Obama: Be Prepared for Global Warming Spawned Super Hurricanes

Oh I agree fully that living on the East Coast requires preparation and RECOGNITION of risk. It should also advise on building in HARMONY with natural events.

There is ZERO evidence however that the Global change of 0.6degC in your lifetime had ANY part in this. In fact, you seem to have ignored MOUNTAINS of events in the Centuries before the 20th to reach that "religious belief"..

So, that's a handshake then. Nice.

As to the latter, and your bold, unsupported and unverifiable assertion, I'd rather listen to some folks who presumably know whereof they speak (the fact that there were storms before, doesn't disprove AGW's impact):

Relation to global warming

According to NCAR senior climatologist Kevin E. Trenberth, "The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be."[32] Although NOAA meteorologist Martin Hoerling attributes Sandy to "little more than the coincidental alignment of a tropical storm with an extratropical storm",[33] Trenberth does agree that the storm was caused by "natural variability" but adds that it was "enhanced by global warming".[34] One factor contributing to the storm's strength was abnormally warm sea surface temperatures offshore the East Coast of the United States—more than 3 °C (5 °F) above normal, to which global warming had contributed 0.6 °C (1 °F).[34] As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the capacity to hold water increases, leading to stronger storms and higher rainfall amounts.[34]
Wind GUSTS don't determine the category of a trop storm.. SUSTAINED winds are what determine the category of them. The fact that it was physically large is NOT a measure of intensity either.

Good thing that I neither mis-characterized the categorization nor confused size with intensity, or is it? Does that about describe the minuscule size of the straw men you can erect and still confidently handle?

Whatever, a hurricane of that size and intensity (see how that goes?) that late in the year, traveling that far north and making landfall, is virtually unheard of, quite likely associated with the symptoms of AGW in the form of unusually high water temperatures (deniers' shrieks to the contrary notwithstanding). In combination "with a Nor'easter at high tide during a full moon" (Wiki) it proved both hard to prepare for (as it was highly unusual) and particularly damaging, to the tune of an estimated $75bn. That's billion, with a "b".

The obvious lesson to take away from this (and other instances of nature's wrath) is that we better prepare for unusual and unusually severe weather events due to the changing climate, and President Obama wisely urged the population to do exactly that, as every responsible head of state should do. So, flacaltenn, since we both agree that living right at the water's edge is a dangerous proposition, what is it we're really debating here? Other than trading silly barbs over the exact definition of the term "tropical hurricane"?

Oh I agree fully that living on the East Coast requires preparation and RECOGNITION of risk. It should also advise on building in HARMONY with natural events.

There is ZERO evidence however that the Global change of 0.6degC in your lifetime had ANY part in this. In fact, you seem to have ignored MOUNTAINS of events in the Centuries before the 20th to reach that "religious belief"..

Actually, fecalhead, there is a lot of evidence....you just can't see it with your head jammed so far up your ass.

How Does Global Warming Make Hurricanes Like Irene More Destructive?
Dr. Joe Romm

Warmer Seas Creating Stronger Hurricanes, Study Confirms
Oh I agree fully that living on the East Coast requires preparation and RECOGNITION of risk. It should also advise on building in HARMONY with natural events.

There is ZERO evidence however that the Global change of 0.6degC in your lifetime had ANY part in this. In fact, you seem to have ignored MOUNTAINS of events in the Centuries before the 20th to reach that "religious belief"..

So, that's a handshake then. Nice.

As to the latter, and your bold, unsupported and unverifiable assertion, I'd rather listen to some folks who presumably know whereof they speak (the fact that there were storms before, doesn't disprove AGW's impact):

Relation to global warming

According to NCAR senior climatologist Kevin E. Trenberth, "The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be."[32] Although NOAA meteorologist Martin Hoerling attributes Sandy to "little more than the coincidental alignment of a tropical storm with an extratropical storm",[33] Trenberth does agree that the storm was caused by "natural variability" but adds that it was "enhanced by global warming".[34] One factor contributing to the storm's strength was abnormally warm sea surface temperatures offshore the East Coast of the United States—more than 3 °C (5 °F) above normal, to which global warming had contributed 0.6 °C (1 °F).[34] As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the capacity to hold water increases, leading to stronger storms and higher rainfall amounts.[34]

Trenberth is among the handful of GWarning "scientists" that are activists FIRST and lab coated researchers 2nd. This is the guy who LEFT out the MASSIVE Ocean thermal storage in his 1st famous "energy budget" papers and then DISCOVERED that the oceans store heat only when the temperatures refused to climb at his beckoned call for a couple decades recently. He is ALWAYS inserting himself in every convenient event.

