Wasn't Sandy 2012?
Yes. And when the storm came ashore it was barely a Cat 1. If you want to see some truly devastating hurricanes I suggest you go back to the 1950's and 1960's for some real doozies. You idiots are all alike you bleat these warnings about impending doom and ignore the simple fact that the storms of today are much, much less powerful than those from the past. If you want to read about a truly epic storm I suggest you look up the Great Flood of 1862 which struck the west coast of the USA and turned the entire Central Valley of California, all 300 miles of it, into a lake. The storm extended as far east as Colorado and impacted the entire west coast.
Your supposed facts simply are not that compelling in light of actual history.
Perhaps the warning was about people being careful and avoiding harm? You sound like some halfwit whining about having to walk miles to school in the snow back in the tough old days. Wanna tell us about the great Mississippi flood of 1927? It was a doozy. So I guess we don't ever need to pay any attention to flooding anymore.
Avoiding harm would be a very good idea. Speaking of the Mississippi, have you any idea how wide the flood plain is for the river? Just curious about the level of you knowledge. Then, when you come up with the number, answer me why that is important to the conversation.