Obama begins interview with Prince Harry- What he says about Trump, there's no taking back


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Obama Begins Interview with Prince Harry — What He Says About Trump, There's No Taking Back (Video)
In an interview that has finally been broadcast in the U.K., Barack Obama revealed how he felt as he sat in the Capital during President Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony and even took a slap at Trump’s “irresponsible” habit of Tweeting out whatever is on his mind.....................


Oh the Obama cult followers aren't going to like hearing their little bastard is hypocritical prick we all already knew that.
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he is citizen and has the right to say it. He can say what ever the fuck he wishes to say...
"There's no taking back"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

I swear, you're all whiny little bitches.
The British Royalty should not espress their political views openly. that's the law.

Shut your mouth Meghan Markle....put a sock in it ok?

If you and your family don't like President Trump.....it's your bloody business ok?


get it?

(what a piece of Meghan s**t :mad-61: )
Obama Begins Interview with Prince Harry — What He Says About Trump, There's No Taking Back (Video)
In an interview that has finally been broadcast in the U.K., Barack Obama revealed how he felt as he sat in the Capital during President Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony and even took a slap at Trump’s “irresponsible” habit of Tweeting out whatever is on his mind.....................


Oh the Obama cult followersn't aren't going to like hearing their little bastard is hypocritical prick we all already knew that.

That article is great.

It's basically criticizing Obama for what Trump does all the freaking time.

"Once again we see Obama attacking the U.S. and its leaders"

As if Trump didn't attack Obama before Trump became President, and also while he is President. Also he attacked policies from before.

"And once again we see Obama violating that long-held tenet that American officials don’t diss the U.S. when they are visiting a foreign country."

Which Trump does all the freaking time.
Obama Begins Interview with Prince Harry — What He Says About Trump, There's No Taking Back (Video)
In an interview that has finally been broadcast in the U.K., Barack Obama revealed how he felt as he sat in the Capital during President Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony and even took a slap at Trump’s “irresponsible” habit of Tweeting out whatever is on his mind.....................


Oh the Obama cult followersn't aren't going to like hearing their little bastard is hypocritical prick we all already knew that.
Poor Snowflake

Hurt your feelings?
Obama Begins Interview with Prince Harry — What He Says About Trump, There's No Taking Back (Video)
In an interview that has finally been broadcast in the U.K., Barack Obama revealed how he felt as he sat in the Capital during President Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony and even took a slap at Trump’s “irresponsible” habit of Tweeting out whatever is on his mind.....................


Oh the Obama cult followersn't aren't going to like hearing their little bastard is hypocritical prick we all already knew that.

What did he say that people aren't going to like hearing?

Also, does a former president count as an American official?
It was a great interview :)

A couple of highlights: When Harry Met Barack: Obama Tells Prince About Life After White House


The transition of power

Leaving the White House after the inauguration, Obama says, his first thought was gratitude for his wife, Michelle.

"She is not someone who was naturally inclined to politics, so in some ways, despite the fact that she was as good of a first lady as there's ever been, she did this largely in support of my decision to run," Obama says.

"For us to be able to come out of that intact, that our marriage was strong, that we're still each other's best friends, our daughters turning into amazing young women ... that we had done the work in a way that preserved our integrity and left us whole" was a satisfying feeling, Obama says.

The former president doesn't mention Donald Trump by name but does acknowledge some worries as he left office.

"That [feeling of satisfaction] was mixed with all the work that was still undone, and concerns about how the country moves foward," he says. "But overall, there was a serenity there. More than I expected."

The impact of social media

Prince Harry notes that trolling, extremism, fake news and cyberbullying have become major issues and asks Obama whether there are things he wishes he had done on those issues.

"[The] question I think really has to do with how do we harness this technology in a way that allows a multiplicity of voices, allows a diversity of views, but doesn't lead to a balkanization of our society, but rather continues to promote ways of finding common ground," Obama says. "I'm not sure government can legislate that, but what I do believe is that all of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can re-create common space on the Internet."

Back when there were just three TV stations, Obama says, "everybody had a common set of facts."

"There might be conservatives or liberals, but people generally could agree on a baseline of reality. One of the dangers of the Internet is that people can have entirely different realities. They can just be cocooned in information that reinforces their current biases."

