obama birth certificate: United States of birther and the obots


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i've had this ongoing discussion with the obot nation, but there aren't that many places with level enough ground to exchange arguments. this forum is one of them.

what has led me to this, is the persecution of sheriff joe.. about anything, it seems, when the problem for antibirther obots is his facilitation of an investigation into our president's past.... and the birth certificate.has the obama administration used the justice department as a political tool ?

i started listening to the other arguments just a couple of days ago, this whole montgomery thing.

then i started looking into the sources of the obot argument, which leads us to the phoenix new times and a fellow named stephen lemons. this guy isn't a seymour hersh or stephanopolous, but i do believe he is using the power of the press to help in the smearing of sheriff joe, which is fine, because this is America. i just want to know why they are working so hard at it.

agenda oriented journalism is nothing new. each side has it's own sources, one thing we all (the birthers) agree on, is that the controversy goes on. it's the oddest political topic i have witnessed in my lifetime.

i have found some interesting aspects of the new phoenix times. they are a free weekly flyer with a dating site, yes, but they are owned by the village voice: people should draw their own conclusions about the matter, but what i am seeing is an orchestrated smear of/on the controversial sherrif joe.

then i looked at sheriff joe's wiki page, which reads a lot like the phoenix new times articles.

then there are the obots with their "this is the last nail in the coffin of birtherism", a mantra going on eight or nine (years).

i told the obots, my money is still on sheriff joe, and mike zullo, and of course jerry corsi, whom is the original father of questioning the obama provenance.

then there is bill ayers, who used to steal identities from graveyards, then make documents about them, while he was on the run from the government for being a domestic terrorist.

so there's a lot to cover. i listened to the mike volin show this week and it occurred to me the scope of this story.

the discussion was the betrayal papers: BETRAYAL PAPERS Archives - The American Report

to this day i feel like we were misled about mr. obama, that there is something about his past the has been omitted, or intentionally covered up. that this story is still open and alive, with so many elements and layers (pun intended). there is still so much we don't know, so the coffin remains open for now.

the cream hasn't finished rising to the top.

The Loathsome Phoenix New Times 6 690 Hate-Filled Articles Against Russell Pearce

Phoenix New Times and Sex Trafficking of Children.
Phoenix New Times is owned by the Village Voice Media, the same company that owns BackPage.com, which is the largest source for adult services listings on the Internet. Its ads for “escort services,” includes selling children’s sexual services to pedophiles. Sex trafficking is a multi-million dollar business. The two primary share holders of Village Voice Media are Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin, founders of the Phoenix New Times. See Village Voice Pimps. See also Where Pimps Peddle their Goods.

Maricopa County Sheriff s Office controversies - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

this video is just incidental:

he hates nazis so he can't be all bad. i'll keep posting on this as i go.

the obots are welcome to join me here anytime, but here, nobody can have their thumb on the conversation kill switch, manipulate, omit or edit the commentary. i find it's less confusing to the readers this way.
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My money is on the state of Hawaii and their confirmation of his birth record as being valid...
Oh, if only Russell Pearce and Joe Arpaio would do the same as their kkk buddy, JT Ready. Oh, and they should take Kris Kobach with them.

I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk.


For the past eight years, I've been a reporter and columnist for the Phoenix New Times, where I cover politics, corruption, crime and the struggle for social justice in Arizona.

Prior to joining New Times' staff, I freelanced for various publications while living in Los Angeles, California. I wrote about entertainment, crime, art, food, you name it.

Before becoming a full-time freelancer, I worked in the financial industry in ...
When will Sherriff Joe begin looking into the Canadian born, son of a communist Rafael Cruz and his eligibility? Since he's sooo concerned about this issue it should be any day now right?
and you, and a few more as we go along. we don't badass people for voicing their opinion.

hey, check this out.

The document was scanned by a Xerox WorkCentre 5955, and it created the PDF. As we know, some Xerox machines do amazing things, like breaking down documents into separate objects in ways that almost mimic what a human might do. This is a screen clip from the last page of the PDF file:
i've had this ongoing discussion with the obot nation, but there aren't that many places with level enough ground to exchange arguments. this forum is one of them.

what has led me to this, is the persecution of sheriff joe.. about anything, it seems, when the problem for antibirther obots is his facilitation of an investigation into our president's past.... and the birth certificate.has the obama administration used the justice department as a political tool ?

i started listening to the other arguments just a couple of days ago, this whole montgomery thing.

