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The word out is .... conservatives are flaming imbeciles.

And that appears on calendars every day of the year.
They told us this morning.

I'm a federal employee.
And apparently a liar too
When it's announced in the news...what will I be then?
Delusional since that isn't happening...
Unless you work here....on a federal installation, you don't know at this time, but it has been implemented already.
The wife's a federal employee... their CHRISTMAS party is next week
He's already put the word out....and plans on signing an EO December 16th.
The word out is .... conservatives are flaming imbeciles.

And that appears on calendars every day of the year.
They told us this morning.

I'm a federal employee.
And apparently a liar too
When it's announced in the news...what will I be then?
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if federal agencies were told to have holiday parties rather than Christmas parties given the diverse nature of the work force - but that's a far cry from banning the word Christmas

Federal agencies have been calling them holiday parties for at least twenty years

What is wrong with being inclusive of all your workers?
When it's announced in the news...what will I be then?

Alright, you've said December 16 is when the EO is going to be signed. I'm going to bookmark your post so that we can come back and review the matter on December 16th.

I do have one question in the meantime: Why wait until December 16th? If he is going to sign an EO about Christmas decorations, isn't that kinda like waiting for the horses to get out before you close the barn door?
When it's announced in the news...what will I be then?

Alright, you've said December 16 is when the EO is going to be signed. I'm going to bookmark your post so that we can come back and review the matter on December 16th.

I do have one question in the meantime: Why wait until December 16th? If he is going to sign an EO about Christmas decorations, isn't that kinda like waiting for the horses to get out before you close the barn door?
His December 16th date comes from a year old article. So, you know, this year is totally the year
So, not allowing Christians to use federal lands to force their religious beliefs on others "insults Christians"?
No one is forcing you to look at anything. State house grounds are 'littered' with statues and monuments most people ignore every day.
Where is this on Fox News? Where is a credible source for this ban?

www.tdalliance.com doesn't seem the best of sources.

I went on Fox News and I can't find it.


Here's the search for "obama nativity scene"

Please try the following:
Check your spelling
Try more general words
Try using acronyms or using different keywords
Try using fewer words. Your search might be too specific.


And the same for "Obama bans nativity"
That's because it doesn't exist. The OP got punk'd and he's full of shit. Here, see for yourself......

Presidential Actions
He's already put the word out....and plans on signing an EO December 16th.
Walla..... Obama's Next Executive Order To Ban The Word "Christmas" From Federal Property
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That was from last year. So show that executive order from 12.16.2014 or expose yourself as just another conservative flaming imbecile.

BTW .... I already know the answer.
The word out is .... conservatives are flaming imbeciles.

And that appears on calendars every day of the year.
They told us this morning.

I'm a federal employee.
And apparently a liar too
When it's announced in the news...what will I be then?
Delusional since that isn't happening...
Unless you work here....on a federal installation, you don't know at this time, but it has been implemented already.
You do realize that everyone here recognizes that you are a senile old coot, right?
So, not allowing Christians to use federal lands to force their religious beliefs on others "insults Christians"?
No one is forcing you to look at anything. State house grounds are 'littered' with statues and monuments most people ignore every day.

If people just ignore them....why do Christians insist on putting them there?
But Christmas trees are offensive to Muslim's.....and there is one in D.C.
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 12957129, member: 20321
:uhh: ...because CHRISTIANS don't ignore them...[/QUOTE]

If thats the case....why not just display them in churches?[/QUOTE]
Obviously because, unlike, Obama, they still think America is a Chrisitian nation, and they want to display the nativity scene on the ground of a govt building, a govt whose motto is 'In God we trust'.

If it burns when you look at it, if you are so frail that it offends you to the point of emotional distress, don't look at it.
The Obamas have reportedly decided against any religious themed holiday displays at the White House since the First Lady thinks they are creepy.

Once again, the rubes guzzle down the piss poured for them.

2015 White House Holidays – A Timeless Tradition

East Room

  • Holiday Volunteer: Collin Falvey (Brookfield, WI)
  • Entering the historic East Room under a canopy of sparkling icicles and glimmering silver spheres, guests are greeted with a multitude of white, silver, and champagne tones.
  • Four grand trees are covered in ornate decorations of iridescent pearls, frosty icicles, vintage jewels, and delicate buttons trim the edges of the largest room in the White House.
  • A long-standing holiday tradition—the White House crèche—graces this room. The nativity scene made of terra cotta and intricately carved wood was fashioned in Naples, Italy in the eighteenth century. Donated to the White House in the 1960s, this piece has sat in the East Room for the holidays for more than forty-five years, spanning nine administrations.
  • Twelve works of art are nestle in to the mantles.

When will you dumb fucks stop getting back in line for refills of your piss cups from the same old propaganda outlets?


Every goddam year the retards fall for the same lies.

It's fucking incredible.
Show me the Executive Order retards.

Show me.
Talk a bout a dumb PC fuck. I guess he thinks bending over and letting Muslim fuck him will save lives when terrorist attack.

Can this guy be any more of a fucking moron??

I think not.
You are a retard. You guzzled the piss.
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