Obama calls on congress: We must help Puerto Rico

Once the Puerto Ricans vote to become the 51st state, sure. Until then, NFW.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

Considering BOTH my in-laws were born there and my wife lived there for several years in her youth I am well aware of the status of PR.

Having visited there two years ago, I can personally speak to the beauty of the island and its inhabitants. I can also speak to the Spanish-centric cilture and populace, their general disdain for their status as part of the US, and the desire of all but the youngest generations to be their own nation again.

In my mind they should be eequired to have a vote in the next few years, with o ly 2 options...... Statehood or Independence with NO support from the US. Make them choose whether to shit or get off the pot.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

I think some of them get it now but a few months ago, there were several RWs who didn't.

The US wiped out PR's agriculture and manufacturing and promised them financial security.

Of course we should rescue them just as we would rescue, oh, say, Texass. Oh wait, we already DO rescue Texass.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.
They have a higher GDP than 14 red states. I say we save them. They pay taxes and get shit in return for it. Helping them out is the least the U.S. could do.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:

To quote a good PR friend of mine, "PR would be a great place if it had 2 million fewer Puerto Ricans". You'd need to spend a few years there to know how right he was.
whatever happened to the wails of how we shouldn't be doing nation building we heard while bush was in office? now all of sudden not only do we need to help this place, and every nation over in the Middle East after Obama has went over and bombed seven different countries. and because of that it's created a crisis of massive amounts of people barging into other countries creating a crisis for them. and now we are told we need to help all the people around the world we should just open our country over to them to.

this man would do good to help us for a change. but we know that isn't his plans for us. we are going down because we were too high and mighty in his eyes
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You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:

To quote a good PR friend of mine, "PR would be a great place if it had 2 million fewer Puerto Ricans". You'd need to spend a few years there to know how right he was.
Yeah half of my family was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and the other half spent at least a few years there after fleeing Cuba in the 60's. About a total of half of all those people are still there. All are successful. And while many of them freely admit that Puerto Rico has it's problems, as I do, none of them hate Puerto Rico.

So OKTexas, you can go fuck yourself. Puerto Ricans pay taxes to the U.S. They have fought and died for the U.S. The U.S. makes a ton of money off of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has a higher GDP than 14 U.S. states.

The U.S. OWNS Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico doesn't even have a vote! If the U.S. lets Puerto Rico die, then that's as despicable a thing as the U.S. has ever done. And it'll prove to the world that hateful Americans like yourself are the norm here.
They think they are, they have their own Olympic teams. It's been a corrupt shit hole for decades, they dug the hole, let them figure out a way to fill it in.

Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:

To quote a good PR friend of mine, "PR would be a great place if it had 2 million fewer Puerto Ricans". You'd need to spend a few years there to know how right he was.
Yeah half of my family was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and the other half spent at least a few years there after fleeing Cuba in the 60's. About a total of half of all those people are still there. All are successful. And while many of them freely admit that Puerto Rico has it's problems, as I do, none of them hate Puerto Rico.

So OKTexas, you can go fuck yourself. Puerto Ricans pay taxes to the U.S. They have fought and died for the U.S. The U.S. makes a ton of money off of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has a higher GDP than 14 U.S. states.

The U.S. OWNS Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico doesn't even have a vote! If the U.S. lets Puerto Rico die, then that's as despicable a thing as the U.S. has ever done. And it'll prove to the world that hateful Americans like yourself are the norm here.

As most regressivecrats you're assuming facts not in evidence. I would love to retire in PR the islands are beautiful, but I refuse to live in a prison. Go into any community and each house looks like a jail, bars everywhere. When I lived there they were the carjacking capital of the US, you didn't dare stop at a light after dark. And from what I've been told by friends it's worse overall now than it was then. Also they pay no federal income taxes, they do pay SS, but they also get to draw on it. And yes they do serve in the US military, they are citizens, but their politics stink to high heaven. Their politics and mismanagement put them in the hole, we have no obligation to dig them out.
Well, right on cue - a rabid RW who does not know what PR's relationship is to the US.

No, they did not dig the hole. Study some history. Educate yourself.

Actually, the tee potty mayor took over San Juan and cheated and stole to their heart's content. He's been voted out now but really, he did incredible damage.

RWs also don't know that PR has a rep in congress.

No vote - just an office.

I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:

To quote a good PR friend of mine, "PR would be a great place if it had 2 million fewer Puerto Ricans". You'd need to spend a few years there to know how right he was.
Yeah half of my family was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and the other half spent at least a few years there after fleeing Cuba in the 60's. About a total of half of all those people are still there. All are successful. And while many of them freely admit that Puerto Rico has it's problems, as I do, none of them hate Puerto Rico.

So OKTexas, you can go fuck yourself. Puerto Ricans pay taxes to the U.S. They have fought and died for the U.S. The U.S. makes a ton of money off of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has a higher GDP than 14 U.S. states.