then i started looking into the sources of the obot argument, which leads us to the phoenix new times and a fellow named stephen lemons. this guy isn't a seymour hersh or stephanopolous, but i do believe he is using the power of the press to help in the smearing of sheriff joe, which is fine, because this is America. i just want to know why they are working so hard at it.

agenda oriented journalism is nothing new. each side has it's own sources, one thing we all (the birthers) agree on, is that the controversy goes on. it's the oddest political topic i have witnessed in my lifetime.

i have found some interesting aspects of the new phoenix times. they are a free weekly flyer with a dating site, yes, but they are owned by the village voice: people should draw their own conclusions about the matter, but what i am seeing is an orchestrated smear of/on the controversial sherrif joe.

then i looked at sheriff joe's wiki page, which reads a lot like the phoenix new times articles.

then there are the obots with their "this is the last nail in the coffin of birtherism", a mantra going on eight or nine (years).

i told the obots, my money is still on sheriff joe, and mike zullo, and of course jerry corsi, whom is the original father of questioning the obama provenance.

then there is bill ayers, who used to steal identities from graveyards, then make documents about them, while he was on the run from the government for being a domestic terrorist.

so there's a lot to cover. i listened to the mike volin show this week and it occurred to me the scope of this story.

the discussion was the betrayal papers: BETRAYAL PAPERS Archives - The American Report

to this day i feel like we were misled about mr. obama, that there is something about his past the has been omitted, or intentionally covered up. that this story is still open and alive, with so many elements and layers (pun intended). there is still so much we don't know, so the coffin remains open for now.

the cream hasn't finished rising to the top.

The Loathsome Phoenix New Times 6 690 Hate-Filled Articles Against Russell Pearce

Phoenix New Times and Sex Trafficking of Children.
Phoenix New Times is owned by the Village Voice Media, the same company that owns BackPage.com, which is the largest source for adult services listings on the Internet. Its ads for “escort services,” includes selling children’s sexual services to pedophiles. Sex trafficking is a multi-million dollar business. The two primary share holders of Village Voice Media are Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin, founders of the Phoenix New Times. See Village Voice Pimps. See also Where Pimps Peddle their Goods.

Maricopa County Sheriff s Office controversies - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

this video is just incidental:

he hates nazis so he can't be all bad. i'll keep posting on this as i go.

the obots are welcome to join me here anytime, but here, nobody can have their thumb on the conversation kill switch, manipulate, omit or edit the commentary. i find it's less confusing to the readers this way.

we can always count on you with your obsession over obama being a foreigner instead of being more concerned about the government murdering 3000 of its citizens.
is bill ayers an obot ??

i believe abercrombie is a/the shill.:rolleyes:

"It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that. It’s an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office."

"He’s a big boy; he can take sticks and stones. But there’s no reason on earth to have the memory of his parents insulted by people whose motivation is solely political," Mr. Abercrombie said. "Let’s put this particular canard to rest."

But on the matter of the birthers, Mr. Abercrombie grew serious. "I’m going to take care of that," he said. He says the critics who suggest that Mr. Obama’s mother slipped off to Kenya to give birth are engaging in a "demonological fantasy."

"My thought was, ‘Wait a minute, why didn’t you ask me, my friends in the national Congress, the House of Representatives?’ " he said. "They know me, they know that I was here, but they didn’t even bother to have the courtesy to do that, which is disappointing to me, because it is very difficult for me not to conclude that bills like that are meant as a coded message that he is not really American. My thought is, rather than get into some kind of argument or play into that mentality, why not just simply try to authenticate this and let the facts speak for themselves?"

one great thing the obots have done well is to isolate the conversation. they thought that the conspiracy section would be out of site. but just the opposite is true. the birther threads are longer lasting more easily available, and easier to retrieve here.

consider this, why are they so vehement to this day? a lot of the arguing obots have since disappeared. the rest here know who they are... me too. :)

Released NATO Study On Internet Trolls Examiner Reminds Americans About Anti-Birther Obot Trolls - Birther Report
A couple of points:

1) Hillary Clinton and her campaign were the 1st ones to question his birth certificate after he overtook her in the polls. It wasn't a Conservative or the TEA Party. It wasn't even 'just a Liberal' - It was Hillary!