The atmos might be able to hold more moisture, but WEATHER severity is dictated by thermal DIFFERENCES. It won't start raining without cooler air aloft. And THAT is determined by pressure differences and jet streams that create the isobars. And if the ATMOS is warming uniformly --- as it should be in the lower Troposphere, A 0.6degC uniform increase is NOT gonna mean shit to a thunderstorm or a cyclone. Water temps might.
BTW -- that cooler air aloft is the REASON why most of those "NYC hurricanes occur in the late season as "extra - tropical storms".
Wind GUSTS don't determine the category of a trop storm.. SUSTAINED winds are what determine the category of them. The fact that it was physically large is NOT a measure of intensity either.

Good thing that I neither mis-characterized the categorization nor confused size with intensity, or is it? Does that about describe the minuscule size of the straw men you can erect and still confidently handle?

Whatever, a hurricane of that size and intensity (see how that goes?) that late in the year, traveling that far north and making landfall, is virtually unheard of, quite likely associated with the symptoms of AGW in the form of unusually high water temperatures (deniers' shrieks to the contrary notwithstanding). In combination "with a Nor'easter at high tide during a full moon" (Wiki) it proved both hard to prepare for (as it was highly unusual) and particularly damaging, to the tune of an estimated $75bn. That's billion, with a "b".

The obvious lesson to take away from this (and other instances of nature's wrath) is that we better prepare for unusual and unusually severe weather events due to the changing climate, and President Obama wisely urged the population to do exactly that, as every responsible head of state should do. So, flacaltenn, since we both agree that living right at the water's edge is a dangerous proposition, what is it we're really debating here? Other than trading silly barbs over the exact definition of the term "tropical hurricane"?

Oh I agree fully that living on the East Coast requires preparation and RECOGNITION of risk. It should also advise on building in HARMONY with natural events.

There is ZERO evidence however that the Global change of 0.6degC in your lifetime had ANY part in this. In fact, you seem to have ignored MOUNTAINS of events in the Centuries before the 20th to reach that "religious belief"..

Actually, fecalhead, there is a lot of evidence....you just can't see it with your head jammed so far up your ass.

How Does Global Warming Make Hurricanes Like Irene More Destructive?
Dr. Joe Romm

Warmer Seas Creating Stronger Hurricanes, Study Confirms


I know in your retarded crayon world you are trying to push a new variety of Local Warming" instead of "Global Warming". But in science when you make SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS about GLOBAL climate change, you are held to account for the actual OBSERVED data. And the drought of hurricanes in a major Global ocean basin should be a humbling slap-back. But you go Tink.. Push for that "Local Warming" change in what your heroes were ACTUALLY predicting decades ago.,..
Oh I agree fully that living on the East Coast requires preparation and RECOGNITION of risk. It should also advise on building in HARMONY with natural events.

There is ZERO evidence however that the Global change of 0.6degC in your lifetime had ANY part in this. In fact, you seem to have ignored MOUNTAINS of events in the Centuries before the 20th to reach that "religious belief"..

So, that's a handshake then. Nice.

As to the latter, and your bold, unsupported and unverifiable assertion, I'd rather listen to some folks who presumably know whereof they speak (the fact that there were storms before, doesn't disprove AGW's impact):

Relation to global warming

According to NCAR senior climatologist Kevin E. Trenberth, "The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be."[32] Although NOAA meteorologist Martin Hoerling attributes Sandy to "little more than the coincidental alignment of a tropical storm with an extratropical storm",[33] Trenberth does agree that the storm was caused by "natural variability" but adds that it was "enhanced by global warming".[34] One factor contributing to the storm's strength was abnormally warm sea surface temperatures offshore the East Coast of the United States—more than 3 °C (5 °F) above normal, to which global warming had contributed 0.6 °C (1 °F).[34] As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the capacity to hold water increases, leading to stronger storms and higher rainfall amounts.[34]

Trenberth is among the handful of GWarning "scientists" that are activists FIRST and lab coated researchers 2nd. This is the guy who LEFT out the MASSIVE Ocean thermal storage in his 1st famous "energy budget" papers and then DISCOVERED that the oceans store heat only when the temperatures refused to climb at his beckoned call for a couple decades recently. He is ALWAYS inserting himself in every convenient event.