The U.S. OWNS Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico doesn't even have a vote! If the U.S. lets Puerto Rico die, then that's as despicable a thing as the U.S. has ever done. And it'll prove to the world that hateful Americans like yourself are the norm here.

As most regressivecrats you're assuming facts not in evidence. I would love to retire in PR the islands are beautiful, but I refuse to live in a prison. Go into any community and each house looks like a jail, bars everywhere. When I lived there they were the carjacking capital of the US, you didn't dare stop at a light after dark. And from what I've been told by friends it's worse overall now than it was then. Also they pay no federal income taxes, they do pay SS, but they also get to draw on it. And yes they do serve in the US military, they are citizens, but their politics stink to high heaven. Their politics and mismanagement put them in the hole, we have no obligation to dig them out.
Then stop commenting about PR. You obviously don't give a fuck. You have no physical or emotional investment there. You've pretty much said that you want the island to crash and burn.

Do you know why there are bars on windows and doors over there? Of course you don't.

I greatly doubt you lived 6 years on the island. If you did it must have been completely sheltered from the real PR. Did you even learn any spanish?
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

I think some of them get it now but a few months ago, there were several RWs who didn't.

The US wiped out PR's agriculture and manufacturing and promised them financial security.

Of course we should rescue them just as we would rescue, oh, say, Texass. Oh wait, we already DO rescue Texass.
...and what is this administration doing to help farmers in this country
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

I think some of them get it now but a few months ago, there were several RWs who didn't.

The US wiped out PR's agriculture and manufacturing and promised them financial security.

Of course we should rescue them just as we would rescue, oh, say, Texass. Oh wait, we already DO rescue Texass.
...and what is this administration doing to help farmers in this country
You mean besides subsidizing the FUCK out of them? And tossing excess production into landfills?

Was yours a serious question?
Good to know that Barry is not taxing his brain with real problems, like destroying ISIS, growing our economy, or funding our military.
You do understand that PR is a US territory and not a separate country, right?

Oh, you didn't?

Perhaps you should educate yourselves on the subject before posting, then.

I think some of them get it now but a few months ago, there were several RWs who didn't.

The US wiped out PR's agriculture and manufacturing and promised them financial security.

Of course we should rescue them just as we would rescue, oh, say, Texass. Oh wait, we already DO rescue Texass.
...and what is this administration doing to help farmers in this country
You mean besides subsidizing the FUCK out of them? And tossing excess production into landfills?

Was yours a serious question?
and yours was pathetic answer. You know nothing about farming. Or the stupidity that this administration puts out on the agriculture community
I lived there for 6.5 years, I think I most likely have a much better handle on it than you do. And you just verified what I said about the corruption.
Oh you lived there for 6.5 years? And you don't give a fuck about what happens to it?

Good for you loser. :fu:

To quote a good PR friend of mine, "PR would be a great place if it had 2 million fewer Puerto Ricans". You'd need to spend a few years there to know how right he was.
Yeah half of my family was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and the other half spent at least a few years there after fleeing Cuba in the 60's. About a total of half of all those people are still there. All are successful. And while many of them freely admit that Puerto Rico has it's problems, as I do, none of them hate Puerto Rico.

So OKTexas, you can go fuck yourself. Puerto Ricans pay taxes to the U.S. They have fought and died for the U.S. The U.S. makes a ton of money off of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has a higher GDP than 14 U.S. states.

The U.S. OWNS Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico doesn't even have a vote! If the U.S. lets Puerto Rico die, then that's as despicable a thing as the U.S. has ever done. And it'll prove to the world that hateful Americans like yourself are the norm here.

As most regressivecrats you're assuming facts not in evidence. I would love to retire in PR the islands are beautiful, but I refuse to live in a prison. Go into any community and each house looks like a jail, bars everywhere. When I lived there they were the carjacking capital of the US, you didn't dare stop at a light after dark. And from what I've been told by friends it's worse overall now than it was then. Also they pay no federal income taxes, they do pay SS, but they also get to draw on it. And yes they do serve in the US military, they are citizens, but their politics stink to high heaven. Their politics and mismanagement put them in the hole, we have no obligation to dig them out.
Then stop commenting about PR. You obviously don't give a fuck. You have no physical or emotional investment there. You've pretty much said that you want the island to crash and burn.

Do you know why there are bars on windows and doors over there? Of course you don't.

I greatly doubt you lived 6 years on the island. If you did it must have been completely sheltered from the real PR. Did you even learn any spanish?

There ya go, assuming again. It's the government I want to crash. I learned enough Spanish to get by, and I saw more of the islands that make up PR than most of the natives I worked with. I also did volunteer work in may of the communities and worked on a fund raising campaign to raise AIDS awareness. I put many hours and many dollars into those islands and the vast majority of the ricans could have cared less, they have no respect for what they have. Just spend a few hours driving on the highways and count how many times people throw trash out of their cars. And I know exactly why the have all those bars and protection from hurricane debris is a secondary benefit. If you want to do some diving or snorkeling I can tell ya some great places away from all the tourist.

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