2) Who cares where he is from. For me it was more all about Obama's admission that he was
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Socialist Saul Alynski and his book 'Rules For Radicals' (which has been an Obama administration Blue Print - read it and see...Obama even quoted from this book during his Inaugural address)
- Was mentored for decades by anti-American hate-spewing racist Jeremiah Wright
- Was friends with an un-repentent domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops
- To top it off his own daddy was an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world influence and power

These are the people who influenced him and made him into who he was, as can be see throughout his Presidency

For his 2nd term election campaign, for example, the man actually hard the kinards to openly select not only a historically recognized Socialist Symbol for his re-election campaign but he also used the equally historically known Socialist slogan 'Upward' as his re-election slogan. When these facts were pointed out to Obama he REFUSED to change them.
- This was Obama neig so arrogant (and correct) that he thought he could openly selct a socialist slogan and symbol for his re-election campaign and people would still vote for him..and they did.

The important thing has NEVER been about where he was from but WHO HE IS!
A couple of points:

1) Hillary Clinton and her campaign were the 1st ones to question his birth certificate after he overtook her in the polls. It wasn't a Conservative or the TEA Party. It wasn't even 'just a Liberal' - It was Hillary!

2) Who cares where he is from. For me it was more all about Obama's admission that he was
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Socialist Saul Alynski and his book 'Rules For Radicals' (which has been an Obama administration Blue Print - read it and see...Obama even quoted from this book during his Inaugural address)
- Was mentored for decades by anti-American hate-spewing racist Jeremiah Wright
- Was friends with an un-repentent domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops
- To top it off his own daddy was an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world influence and power

These are the people who influenced him and made him into who he was, as can be see throughout his Presidency

For his 2nd term election campaign, for example, the man actually hard the kinards to openly select not only a historically recognized Socialist Symbol for his re-election campaign but he also used the equally historically known Socialist slogan 'Upward' as his re-election slogan. When these facts were pointed out to Obama he REFUSED to change them.
- This was Obama neig so arrogant (and correct) that he thought he could openly selct a socialist slogan and symbol for his re-election campaign and people would still vote for him..and they did.

The important thing has NEVER been about where he was from but WHO HE IS!
i don't think it's yet clear who was the first birther. it depends on what the definition of birther is.... is

but this is interesting reading... myalinski.com

but you are correct the left is good a minimizing radicalism... and taking full and complete advantage of voter apathy...
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A couple of points:

1) Hillary Clinton and her campaign were the 1st ones to question his birth certificate after he overtook her in the polls. It wasn't a Conservative or the TEA Party. It wasn't even 'just a Liberal' - It was Hillary!

2) Who cares where he is from. For me it was more all about Obama's admission that he was
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Socialist Saul Alynski and his book 'Rules For Radicals' (which has been an Obama administration Blue Print - read it and see...Obama even quoted from this book during his Inaugural address)
- Was mentored for decades by anti-American hate-spewing racist Jeremiah Wright
- Was friends with an un-repentent domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops
- To top it off his own daddy was an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world influence and power

These are the people who influenced him and made him into who he was, as can be see throughout his Presidency

For his 2nd term election campaign, for example, the man actually hard the kinards to openly select not only a historically recognized Socialist Symbol for his re-election campaign but he also used the equally historically known Socialist slogan 'Upward' as his re-election slogan. When these facts were pointed out to Obama he REFUSED to change them.
- This was Obama neig so arrogant (and correct) that he thought he could openly selct a socialist slogan and symbol for his re-election campaign and people would still vote for him..and they did.

The important thing has NEVER been about where he was from but WHO HE IS!
i don't think it's yet clear who was the first birther. it depends on what the definition of birther is.... is

but this is interesting reading... myalinski.com

but you are correct the left is good a minimizing radicalism... and taking full and complete advantage of voter apathy...

It was proven...Hillary's campaign 1st brought up Obama's birth certificate when his campaign overtook hers in the race. Liberals, of course, could not allow one of their own with being credited as being a 'birther', so they shifted the blame (a historically recorded, time-honored Liberal tradition) to the TEA Party. (Obama has kept up that tradition by blaming everyone for everything during his time as President.)
this is interesting. the is colorlines and raceforward, tracking down names, any connection to fogbow or chicago ?

weird, for a non issue that nobody talks about for eight years now.

Obama Conspiracy Theories - Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud, since 2008

Jeb Bush campaign flyer gives him a black hand



My Man Trump was right on it. i'd give anything to be in the Trump political war room. the best and the brightest for sure.

like the nordyke twins and those newspaper announcements., they use it as "evidence" to advance their agenda. very strange indeed.

Obama Conspiracy Theories - Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud, since 2008
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