He says one thing he discovered during his campaign in 2007 and 2008 was the importance of bringing online communities offline.

"Social media is a really powerful tool for people of common interest to convene," he says, "but then it's important for them to get offline, meet in a pub, meet at a place of worship, meet in a neighborhood, and get to know each other. Because the truth is, on the Internet, everything is simplified. And when you meet people face to face, it turns out they're complicated."

"It's also, by the way, hard to be as obnoxious and cruel in person as people can be anonymously on the Internet," Obama adds
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Obama Begins Interview with Prince Harry — What He Says About Trump, There's No Taking Back (Video)
In an interview that has finally been broadcast in the U.K., Barack Obama revealed how he felt as he sat in the Capital during President Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony and even took a slap at Trump’s “irresponsible” habit of Tweeting out whatever is on his mind.....................


Oh the Obama cult followersn't aren't going to like hearing their little bastard is hypocritical prick we all already knew that.
I don't get it. What did he say?

Was it as bad as Trump saying Obama wire tapped him?

Was it as bad as Trump saying Obama had Trump under Surveillance?

Was it as bad as..............


You get the picture.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/4 - 12/26 -- 39.3 56.2 -16.9
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Gallup 12/22 - 12/26 1500 A 38 56 -18
Rasmussen Reports 12/20 - 12/26 1500 LV 45 53 -8
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18
Marist 12/4 - 12/7 1079 RV 39 55 -16
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The majority of Americans hold the treasonous fat old orange clown in contempt.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/4 - 12/26 -- 39.3 56.2 -16.9
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Gallup 12/22 - 12/26 1500 A 38 56 -18
Rasmussen Reports 12/20 - 12/26 1500 LV 45 53 -8
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18
Marist 12/4 - 12/7 1079 RV 39 55 -16
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The majority of Americans hold the treasonous fat old orange clown in contempt.

And yet, the only people in the streets are you people, in small numbers.
I think it's neat how close Michelle and Barack are - GW and Laura were as well. Barack makes some really good points about social media in the interview.
It was a great interview :)

A couple of highlights: When Harry Met Barack: Obama Tells Prince About Life After White House


The transition of power

Leaving the White House after the inauguration, Obama says, his first thought was gratitude for his wife, Michelle.

"She is not someone who was naturally inclined to politics, so in some ways, despite the fact that she was as good of a first lady as there's ever been, she did this largely in support of my decision to run," Obama says.

"For us to be able to come out of that intact, that our marriage was strong, that we're still each other's best friends, our daughters turning into amazing young women ... that we had done the work in a way that preserved our integrity and left us whole" was a satisfying feeling, Obama says.

The former president doesn't mention Donald Trump by name but does acknowledge some worries as he left office.

"That [feeling of satisfaction] was mixed with all the work that was still undone, and concerns about how the country moves foward," he says. "But overall, there was a serenity there. More than I expected."

The impact of social media

Prince Harry notes that trolling, extremism, fake news and cyberbullying have become major issues and asks Obama whether there are things he wishes he had done on those issues.

"[The] question I think really has to do with how do we harness this technology in a way that allows a multiplicity of voices, allows a diversity of views, but doesn't lead to a balkanization of our society, but rather continues to promote ways of finding common ground," Obama says. "I'm not sure government can legislate that, but what I do believe is that all of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can re-create common space on the Internet."

Back when there were just three TV stations, Obama says, "everybody had a common set of facts."

"There might be conservatives or liberals, but people generally could agree on a baseline of reality. One of the dangers of the Internet is that people can have entirely different realities. They can just be cocooned in information that reinforces their current biases."

He says one thing he discovered during his campaign in 2007 and 2008 was the importance of bringing online communities offline.

"Social media is a really powerful tool for people of common interest to convene," he says, "but then it's important for them to get offline, meet in a pub, meet at a place of worship, meet in a neighborhood, and get to know each other. Because the truth is, on the Internet, everything is simplified. And when you meet people face to face, it turns out they're complicated."

"It's also, by the way, hard to be as obnoxious and cruel in person as people can be anonymously on the Internet," Obama adds

Maybe for him. I am as obnoxious and cruel as here wherever I am. Truth in advertising is important.

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