Obama cares biggest losers... the middle class

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Like we didn't see this coming.

New health law frustrates many in middle class

Ginger Chapman and her husband, Doug, are sitting on the health care cliff.

The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before.

Even more striking, for the Chapmans, is this fact: If they made just a few thousand dollars less a year — below $94,200 — their costs would be cut in half, because a family like theirs could qualify for federal subsidies.

The Chapmans acknowledge that they are better off than many people, but they represent a little-understood reality of the Affordable Care Act. While the act clearly benefits those at the low end of the income scale — and rich people can continue to afford even the most generous plans — people like the Chapmans are caught in the uncomfortable middle: not poor enough for help, but not rich enough to be indifferent to cost.

"We are just right over that line," said Ms. Chapman, who is 54 and does administrative work for a small wealth management firm. Because their plan is being canceled, she is looking for new coverage for her family, which includes Mr. Chapman, 55, a retired fireman who works on a friend's farm, and her two sons. "That's an insane amount of money," she said of their new premium. "How are you supposed to pay that?"
hey they can afford it right? Obama care = trickle up poor
More complete bs from the Pub propaganda machine...

Yeah, that infamous Pub propaganda machine known as the New York Times. :rofl:

Look at the facts. I know you can. There is a cliff. Middle class families who make just under the cut off get subsidies. Middle class families who make just over the cutoff take a huge hit.
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More complete bs from the Pub propaganda machine...

Why does the left refuse to admit that ObamaCare is a disaster.
Even after story after story comes out stating so.

More hater pub dupe lies.....

They just don't want to admit their Supreme leader fucked the whole thing up...

At some point they will not be able to cover for him...
The people who need it are getting help- those with pre-existing, poor workers, and the middle class. They wouldn't get anywhere near half off at 94k...
Our existing plan ends Dec 31..and we had to reapply getting a plan with higher rates then come Feb we are dropped from Emblem for good.
I now have temporary insurance through the company just to cover us for the short term...
High deductibles,higher co pays...Then we have to start all over looking for another company to cover us.
We are probably going to get the same deal...Higher costs for our coverage...

Whatever happened to Obama's promise....

Oh yeah.... He lied...

Thanks Obama
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Like we didn't see this coming.

New health law frustrates many in middle class

Ginger Chapman and her husband, Doug, are sitting on the health care cliff.

The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before.

Even more striking, for the Chapmans, is this fact: If they made just a few thousand dollars less a year — below $94,200 — their costs would be cut in half, because a family like theirs could qualify for federal subsidies.

The Chapmans acknowledge that they are better off than many people, but they represent a little-understood reality of the Affordable Care Act. While the act clearly benefits those at the low end of the income scale — and rich people can continue to afford even the most generous plans — people like the Chapmans are caught in the uncomfortable middle: not poor enough for help, but not rich enough to be indifferent to cost.

"We are just right over that line," said Ms. Chapman, who is 54 and does administrative work for a small wealth management firm. Because their plan is being canceled, she is looking for new coverage for her family, which includes Mr. Chapman, 55, a retired fireman who works on a friend's farm, and her two sons. "That's an insane amount of money," she said of their new premium. "How are you supposed to pay that?"

$1000.00/month for a family of four and they're COMPLAINING?
Spoiled Brats!
Under the supposed Free Market my family of four was paying that LITTLE about 4 years ago and it was going up by at least $500.00/month for the last 3 years.
Like we didn't see this coming.

New health law frustrates many in middle class

Ginger Chapman and her husband, Doug, are sitting on the health care cliff.

The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before.

Even more striking, for the Chapmans, is this fact: If they made just a few thousand dollars less a year — below $94,200 — their costs would be cut in half, because a family like theirs could qualify for federal subsidies.

The Chapmans acknowledge that they are better off than many people, but they represent a little-understood reality of the Affordable Care Act. While the act clearly benefits those at the low end of the income scale — and rich people can continue to afford even the most generous plans — people like the Chapmans are caught in the uncomfortable middle: not poor enough for help, but not rich enough to be indifferent to cost.

"We are just right over that line," said Ms. Chapman, who is 54 and does administrative work for a small wealth management firm. Because their plan is being canceled, she is looking for new coverage for her family, which includes Mr. Chapman, 55, a retired fireman who works on a friend's farm, and her two sons. "That's an insane amount of money," she said of their new premium. "How are you supposed to pay that?"

$1000.00/month for a family of four and they're COMPLAINING?
Spoiled Brats!
Under the supposed Free Market my family of four was paying that LITTLE about 4 years ago and it was going up by at least $500.00/month for the last 3 years.
You still on mom and dad's plan, junior? Another ill informed post from the chief juvenile delinquent of USMB.
Like we didn't see this coming.

New health law frustrates many in middle class

Ginger Chapman and her husband, Doug, are sitting on the health care cliff.

The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before.

Even more striking, for the Chapmans, is this fact: If they made just a few thousand dollars less a year — below $94,200 — their costs would be cut in half, because a family like theirs could qualify for federal subsidies.

The Chapmans acknowledge that they are better off than many people, but they represent a little-understood reality of the Affordable Care Act. While the act clearly benefits those at the low end of the income scale — and rich people can continue to afford even the most generous plans — people like the Chapmans are caught in the uncomfortable middle: not poor enough for help, but not rich enough to be indifferent to cost.

"We are just right over that line," said Ms. Chapman, who is 54 and does administrative work for a small wealth management firm. Because their plan is being canceled, she is looking for new coverage for her family, which includes Mr. Chapman, 55, a retired fireman who works on a friend's farm, and her two sons. "That's an insane amount of money," she said of their new premium. "How are you supposed to pay that?"

$1000.00/month for a family of four and they're COMPLAINING?
Spoiled Brats!
Under the supposed Free Market my family of four was paying that LITTLE about 4 years ago and it was going up by at least $500.00/month for the last 3 years.

Your family not having affordable insurance doesn't justify Obama taking affordable insurance away from people who did have it.
This country is in the midst of an 8 year abusive relationship. Most of us asked for it- twice.

This is typical behavior of those at the receiving end of abuse- they welcome it, forgive the aggressor, and most often blame themselves- all the while enabling their partner.

Meanwhile, such behavior affects everyone else in the circle of friends and relatives - those who "didn't ask for it". Sure we complain but there's little to nothing that we can do about it.

We're along for the ride. The ride into the hell of the abused.

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