The atmos might be able to hold more moisture, but WEATHER severity is dictated by thermal DIFFERENCES. It won't start raining without cooler air aloft. And THAT is determined by pressure differences and jet streams that create the isobars. And if the ATMOS is warming uniformly --- as it should be in the lower Troposphere, A 0.6degC uniform increase is NOT gonna mean shit to a thunderstorm or a cyclone. Water temps might.
LOLOLOLOLOL.......world class scientist vs. ignorant denier cult nutjob.....with results just like you would expect....reasoned scientific analysis based on evidence vs. incoherent denier cult gobbledygook based on crackpot rightwingnut political and economic ideologies.
Ummm.......just wanted to point out that the data pwns the AGW k00ks on this topic.

Ten years ago, they promised mega-hurricanes at mega-high frequencies were imminent.......hitting the US on every coast!!

How many hit the US since?

zErO :bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1::bye1:
So, anyway, in 2017 Hurricane 'Don' will show up, and in 2019, Hurricane 'Barry' will appear.

Tropical Cyclone Names

edit add...Hurricane Hilary is going to show up in 2017, but only in the Pacific.
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Obama is going to continue ramping up the hysteria as he only has a few more months to completely destroy the United States.
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.


Obviously a result of the over use of the cotton gin.
First entry in the Wiki list for NYC storms references an event around 1240 which could be the STRONGEST storm to hit that area in 1000 years. Here's the referenced paper.. You live by tree rings and sea shells, you get trashed by sea shells and tree rings.. Such is what we "know" about past climate.

Sedimentary evidence of intense hurricane strikes from New Jersey

Nine Vibracores from the backbarrier marsh at Whale Beach, New Jersey, reveal three large-scale overwash deposits associated with historic and prehistoric storms. The uppermost and smallest overwash fan was deposited in the Ash Wednesday northeaster of March 5 8, 1962. A second more substantial overwash fan between 100 and 35 cm depth dates to the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. This fan was most likely deposited during the 1821 hurricane, the only intense hurricane to make landfall in New Jersey in the past 350 yr. A third, larger overwash fan between 200 and 300 cm depth was deposited between A.D. 1278 and 1438 and is likely the result of a prehistoric intense hurricane strike. The combination of historical and stratigraphic evidence indicates that two intense hurricanes (winds >50 m s-1) have likely made landfall on the southern New Jersey coast in the past 700 yr, resulting in an annual landfall probability of 0.3%
Typhoon Nancy in 1961 was as strong as Hurricane Patricia.


This made it the most intense tropical cyclone on record in the Western Hemisphere, and the strongest globally in terms of 1-minute maximum sustained winds.

Oh.. I get it. It's NOT Global Climate change --- but now you not only narrow your resistance to ONE ocean and SPLIT that ocean down the middle with an arbitrary line. It must be "Local Climate Change" is the NEXT moniker for these failed projections. Sorry to say -- that excuse has already been attempted TinkerBelle.
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.

Perhaps the warning was about people being careful and avoiding harm? You sound like some halfwit whining about having to walk miles to school in the snow back in the tough old days. Wanna tell us about the great Mississippi flood of 1927? It was a doozy. So I guess we don't ever need to pay any attention to flooding anymore.
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.

Perhaps the warning was about people being careful and avoiding harm? You sound like some halfwit whining about having to walk miles to school in the snow back in the tough old days. Wanna tell us about the great Mississippi flood of 1927? It was a doozy. So I guess we don't ever need to pay any attention to flooding anymore.

Simple.. Get folks to pay attention to flooding and building in risk areas WITHOUT exaggerating tales about Global Warming. Then we all agree..
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.

Perhaps the warning was about people being careful and avoiding harm? You sound like some halfwit whining about having to walk miles to school in the snow back in the tough old days. Wanna tell us about the great Mississippi flood of 1927? It was a doozy. So I guess we don't ever need to pay any attention to flooding anymore.

Simple.. Get folks to pay attention to flooding and building in risk areas WITHOUT exaggerating tales about Global Warming. Then we all agree..

I'm sorry you disagree with the vast majority of the scientific community, not my problem.
Wasn't Sandy 2012?

Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.

Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.


Obviously a result of the over use of the cotton gin.

Clearly you're not a scientist and thus have clue what the significance of that storm has vis a vis globalwarmingclimatechangeglobalclimatedisruption, or whatever you guys are calling it this week.
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