria

Can you imagine.....a President with the record of failure of this one, lecturing others on 'the right/wrong side of history.'

And fools nod their heads and agree.......

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